Pope Benedict XVI - Angelus



December 23 - On the Visitation
December 16 - On the Fruits of Conversion
December 9 - On Awaiting the Coming of the Lord
December 8 - On the Immaculate Conception
December 2 - On Advent
November 25 - On Christ the King
November 11 - On Trusting God
November 4 - On God's Love
October 21 - Let us Turn to Her Who is Queen of All Saints
October 7 - On the Holy Rosary
September 30 - On the Good Done Outside the Church Community
September 16 - On Violence and Conflict
September 9 - A Small Word of Infinite Meaning
September 2 - "On the Law of God"
August 26 - "We Understand because We Have Believed"
August 19 - "Rediscover the Beauty of the Eucharist"
August 15 - "Mary's Assumption into Heaven is the Mystery of the Passover of Christ Fully Realized in Her"
August 12 - "On Man's Hunger for Jesus, the True Bread of Life"
August 5 - "The True Bread of Life...
Comes to Us Only as a Gift of God's Love
July 29 - "On Feeding Ourselves...on Truth,
on Love, on Christ, on Christ's Body
July 22 - "On God, the Shepherd of Humanity"
July 15 - On St. Bonaventure
"The Work of Christ and of the Church Never
Regresses but always Progresses"
July 1 - On Two Miraculous Healings and a Call for Faith
"Healing...Bestows God's Grace on Those Who are Open to Him in Faith"
June 24 - On John the Baptist
"Let us Heed his Voice Today, and Make Room for the Lord in our Hearts"
June 17 - On the Lord's Kingdom
"Our Diminutive Power...if it is Joined to God's,
Fears no Obstacle because the Lord's Victory is Certain"
June 3 - I Encourage You to Always be in Solidarity with the Families who are Experincing Great Hardships
May 20 - On the Ascension
May 13 - On Our Lady of Comfort
May 6 - On the Vine and the Branches
"Remaining Always United to Jesus, Relying on Him, is Indispensable"
April 29 - On Vocations
"The Lord Always Calls, but Often We Do not Hear Him"
April 22 - "On Recognizing the Risen Lord"
April 15 - "On Encountering the Risen Christ"
March 25 - "True Devotion to Mary always Takes us to Jesus"
March 18 - On Journeying with Jesus through the Desert
"A Ttime...to Listen Carefully to God's Voice"
March 11 - On the Cleansing of the Temple
"Violence does not Serve Humanity, it Dehumanizes"
March 4 - On Preparing for the Passion
"We all Have Need of Interior Light to Overcome Life's Trials"
February 26 - On Lent
"Renewing Our Relationship with God"
February 19 - On Peter's Mission
"To Feed the Flock of Christ, Keeping It United in Faith and Charity"
February 12 - On Jesus, 'the Leper'
"Every Barrier between God and Human Impurity...is Torn Down"
February 5 - On the Paradox of Illness
"Christ Came to Conquer Evil at its Root"
January 29 - On Authority as Service
"God 'Cannot Will Anything if Not Our Good'"
January 22 - On Christian Unity
"Unity Demands Our Daily Commitment"
January 15 - On the Role of Spiritual Guides
"Helping those Called to 'Recognize the Voice of God and Follow it'"
January 9 - On Being Children
"Each One of Us is Willed, is Loved by God"
January 6: On the Light of the Gospel
"The Church, Thanks to the Word of God, Sees through the Fog"

Archive of Angelus' from 2011...

Archive of Angelus' from 2010...

Archive of Angelus' from 2009...

Archive of Angelus' from 2008...

Archive of Angelus' from 2005 through 2007...

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