Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Hearts of Jesus and Mary: hope of humanity

"It is altogether fitting to seek to deepen the awareness of the intimate relationship between the Two Hearts
and the value for our own day of authentic devotion and consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary”
(John Paul II- Nov 23, 1987- to the Symposium on the Two Hearts)

Heart of Jesus
All on the Pierced Hearts - SCTJM
     (The Sacred and Immaculate Heart)

Devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Nine First Fridays
All on the Divine Mercy Devotion - SCTJM
All on the Holy Spirit - SCTJM

Rev. Luciano Alimandi
      - The "Sea of Love"

Mother Angelica
      - Love is not Loved
      - In His Sandals
      - Jesus My Savior
Archbishop Burke
      - The Revelation of Divine Mercy
      - Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Msgr. Arthur Calkins
      - Pope John Paul II on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
         Theology of Reparation

      - Virginal Conception and Birth of Jesus Christ
Fr. Brian Dunn
      - Liturgical Theology of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
Fr. John Hardon
Doctrinal Foundation of Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Richard Hobbs
     - Waiting For New Life

Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
      - Jesus Christ the Selfless Servant
Don Marco, O.Cist
      - They Shall Look on Him Whom They Have Pierced
P. Milward, S.J.
      - Devotion To the Sacred Heart: Part I
      - Devotion To the Sacred Heart: Part II

Fr. William G. Most
      - Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Fr. Thomas Williams
      - Reawakening Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Dr. Brant Pitre
      - "The Blood and Water from the Side of Christ"

      -"Philippians 2: The Mind of Christ and the Secret of Joy"

Heart of Mary
Rev. Luciano Alimandi
      - Holy Mary, Give us your Spontaneity of Heart
      - The Humble Power of Mary
      - A Heart in Love with God's Will
      - Mother of Priests
      - Mary in the Heart of Every Christian
      - Mary, Mother of Our Self-Giving
      - Mother of our Surrender and Capitulation
      - Life Cannot be Understood Without the Rosary
Sylvie Barnay
      - Mary Through the Ages, Her Beauty Bespeaks the Beauty of God
Dr. Orestes Brownson
      - The Moral and Social Influence of Devotion to Mary
Archbishop Burke
      - Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Guadalupe

Douglas Bushman, STL
      - Celebrating the Sacraments with Mary
Msgr. Arthur Calkins
      - Pope John Paul II's Ordinary Magisterium
          on Marian Coredemption

      - The Truth of Marian Co-redemption
      - Why the Heart?
      - Our Lady's Virginity in Giving Birth
      - The Mystery of Mary Coredemptrix in the Papal Magisterium
      - Marian Consecration and Entrustment
Fr. Donald Calloway
How Powerful is Our Blessed Mother? (Video)
Fr. Rainero Cantalamessa
      - Mary Is a Model Who Works With Us and in Us
      - Mary, Mother and Model of the Priest
Fr. Jesús Castellano Cervera, OCD
      - Mary
: Model in Attentiveness, Prayer & Offering for the Pilgrim  
        Church in Divine Worship

Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC

      - Marian Consecration (Video)
Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, FI

      - Magnificat of Mary: Magnificat of the Church
      - Divine Maternity in the Council of Ephesus
      - The Sense of Marian Co-redemption
Joseph Freedy
      - Our Lady's Response
Fr. Avelino Gonzalez
     - The History and Mystery of the Rosary
Fr. John Hardon
The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Sanctification of the Family
      - The Magnificat: Mary's Own Prayer
Fr. Michael Hull
      - The Holy Eucharist and Marian Devotion
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.
     - Hail, Full of Grace
Interview with Fr. Langford

      - Mary's Light in Mother Teresa's Dark Night
Fr. François-Marie Léthel, O.C.D.
      - Marian Coredemption in the Light of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Fr. Corrado Maggioni
      - Mary, an Icon of the Church that Baptizes in Jesus Christ

Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
      - The Steadfast Prayer of Our Blessed Mother
      - Our Blessed Lady in the Documents of Vat. II
      -  The Virgin Birth

Sr. Thomas Mary Mc Bride, O.P.
      - Mary Archetype of the Church Accd. to Hans Von Balthasar
      - The Marian Theology of Von Balthasar and Co-redemption
Rev. Frederick Miller
      - Mary: Catechist at Fatima
Dr. Mark Miravalle
     -The "Yes" That Set Humanity Free
      - Mary in the Early Church
  - The Immaculate Conception and Co-redemptrix
      - The Mediatrix of Mercy, the Triumph of Divine Mercy,
          and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

      - A New Pentecost and the 5th Marian Dogma (video)
Fr. William A. Most
      - Mary in Our Life: The Queenship of Mary
      - Gabriel and the Mother of Christ
      - Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion
Cardinal Norberto Rivera
      - The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life and Ministry of the Priest
Fr. Johann G. Roten, S.M.
      - Meditation on the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Archbishop Fulton Sheen
      - All Mothers are Alike - Save One
Mary Shivanandan
      - Mary and the Gift of Life
Card. Christoph von Schoenborn, OP
      - Mary: Heart of Theology - Theology of the Heart
Fr. Max Thurian
      - Marian Profile of Ministry is Basis of Woman's Ecclesial Role
Adrienne von Speyr

      - Mary, Mediatrix of Self-Surrender
Mark and Louise Zwick
      - Reaction to Benedict XVI in Brazil: Our Lady of Guadalupe
          Bridges the Gap

Fr. Erich Fink
    - Following Our Lady to Russia
Fr. Dave Nix
      - Why Love Mary - Pt. 1 (Video)

The Power of the Rosary and the Battle of Lepanto

The Asssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Two Hearts
M. Arthur Calkins
      - Alliance of the Two Hearts
Fr. Michael Gaudoin-Parker
      - Living the Mystery of Love
Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
      - Eucharist and the Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
The Saints and the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
St. Aelred
     - Christ, the Model of Brotherly Love

St. Alphonsus de Liguori

      - Mary's Pure Heart
St. Anthony Francis Lucera
      - On the Immaculate Conception

St. Anastasius
       - It was Necessary that Christ Should Suffer and So Enter into His
St. Athanasius

      - On the Incarnation

St. Bernard of Clairvaux
      - The Whole World Awaits Mary's Reply: the Annunciation
          and the Fiat of Mary

St. Joseph Cupertino
      - From an Untitled Work on the Immaculate

St. John Eudes

      - Never Separate What God Has United
      - All the Glory of the King’s Daughter is Within
      - Heart of Mary, Mirror of God's Strength and Purity
St. Maximilian Kolbe
     - Why Mary is Our Mediatrix
      - On the Immaculate Conception
St. Leo the Great
      - The Mystery of Man's Reconciliation with God

      - The Birthday of the Lord is the Birthday of Peace
St. Louis de Montfort
      - The Rosary
    - The Son of God Became Man in Mary and through Mary
    - Letter to the Friends of the Cross
    -True Devotion to Mary
Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli
 - Padre Pio and the Mother Co-Redemptrix

Madeline Pecora Nugent, SFO

      - Blessed Bartolo Longo: Modern Rosary Saint

Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich
      - The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Ecclesial Documents
Letter from the Congregation for Catholic Education
      - The Virgin Mary in Intellectual and Spiritual Formation
Words of the Popes
Pope Pius IX
      - Ineffabilis Deus -
Apostolic Constitution - 1854


      - Annum Sacrum -
Encyclical - 1899
Pius XII
       - Munificentissimus Deus - 1950

      - Ad Caeli Reginam - 1954
      - Haurietis Aquas-
Encyclical - 1956
      - Ingruentium Malorum - Encyclical - 1951
Pope Paul VI
      - Signum Magnum-
Apostolic Exhortation - 1967
      - The Holy Spirit and Mary- Letter
John Paul II
      - Rosarium Virginis Marie - Apostolic Letter - 2002
HH. Benedict XVI
      - On 50th Anniv. of Enc. Haurietis Aquas

Teachings SCTJM
Mother Adela
      - At the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph
      - Mary and the Beloved Disciple at the Foot of the Cross

      - Mary, Model of Faith, Hope and Charity for
          the Third Millennium

      - The Two Hearts Have Designs of Mercy For Us
      - The Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
      - The Heart of Christ: Burning Furnace of Love
      - The Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Evils of Our Times
      - I Will Place Enmity Between You and the Woman
      - The Reign of the Eucharistic Heart: The Triumph of Love
      - The Spiritual Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
      - The Word Became Flesh in Mary's Womb
          by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Sr. Faustina Maria
      - The Heart in Sacred Scriptures
Sr. Christine Hernandez
      - The Supreme Love of the Religious Heart: The Heart of Jesus
Sr. Sara Marie Kowal
      - The Identification with the Blessed Virgin Mary:
           Unconditional Service to the Petrine Principle

      - "Bring the Young Hearts to my Heart" Peoria Notre Dame's Tribute to Our Lady
      - "Misery and Mercy" Peoria Notre Dame's Lenten Video 2015


Apparitions and Shrines (see more...)
Our Lady of Beauraing
      -Last Visionary of Beauraing has Passed Away
Our Lady of Czestochowa

Our Lady of La Salette
Our Lady of Lourdes
      -Pastoral Theme for Pilgrims Visiting Lourdes 2015
The Miraculous Medal
Our Lady of Fatima
The Third Part of the Secret of Fatima
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady in Garabandal
Mission of Nombre de Dios and Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche
Our Lady of Prayer - The Apparitions at L'Ile Bouchard
Our Lady of the Mystical Rose
Our Lady of Good Help Apparition
      -Wisconsin Shrine Draws Record Numbers After Approval of Apparition
Our Lady of the Poor
Our Lady of Laus

Our Lady of Altagracia
Our Lady of Akita

Our Lady of Aparecida
Our Lady of Mercy
Mother of Mercy
Meditation at the Hour of Mercy

Divine Mercy 101
Our Lady of Sorrows
Totally Yours- JPII
To the Merciful Heart- Mother Adela at Krakow
Litanies to the Divine Mercy
To Mary, Untier of Knots
Our Lady of the Smile
The Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother
Novena Prayers to Mary, Queen of Apostles
Novena to Mary, Queen of All Hearts
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer to Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Prayer to Jesus and Mary
Prayers of Consecrations to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Act of Collegial Consecration of the World and the Church to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Consecration to the Sacred Heart - St. Margaret Mary
Consecration to the Sacred Heart - Pope Pius XI
Consecration of Priests to the Sacred Heart
Mother Of All Peoples

The Mary Page
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mary's Project 
The Birth of Mary
The Miracle Hunter
Dictionary Published with 2,600 Apparitions of Our Lady
Is Seeing Believing? How the Church Faces Claims of Marian Apparitions
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Copyright © 2006 SCTJM