Consecrated Hearts- Teachings SCTJM

Call to love with ardent and undivided hearts

"You have not only a glorious history to remember and to recount, but also a great history still to be accomplished.
Look to the future, where the Spirit is sending you in order to do even greater things. Make your lives a fervent expectation of Christ;
go forth to meet him like the wise virgins setting out to meet the Bridegroom. Be always ready, faithful to Christ, the Church,
 to your Institute and to the men and women of our time".
(Vita Consecrata, 110)

Teachings SCTJM on Consecrated Life
To Be Inflamed In Love for Christ -Mother Adela In Persona Christi… Sr. Martha Maria
A Love Capable of Faithfulness-Mother Adela How to Discern God's Will, Part I- Sr. Juana M.
Christ Calls You to Himself- Sr. Maria Jose Be Not Afraid- to seminarians-Mother Adela
The Call of God to Religious Life- Sr. Veronica M.  

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