Sacred Liturgy - Advent 2010

"Dear friends, Advent is the season of the presence and expectation of the eternal. For this very reason, it is in a particular way a period of joy, an interiorized joy that no suffering can diminish. It is joy in the fact that God made himself a Child. This joy, invisibly present within us, encourages us to journey on with confidence. A model and support of this deep joy is the Virgin Mary, through whom we were given the Infant Jesus. May she, a faithful disciple of her Son, obtain for us the grace of living this liturgical season alert and hardworking, while we wait."
 - H.H. Benedict XVI, Homily November 28, 2009

About the Season of Advent
         - The Meaning of Advent
      - The Advent Wreath
Prayers and Devotions
          - Prayers for the Lighting of the Advent Wreath

          - Christmas Novena
Reflections of the Pontiffs
          - H. H. Benedict XVI     

              - Advent and Christmas with Pope Benedict XVI
           - Homily for the First Sunday of Advent - November 27, 2010
              - Homily for the First Sunday of Advent - November 28, 2009
              - Homily for the First Sunday of Advent -
November 29, 2008

          - Venerable J
ohn Paul II
              - General Audience -
December 18, 2002
              - Angelus -
December 2, 2001    
              - General Audience -
December 20, 1978
              - General Audience -
December 13, 1978
              - General Audience -
December 6, 1978
              - General Audience
 - November 29, 1978 
Reflections and Meditations of the Saints
Remove All Obstacles to His Presence - St. Charles Borromeo
On the Incarnation
- St. Athanasius
Reflections and Meditations
          - "The Christian Answer to Atheist Scientism"
- First Advent Homily of Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap
          - "The Christian Response to Secularism" - Second Advent Homily of Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFMCap
Teachings and Writings of SCTJM
The Word Became Flesh -
Mother Adela Galindo, sctjm
          - The Advent of the Great Jubilee -
Mother Adela Galindo, sctjm
And the Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us - Sr. Silvia Tarafa, sctjm
Mary's Hope - Sr. Karla Maria Icaza, sctjm
The Hidden Years- A Poem by Sr. Ashleigh Heinrich, sctjm
- The Vatican Advent Page
- The USCCB Advent Page

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