All for the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary!

In Persona Christi…
Sr. Martha Maria Gomez-Chow, sctjm

Scriptural Meditation on the Priesthood

Before your Real Presence
my heart hears your voice saying:

Reverence The Lord with all your soul
and venerate his priests.
Love your Creator with all your strength
and do not abandon his ministers.

They are my chosen ones and your brothers.
They are a gift I bestow upon you.
Like a free service
I give you their priesthood.

They are called servants no more.
They are my friends…my chosen ones
and the secrets of my Heart
have been revealed to them.

To the Divine Pelican, the High and Eternal Priest
to Jesus Christ: honor, thanksgiving
glory and praise in his holy ministers.
What would become of us without your priests?
Where O Lord would we go for your Sustenance?
Who would give us our daily Bread?

We believe in your Eternal Word…
In the One and Triune God, together with them we celebrate
and in your Love
We live, and move and exist…

(Ref. Ps. 27:8; Sir 7:29-31; Nu:18:6-7;Jn 15:15; He 3:1: Jn 6:68-69; Ac 17:28)

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