![]() A lecture by Fr. Avelino González -Ferrer Introduction Good evening and happy Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. It’s a blessing to talk on the History and Mystery of the Rosary on this feast day since the Rosary itself speaks of conversion and the deepening of faith. Conversion is a life project but it should have definitive moments in our life. I want to thank Grand Knight Otto Heck and the Patrick Cardinal O’Boyle Council for proposing and sponsoring this talk on one of the most important prayers of the Catholic Church after the Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass. Context Ten years ago on October 16th, 2002, on the Year of the Rosary, Blessed Pope John Paul II published his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae (“The Rosary of the Virgin Mary”) and dedicated it to Bishops, Clergy, and Faithful. It was through this letter that the “luminous mysteries” where added to the “Most Holy Rosary.” The Holy Father writes this apostolic letter in the second year of the Third Millennium and describes this letter as a “complement” to his previous Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte (“At the Close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000”). The latter being the letter where he calls all the faithful to a New Evangelization in the life of the Church – we hear a lot of talk today about the New Evangelization; this is where it comes from. The New Evangelization according to Pope John Paul II can only be accomplished by Christ through his Church. And the first step to this process of evangelization is to know and love Him who loved us first by contemplating His Face through prayer and worship. The fact that Pope John Paul II felt “drawn to offer a reflection on the Rosary” cannot be overemphasized given the deep prayer life of this spiritual giant and his love for the Blessed Mother. In a sense, the Holy Father presents the Rosary (with its added luminous mysteries) as the key into the School of Mary which trains us for the New Evangelization. A term I will come back to later. It should also be highlighted that our reflection this evening comes at the cusp of not only the 10th anniversary of Blessed Pope John Paul II’s Rosarium Virginis Mariae but also at the cusp of the 50th Jubilee Year of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (on October 11, 1962) and the Year of Faith declared by Pope Benedict XVI in his apostolic letter this past October 11, 2011. I recommend to everyone to read the recent document - Note with pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith released this past January 6 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It presents a whole program for this great Jubilee Year. Today, however, one gets the idea that the place of the Rosary in the life of a Catholic is nominal if not light years away from where it was just 50 years ago. I believe it is because of this that there is great misunderstanding and confusion as to what the Holy Rosary is and what power there is in the Rosary in fortifying the Christian life. In part, the unfortunate devaluation of the Rosary can be attributed to the overall de-emphasis of popular devotion in the Church after the Second Vatican Council. There was a well deserved emphasis on the Liturgy and full participation rather than the praying of the Rosary during mass. However, the consequence was that the Rosary was seen in a negative light – basically another form of external piety that needed to be replaced with theo-praxis in the key of social justice. The Rosary has made a significant comeback in the last decades in large part because of the example of Blessed Pope John Paul II and his devotion to the Blessed Mother. In Rosarium Virginis Mariae Pope John Paul II makes clear that the Rosary does not conflict with the Liturgy but rather sustains it since it serves as an excellent introduction and faithful echo of the Liturgy enabling full participation. History of the Rosary Where does the Rosary come from? According to tradition the Rosary was a gift to the Church by the Blessed Virgin Mary in response to the great heresy of Albigensianism. It is important to note the nature of this heresy since it has many parallels to our present culture. St. Dominic, a Spanish nobleman from Castile, who came from a saintly family, formed the Dominican order in order to witness and preach to the people against the Albigensian heresy. According to tradition St. Dominic, who had a particular love for the Blessed Mother, became downhearted by the enormity of the heresies of his time and went into the forest near Toulouse, France to spend three days and nights in a spiritual retreat and prayer. During this time the Blessed Mother appeared to him accompanied by three queens and fifty maidens. The Blessed Mother explained to him that preaching in itself would be insufficient to convert the Albigensians and that a higher illuminating grace from the Holy Spirit was needed. She asked St. Dominic – “Do you know which weapon the Holy Trinity wants [to use in order] to reform the world?” He answered properly that the Blessed Mother would know better than him. The Blessed Motehr continued, “I want you to know that the battering ram in this of warfare has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation stone of the NT. Therefore, if you want to reach these hardened hearts and win them over to God, preach my Psalter.” I want to speak now on the reality of the difficulties one experiences with the recitation of the Holy Rosary. These difficulties can only be overcome by, as St. Paul said, a transformation of the mind. We have to think differently on what we are actually doing when we pray the Rosary. It is not as many think repetitive babbling. The Rosary is structured around the number 10. And there are 5 decades. The repetition can seem monotonous unless we understand what the repetition is all about. First of all, the nature of repetitive prayer allows one to enter into a ‘rhythm of prayer.’ There is a silencing of the interior self with the breathing involved in repetition of prayer – this is sometimes called mantra prayer like the Jesus Prayer used by the Orthodox Church. When I use the word mantra here I am not referring to eastern mantra prayer where there is a magical power associated with the prayer. I am using mantra in context of its most basic definition as the repetition of a word or sound to help mediation. The calming effect of the repetition is part of the fruit of the Rosary. The Apostles Creed, Our Father, and the Hail Maries recited in the Rosary are all biblically based and allow us to enter into a multidimensional modal prayer as we contemplate the four mysteries of the Rosary while at the same time we pray the individual prayers. This makes the Rosary an involved and complex prayer if done right. We should be aware that in contemplating the mysteries of the Rosary we exercise one of the most basic principal s of the Christian life – to remember. In praying the Rosary we remember step by step how Our Lord conquered Death, Sin, and Satan. It is a way of contemplating the whole life of Christ and entering into the mystery of the divine life of Christ. Notice that in the process of this ‘remembering’ we allow a flood of images into our mind. The imagery is often helped by Rosary booklets that have artistic renditions of each mystery of the Rosary. The calling to mind of holy or sacred images is a wonderful help in our spiritual battle which is a battle of images…mental images. The Number 10 and Its Significance But there is something else… The number ten has great significance. Biblically speaking the number 10 has to do with perfection. Rabbinical commentaries make note that in the first chapter of Genesis (the first creation narrative) the phrase “And God said…” appears 10 times in the Hebrew text. Consequently, the rabbis reason that all of Creation was created with 10 words (or phrases) of God. A Talmudic homily on this suggest that the reason why we have 10 fingers and ten toes is so that we may never forget that we have been created by God who spoke ten times and created everything. Hence, the number 10 has to do with Creation. The Father of the Church, St. Bernard, teaches that with Mary’s fiat the world undergoes a re-creation through the graces of the Incarnation - a re-creation that is still in process until the Second Coming. Mary’s cooperation with the Will of God and her response of total submission to that will with her fiat – “I am the handmaid of the Lord be it done to me according to thy word” allows for the Redemption of not just humanity but of all Creation. St. Bernard in his homily – The whole world awaits Mary’s reply – in Praise of the Virgin Mother speaks with the greatest of eloquence to this glorious moment in history. As we pray the decades we are then remembering the 10 words of Mary that changed salvation history; hoping that we can also give God our own fiat of fidelity to his will. Let us enter into the School of Mary then which Blessed Pope John Paul II spoke of in his encyclical. Let us enter into the mystery of God through the Mother of God. Let us enter into the heart of her Son and behold Him face to face through her intercession and the protection of her most chaste spouse St. Joseph. Ad Jesum per Mariam. Mary seat of Wisdom – Pray for Us! Mary's Promises
Fr. Avelino Gonzalez is a priest for the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. He graduated with a licentiate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University and was ordained a priest in 2006. He is currently the pastor of St. Joseph's Parish on Capitol Hill.
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