Sacred Liturgy - Advent 2010

Advent...invites us to pause in silence to understand a presence."
(H. H. Benedict XVI Homily November 28, 2009)


Begins: Advent is the beginning of the Liturgical Year and begins on a Sunday

Meaning: Advent comes from the Latin word adventus which means "arrival, presence, or coming." The season begins Sunday after the last Thursday in November and ends on December 24 and forms a unity with Christmas and Epiphany.

Duration: 4 weeks

Color: The liturgical color for this season is purple.

Sense: The sense of Advent is to arouse hope in the Lord among the faithful.

Parts: Advent can be said to have two parts:

         a) From the first Sunday to the December 16 has a marked eschatological character which gazes at the coming of the Lord at the end of times

         b) From December 17 to December 24 is called the "Holy Week" of Christmas and is directed at more explicit preparation for the coming of Jesus
             Christ in history at Christmas

People: The biblical readings of the Advent season are taken above all from the prophet Isaiah (first reading). It also gathers the most prophetic passages from the Old Testament that signal the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Mary of Nazareth are the models of believers that the Church offers to the faithful to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus.

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