Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Audio

Listen to the Homilies of...

The Word of the Lord



Fr. Joseph Rogers is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, and a graduate of the University of Notre Dame (BA). He received a Masters of Theological Studies (MTS) from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute at The Catholic University of America and a License in Biblical Theology (STL) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He is a member of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and served for five years as Pastor of St. John Neumann Parish in Gaithersburg, MD. He is currently in formation and discernment with the community of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Miami, Florida. Fr. Rogers was ordained a priest on May 26, 2007, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

2021 - Year B
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Cross Shines in the Darkness. The Priests of 9-11
4th Monday of Easter - Life-giving Repentance - A New Pentecost through the Sacrament of Reconciliation
4th Sunday of Easter - Everyone Needs Compassion, the Kindness of a Savior, Jesus the Good Shepherd
Easter Sunday - Jesus Vivet!
2020 - Year A
Feast of the Holy Family - (Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia) Volvamos a la escuela de Nazaret
Feast of St. Stephen - (Fiesta de San Estéban) Como San Estéban, seamos valientes y fieles
4th Thursday of Advent - (4to Juéves de Adviento) El Camino a Belén se construye a través del arrepentiminto y la fidelidad
4th Wednesday of Advent - (4to Miércoles de Adviento) Mi alma proclama la grandeza del Señor
4th Monday of Advent - (4to Lunes de Adviento) Escuhemos la voz de nuestra Señora
3rd Saturday of Advent - (3er Sábado de Adviento) Reflexionemos sobre el silencio de San José
3rd Wednesday of Advent - (3er Miércoles de Adviento) Aprendamos a escuchar a Jesús nuestra salvación
3rd Tuesday of Advent - (3er Martes de Adviento) Este Adviento Eliminemos todos nuestros malos pensamientos
3rd Monday of Advent - (3er Lunes de Adviento) Tengamos Corazones Abiertos para hacer la Voluntad de Dios
1st Friday of Advent - (1er Viernes de Adviento) Pongámos nuestra fe en Jesucristo
34th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (34 Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) Pidámos al Espíritu Santo un nuevo Pentecostés
34th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (34 Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Crezcamos en la sabiduría de Dios
33rd Thursday of Ordinary Time - (33 Juéves del Tiempo Ordinario) Démos una alabanza digna al León de Judá
33rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (33 Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) Conversión de corazón para recibir a Jesús
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - (33 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) We Need an Intervention from Heaven - Let Us Pray
32nd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (32do Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Somos un cuerpo
30th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (30 Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) Recibamos la fuerza para seguir adelante
30th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (30 Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Atémos al enemigo y desatémos a la familia
30th Monday of Ordinary Time - (30 Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) Caminémos en la luz
27th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (27mo Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) El Santo Rosario, Camino al Cielo
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (27mo Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) La mejor parte
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - (27mo Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) Jesús en Ti confío
25th Thursday of Ordinary Time - (25to Juéves del Tiempo Ordinario) Purificar nuestros corazones con la luz de Jesús
25th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (25to Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Contemplemos la Palabra del Señor
25th Monday of Ordinary Time - (25to Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) El Señor nos llama por nuestro nombre
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (25to Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) Volvámos a Dios por Su misericordia
24th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (24to Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) Consolémos las lágrimas de nuestra Santísima Madre
24th Friday of Ordinary Time - (24to Viernes del Tiempo Ordinario) Salgámos con celo misionero
24th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (24to Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) La Conversión: el camino a la madurez
24th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (24to Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Al pie de la Cruz con María
24th Monday of Ordinary Time - (24to Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) La Cruz es nuestra salvación
23rd Saturday of Ordinary Time - (23er Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) Alabemos el Dulce Nombre de María
23rd Friday of Ordinary Time - (23er Viernes del Tiempo Ordinario) Conversión verdadera y profunda
23rd Thursday of Ordinary Time - (23er Jueves del Tiempo Ordinario) Contemplar el amor del Padre
22nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - (22vo Jueves del Tiempo Ordinario) No tengan miedo, los he hecho pescadores de hombre
19th Monday of Ordinary Time - (19no Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) Fiesta de San Lorenzo. Que derramémos nuestras vidas por los demás
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (19no Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) Señor, siempre estás con nosotros; que confiémos sólo en Ti
18th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (18vo Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) La Cruz: El triunfo del amor
16th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (16th Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) El corazón de Santiago
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (16º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) Abre los ojos de nuestro corazón, Señor
15th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (15º Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) La importancia de la vida interior
15th Friday of Ordinary Time - (15º Viernes del Tiempo Ordinario) Vida en el Señor
15th Thursday of Ordinary Time - (15º Juéves del Tiempo Ordinario) La presencia materna de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo
15th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (15º Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) Comunión con Dios: ser humilde y sencillo de corazón
13th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (13er Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Con María, queremos consolar Tu Corazón, Señor
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul - (Solemnidad de San Pedro y San Pablo) Que vivamos totalmente para Cristo
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (13er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) La dignidad del amor humano
12th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (12vo Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) El Señor del amor quiere sanárnos
12th Friday of Ordinary Time - (12vo Viernes del Tiempo Ordinario) Sus caminos no son nuestros caminos
12th Thursday of Ordinary Time - (12vo Juéves del Tiempo Ordinario) Necesitamos Tu paz, Señor
Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptism - La Grandeza de Dios
12th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (12vo Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Un corazón solo para Dios
12th Monday of Ordinary Time - (12vo Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) Renueva mi corazón
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (12vo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) Para ser formado a la luz de Dios
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - (Solemnidad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús) Para entrar en el Corazón que tanto nos ha amado
11th Thursday of Ordinary Time - (11vo Juéves del Tiempo Ordinario) La voluntad del Padre
11th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (11vo Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) El fuego del amor del Sagrado Corazón
11th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (11vo Martes del Tiempo Ordinario ) Nuestra identidad en Dios
11th Monday of Ordinary Time - (11vo Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) La lógica de Dios
10th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (10mo Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) Aprender en la escuela del amor
10th Friday of Ordinary Time - (10mo Viernes del Tiempo Ordinario) El Corazón de Jesús es nuestra morada
10th Thursday of Ordinary Time - (10mo Juéves del Tiempo Ordinario) Vivir en el amor de Dios
10th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - (10mo Miércoles del Tiempo Ordinario) El Señor nos invita a Su Sagrado Corazón
10th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (10mo Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Que seamos la sal y la luz del mundo
10th Monday of Ordinary Time - (10mo Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario) La humildad como nuestro camino de santidad
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - The Heroic Path of Christian Friendship - Learning from Jesse Owens and Luz Long
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - (Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad) El hombre es redimido por el amor
9th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (9no Sábado del Tiempo Ordinario) Una memoria, una profecía y una promesa
9th Friday of Ordinary Time - La palabra de Dios es la luz de nuestro camino
9th Thursday of Ordinary Time - El amor se expresa en pensamientos, palabras y obras
9th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Vivamos con la luz del Espíritu Santo
9th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (9no Martes del Tiempo Ordinario) Somo la imagen y semejanza de Dios
9th Monday of Ordinary Time - (9no Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario- Memoria María, Madre de la Iglesia) La Virgen María es un reflejo del Espíritu Santo
Pentecost Sunday - (Domingo de Pentecostés) La Iglesia está llena del Espíritu Santo
7th Saturday of Easter - (7mo Sábado de Pascua) Sigámos al Señor
7th Friday of Easter - (7mo Viernes de Pascua) Pedro, apacienta a Mis ovejas
7th Thursday of Easter - (7mo Jueves de Pascua) El Espíritu Santo es la gloria de Dios
7th Wednesday of Easter - (7mo Miércoles de Pascua) Consagrados en la verdad
7th Monday of Easter - (7mo Lunes de Pascua) La victoria de Jesús es su Iglesia libre y valiente en el mundo
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord - (Ascensión del Señor) Jesús está con nosotros en la Eucaristía
6th Saturday of Easter - (6to Sábado de Pascua) Vamos a entrar en el camino de conversión
6th Friday of Easter - (6to Viernes de Pascua) El amor es más fuerte que el dolor
6th Thursday of Easter - (6to Jueves de Pascua) La sabiduría para esperar a Dios
6th Wednesday of Easter - (6to Miércoles de Pascua) La verdad es la lógica interna de la persona humana
6th Tuesday of Easter - (6to Martes de Pascua) El Espíritu Santo es la luz de Dios en Persona
6th Monday of Easter - (6to Lunes de Pascua) Abrid las puertas a Cristo
6th Sunday of Easter - (6to Domingo de Pascua) Estámos viviendo la vida del Espíritu Santo
5th Saturday of Easter - (5to Sábado de Pascua) Confiémos en la lógica y el poder de la Cruz
5th Friday of Easter - (5to Viernes de Pascua) Construyámos una civilización de amor
5th Thursday of Easter - (5to Jueves de Pascua) Como Matías, que sigamos al Señor
5th Wednesday of Easter - (5to Miércoles de Pascua) Mi Inmaculado Corazón es el camino que te conducirá a Dios
5th Tuesday of Easter - (5to Martes de Pascua) Somos hijos de la luz llamados a proclamar el Evangelio
5th Monday of Easter - (5to Lunes de Pascua) El Señor está buscando corazones marianos
5th Sunday of Easter - (5to Domingo de Pascua) Nada te turbe, solo Dios basta
4th Saturday of Easter - (4to Sábado de Pascua) Somos hijos de Dios y de la Virgen
4th Friday of Easter - (4to Viernes de Pascua) Al final el Inmaculado Corazón de María triunfará
4th Thursday of Easter - (4to Juéves de Pascua) Hágase en mi según tu Palabra
4th Wednesday of Easter - (4to Miércoles de Pascua) Todo por el Corazón de Jesús a través del Corazón de María
4th Tuesday of Easter - (4to Martes de Pascua) Ser Cristiano es vivir en la lógica del Espíritu Santo
4th Monday of Easter - (4to Lunes de Pascua) Necesitamos escuchar la voz del Buen Pastor
4th Sunday of Easter - (4to Domingo de Pascua) Sigamos al Buen Pastor con un nuevo corazón
3rd Saturday of Easter - (3er Sábado de Pascua) La Palabra de Dios es Espíritu y Vida
3rd Friday of Easter - (3er Viernes de Pascua) Tengámos obediencia y servicio como San José
3rd Thursday of Easter - (3er Juéves de Pascua) Necesitamos recibir el don de la Palabra de Dios
3rd Wednesday of Easter - (3er Miércoles de Pascua) Como Santa Catalina, proclamemos la verdad
3rd Tuesday of Easter - (3er Martes de Pascua) Vamos a entender la sabiduría de la Cruz
3rd Monday of Easter - (3er Lunes de Pascua) La santidad es el rostro vivo de Cristo
3rd Sunday of Easter - The Eucharist is Our Life and Mission
3rd Sunday of Easter - (Tercer Domingo de Pascua) Señor, abre mi corazón a Tu Palabra
2nd Saturday of Easter - (2do Sábado de Pascua) La Eucaristía es la escuela de los Santos
2nd Friday of Easter - (2do Viernes de Pascua) Corazones Marianizados que viven para el Señor
2nd Thursday of Easter - (2do Jueves de Pascua) Vamos a dar testimonio de la verdad
2nd Wednesday of Easter - (2do Miércoles de Pascua) Id y tomad vuestro lugar
2nd Tuesday of Easter - (2do Martes de Pascua) Con el mismo corazón unido a Cristo
2nd Monday of Easter - (2do Lunes de Pascua) Vamos a compartir la verdad
Divine Mercy Sunday - (Domingo de la Divina Misericordia) Entremos en la Escuela de la Divina Misericordia
Saturday in the Octave of Easter - (Sábado de la Octava Pascual) La misericordia de Dios permanece para siempre
Friday in the Octave of Easter - (Viernes de la Octava Pascual) Necesitamos corazones que quieran escuchar a Dios
Thursday in the Octave of Easter - (Juéves de la Octava Pascual) Vamos a recibir la Palabra de Dios
Wednesday in the Octave of Easter - (Miércoles de la Octava Pascual) El Señor quiere abrir las Escrituras para nosotros
Tuesday in the Octave of Easter - (Martes de la Octava Pascual) María Magdalena, apóstol del amor responsable
Monday in the Octave of Easter - (Lunes de la Octava Pascual) Las llagas de Jesús son fruto de Su amor
Easter Sunday - (Domingo de Pascua) Jesús ha resucitado y estamos escondidos con Cristo
Easter Vigil - (Vigilia Pascual) Jesús ha resucitado, vámonos a Galilea
Good Friday - (Viernes Santo) Cuando Sea levantado, atraeré a todos hacia Mí
Holy Thursday - (Jueves Santo) Vamos a esperar por el Señor
Wednesday of Holy Week - Necesitamos preparar nuestras casas, mesas y corazones para la Pascua
Tuesday of Holy Week - Jesús está glorificando al Padre
Monday of Holy Week - Una noche con una familia
Palm Sunday - (Domingo de Ramos) Fijémos nuestra mirada en Dios
5th Saturday of Lent - Vamos a regresar al Corazón de Jesús
5th Friday of Lent - El Señor está en la barca
5th Thursday of Lent - No tengan miedo, Dios está con nosotros
5th Wednesday of Lent - A Ti, gloria y alabanza por los siglos
5th Tuesday of Lent - In Jesus Lifted Up on the Cross, We Encounter the True God
5th Monday of Lent - Ve y nó peques más
5th Sunday of Lent - No tengamos miedo, necesitamos fé en la Eucaristía
4th Saturday of Lent - Jesús viene para revelar el rostro de Dios
4th Friday of Lent - Ha llegado la hora para Dios
4th Thursday of Lent - Only in Christ There Is Life
4th Wednesday of Lent - Somos templos de Dios como la Virgen María
4th Tuesday of Lent - And the Word was Made Flesh
4th Monday of Lent - La luz del gran misterio luminoso de la Eucaristía
3rd Tuesday of Lent - Let Us Enter the Merciful Heart of Jesus
3rd Monday of Lent - Vamos a Caminar con el Señor
3rd Sunday of Lent - Si conocieras el don de Dios
2nd Saturday of Lent - Let Us Remember the Father's Love, Repent, and Return Home
2nd Friday of Lent - Nada te turbe, solo Dios basta
2nd Thursday of Lent - Let Us Be Rooted in the Tree of Life
1st Saturday of Lent - Seamos apóstoles y misioneros del amor de Cristo
1st Friday of Lent - Necesitamos cambiar nuestros corazones
2nd Wednesday of Lent - Servir es reinar
Ash Wednesday - Lord, I Want to Be a Saint!
7th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Transformative Love of God
7th Monday of Ordinary Time - Prayer: To Belong Totally to the Father
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Yo soy Tu Temple, Señor
6th Saturday of Ordinary Time - All for the Heart of Jesus Through the Heart of Mary!
6th Thursday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) - Contemplar como Francisco y amar como Jacinta
6th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Open My Eyes, Lord, That I May See You
6th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Jesus is Our All in All
6th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Eucharist is the Greatest of All Signs
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Wisdom of the Cross is Our Freedom
1st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Let Us With Humility, Purity, Clarity and Interiority Hear the Designs of the Lord
Saturday After Epiphany - (Spanish Mass) - Debemos levantar en alto el Corazón Eucarístico
Friday After Epiphany - (Spanish Mass) - Señor, Tú tienes el poder para limpiarme
Thursday After Epiphany - I Love Therefore I See: May Our Love Triumph Over Indifference
Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Let Us Bring the Power of Divine Mercy to the World
Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus - Let Us Speak the Holy Name of Jesus with the Heart of St. Joseph
Memorial of Sts. Basil and Gregory - Religious Famly: A Gift of Self Donation
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Like Mary, Let Us Lift High the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
2019 - Year A
Christmas Day - Go and Proclaim the Good News - The Bells of Manger Square Keep Ringing in Us"
4th Monday of Advent - What Will this Child Be?
4th Sunday of Advent - Let Us Prepare the Manger of Christmas with Josephite Hearts
4th Sunday of Advent - St. Joseph: The First Servant of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
3rd Friday of Advent - Esperando por las respuestas de María - Cenáculo Eucarístico en la Iglesia Santa Catalina de Siena, Miami, FL.
3rd Thursday of Advent - The Lord Speaks in the Silence of the Heart
2nd Sunday of Advent - Place, Space and Grace - Advent, A Season to Be Witnesses of Hope
2019 - Year C
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Those That Trust In The Lord, Stand Firm
32nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - A Heart of Gratitude
32nd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - To Be A Servant Is Our Greatest Dignity in the Heart of The Lord
32nd Monday of Ordinary Time - Trust In The Ways of The Lord
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Identity Is In The Love of The Father
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Saint Raymonds Parish) Rise, Remember and Rejoice: Living In The Truth of The Resurrection
31st Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) Alleluia: Nuestro cancion
31st Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Wisdom of The Cross: We Belong To Love
30th Friday of Ordinary Time - The Beautides As A Path To Form Our Hearts To Be Like The Pelican
30th Thursday of Ordinary Time - To Join In The Glorious Procession of The Saints In The Eucharist
30th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - All Things Work Together For The Good
30th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - To Be Custodians of The Precious Blood of Christ
30th Monday of Ordinary Time - Communion With The Lord
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Returning To The Lord's Mercy In Confession: Path of A New Heart
29th Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Word of God Is The Path To The Heart of Christ
29th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady: Teacher For Our Hearts
29th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Saint John Paul II: A Life of A Servant of Christ
29th Monday of Ordinary Time - (Saint John Neumann Parish) The Power of Faith
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Prayer: A Dialogue With Love
28th Saturday of Ordinary Time - The North American Martyrs: Witnesses of Love
28th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Love of The Sacred Heart of Jesus
27th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Love of God
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Infinite Ocean of God's Love
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - (Saint Rose of Lima Parish) Our Lady of The Rosary: Grace, Place, and Space
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Battle Cry of The Church: Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord Is With You
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Saint Raymonds Parish) Our Lady's Faith Moved The Mulberry Tree of Humanity Into the Ocean of God
26th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) La Eucaristía: nuestra guía
26th Friday of Ordinary Time - (Cenacle Homily - Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish) Jesus en la Eucaristia
26th Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Merciful Love of God Who Makes All Things New
26th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Gift of Our Guardian Angels
26th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Face of The Redeemer: The Face of Love
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Feast of the Archangels: To Be All For God
24th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Conversion: The Power of God's Grace
24th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Lord Is Always With Us
24th Monday of Ordinary Time - Transformation of the Heart
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Saint Francis de Sales Parish) Returning to the Heart of the Father - The Joyous Gift of Making a Good Confession
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Heart of the Merciful Father
23rd Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Exaltation of the Cross: May Love Always Triumph
23rd Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) La Eucaristía: la forma de vivir en la verdad
23rd Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Sweet Name of Mary
23rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - To Have A Heart Of Courage and Fidelity
23rd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - To Walk In Christ Under the Power Of the Blood of Jesus
23rd Monday of Ordinary Time - To Have Open Hands and Open Hearts To Receive Healing
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - 77,000 Homeless and A Miracle of Mercy To Be Accomplished
22nd Saturday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) El asombro Eucaristíco
22nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - Put Out Into The Deep of the Calcutta of the Human Heart
22nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Prayer: To Be A Dwelling For the Lord
22nd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Word of God: The Power of Prayer and Intercession
22nd Monday of Ordinary Time - His Ways Are Not Our Ways
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Humility: The Path To Holiness
21st Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Degree of Love
21st Friday of Ordinary Time - (Cenacle Homily - St. Catherine of Siena Church) - La luz de Dios
Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist - To Be Faithful to the Passion of Christ Like Saint John the Baptist
21st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - To Be Imbued With Love
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Fire of Eucharistic Love Forms Eucharistic Hearts - The Witness of St. Maximilian Kolbe
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Confesar, Atesorar y Consolar -Tres Resoluciones para Nuestras Familias
16th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Eucharistic Amazement
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Saint Francis de Sales Parish) - The Source, the Science, and a New Civilization: Salvific Doloris
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Saint Agnes Parish) - The Necessary Suffering That Leads to Freedom: Let Us Go To The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Blessed Trinity Sunday - The 'Family' of the Blessed Trinity Seeks to Heal Our Families
10th Friday of Ordinary Time - (Cenacle Homily - St. Raymond Catholic Church) - Un Nuevo Corazón
Memorial of Saint Barnabas - The Encouraging Love of God
Pentecost Sunday - The Power of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost Sunday - Inspire, Fire, and Desire - Pentecost Is Our Daily Life in the Sacred Heart
7th Saturday of Easter - To Rest in the Heart of Jesus
7th Friday of Easter - (Cenacle Homily - Our Lady of Guadalupe Church) - El Corazón de Jesús, Horno Ardiente de Amor
6th Thursday of Easter - Remaining in the Heart of Jesus
6th Wednesday of Easter - To Abandon Oneself to the Word of God
6th Tuesday of Easter - To Conquer With Love: To Walk Differently
6th Sunday of Easter - With Eyes Fixed on Heaven
5th Thursday of Easter - Remain in the Heart of Jesus
5th Sunday of Easter - The Daily Path to a New Heart to Love One Another
5th Sunday of Easter - (Fiat Retreat) - To Be Transformed In the Love of God
4th Friday of Easter - El poder de la Resurrección
4th Wednesday of Easter - Conversion: Living in the Light of Love
Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle - Remain In Me: Behold, your Mother
4th Sunday of Easter - Hearing the Voice of Jesus - The Gift and Task of Silence in Our Time
3rd Sunday of Easter - The Only Question that Matters to Jesus
5th Wednesday of Lent - The Truth Will Set Us Free
5th Monday of Lent - To Walk in the Light of Love
5th Sunday of Lent - (St. Frances de Sales Lenten Parish Mission ) - The Promise, the Power, and the Purpose
4th Wednesday of Lent - The Lord is Our Refreshment in the Desert
4th Tuesday of Lent - Out of His Wounds, Beautiful Fountains Come
4th Monday of Lent - Contemplation: Resting in His Heart
4th Sunday of Lent - (St. Raymond Catholic Church ) - Witnesses of the Father's Love. It's Time to Make a Good Confession
4th Sunday of Lent - (St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church) - The Father's Presence Makes Up for All the Absences in Our Lives
3rd Thursday of Lent - May Our Hearts Listen to the Voice of the Lord
3rd Wednesday of Lent - Obedience: the Path to Fulfilling the Law of Love
3rd Tuesday of Lent - Entering Into the Pierced Hearts
3rd Monday of Lent - All Comes Through Mary
3rd Sunday of Lent - 40 Days to Change - On the Seven Effects of a Good Confession
2nd Thursday of Lent - To Have a Heart Rooted in Prayer
2nd Monday of Lent - Forgive as Your Heavenly Father Forgives
2nd Sunday of Lent - Distractions, Dryness, and Demands. Overcoming Three Obstacles to Prayer
1st Sunday of Lent - The Place, the Space, and the Grace. The Victory of the Word in the Spiritual Battle
1st Sunday of Lent - The Temptations of Jesus in the Desert
Friday after Ash Wednesday - Lent: Fourty Days to Learn How to Live
Ash Wednesday - Silence, Simplicity and Service: Three Words for Our Lenten Path
8th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - To Offer a Fragant Aroma of Love
8th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Gaze of Jesus
8th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church) - Preparing for Lent: The One Thing I Need to Change
8th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (St. Raymond Catholic Church) - Preparing for Lent: Three Steps for a Genuine Training in Holiness
7th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) - Una Cuaresma centrada en el Corazón Eucarístico del Señor
7th Thursday of Ordinary Time - To Give All in Order to Receive Christ
7th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - We Are Called to Holiness
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church) - "Love Resolved Everything for Me"
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time - To Receive Healing in the Fountain of His Mercy
6th Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) La Sagrada Familia
Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter - (Spanish Mass) El don de la fe
6th Thursday of Ordinary Time - To Live in the Purity of the Faith
6th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Saints Jacinta and Francisco - The Grace of Illumination
6th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - To Draw Our Life from the Eucharist
6th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Eucharist: True Food From Heaven
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (St. John XXIII Catholic Church) - Alone from the Phone, Pray so He Can Stay
5th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Our Life in the Eucharist
5th Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) La Luz de la Verdad
5th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop - Faith Moves the Heart of God
5th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - To Live In The Truth
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Put Out Into The Deep Into The Eucharistic Heart Of Jesus
4th Saturday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) El Señor es mi pastor
4th Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) El Señor es el mismo ayer, hoy y siempre
4th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Living In The Temple Of His Mercy
4th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Entering The Heart Of Christ: To Follow The Path Of Love
3rd Thursday of Ordinary Time - May We Reflect The Heart Of Our Lady
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Calls Us To Be Men And Women Of The Word (Morning Mass); In The Word, We Find Ourselves In The Heart Of God
2nd Saturday of Ordinary Time - Life In The Holy Spirit: Having The Mind Of Christ And Joy Of The Kingdom Of God
2nd Friday of Ordinary Time - Nada es imposible con Dios
2nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - In The Lord's Love, Our Greatest Struggles Become The Greatest Triumph
2nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Renounce The Lie and Walk In The Light: Repent, Believe, Become A Gift
2nd Monday of Ordinary Time - To Be Filled With The Light Of Christ: Freedom For Our Hearts
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - May We Understand the Mystery of Cana - The Woman, the Wedding, and the Word
1st Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Beauty of Total Marianization
1st Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Lord Comes To Unbind Our Hearts
Soleminity of the Baptism of the Lord - Remembering What Is Rooted In Our Hearts: Prophecy, Fulfillment and Mission (Afternoon Mass)
Solemnity of Baptism of The Lord - Prophecy, Fulfillment, and Mission: We Are Called to Be Witnesses of Love (Morning Mass)
Friday after Epiphany - El Señor esta con nosotros/The Lord Is With Us (Bilingual)
Thursday after Epiphany - Jesus Restores Our Sight So that We May Love One Another (Morning Mass); Life-Giving Purity (Afternoon Mass)
Wednesday after Epiphany - Trust, Walk and Believe
Tuesday after Epiphany - May We Rise Up In Splendor Into This Charism Of Love
Monday after Epiphany - To Live in the Light, to Live in a Relationship with the Word of God
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - Living in the Power of the Beautiful Name of Jesus
2018 - Year C
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - Let Us Build a Civilization of Love; Let Us Build a Nazareth!
Christmas Octave, December 29th - The Illumination Of Conscience In The Human Heart
Christmas Octave, December 28th - This Is A Time Of Light
Christmas Octave, December 27th - The Heart of Saint John
Christmas Octave, December 26th - May Baby Jesus Teach Us Meekness And Goodness
The Nativity of The Lord: Christmas - The Child Jesus Tells Us, "I Love You And All That I Ask For Is Your Love"
4th Monday of Advent - The Sacredness Of Mary's Womb
4th Sunday of Advent - The Faith Of Mary
3rd Saturday of Advent - Poverty Of Heart
3rd Thursday of Advent - To Be Prepared With God's Grace To Say Fiat To His Word
3rd Wednesday of Advent - The Fullness Of Time Is At Hand
3rd Tuesday of Advent - To Have The Interior Desire of Saint Joseph: To Respond With Love And Generosity To The Lord
3rd Monday of Advent - May We Live According To The Kingdom
3rd Sunday of Advent - The Road To Joy: Conversion, Restitution And Generosity To The Poor
2nd Saturday of Advent - Prayer: To Be Consumed By Divine Love
2nd Friday of Advent - (Spanish) Tu Palabra, oh Señor, es la verdad
2nd Thursday of Advent -A Season To Hear And To See The Word Of God In Our Midst (Morning Mass); May We Allow Our Hearts To Be Filled With Faith This Advent (Afternoon Mass)
2nd Wednesday of Advent - Am I Not Here Who Am Your Mother
2nd Tuesday of Advent -A Season To Hold The Word Of God Carefully In Our Hearts (Morning Mass); Jesus The Good Shepherd: The Revelation of Love (Afternoon Mass)
2nd Monday of Advent - Four Virtues Of Our Hearts To Be A Home For the Holy Family
2nd Sunday of Advent -Three Words For A Holy Advent: Prayer, Care, and Share (Morning Mass); The Timeless Love of God (Mass for Religious and Priests)
1st Thursday of Advent -The Eucharist Is The Greatest Gift; The Word Of God Is The Rock Of Our Vocation
1st Wednesday of Advent -The Eucharist Is Our Healing (Morning Mass); Jesus Heals, Delivers, Multiplies And Feeds (Afternoon Mass)
1st Tuesday of Advent - The Lord Wants To Make Our Hearts Beautiful
1st Monday of Advent - May Mary Lead Us Into A Marian, Contemplative and Evangelizing Advent
1st Sunday of Advent - Stand Firmly In The Truth as Jesus Commands (Morning Mass); May We Allow The Lord To Beautify Our Hearts During This Sacred Time (Afternoon Mass)
2018 - Year B
34th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Stand and Walk, Like Our Lady, Under the Gaze of Jesus
34th Friday of Ordinary Time - The Power Of The Gaze Of Love (Bilingual)
34th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Standing With Jesus In Love
34th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Walking And Living Within The Hands Of God
34th Monday of Ordinary Time - May We Walk Under The Merciful Gaze Of Jesus
34th Sunday, Solemnity Of Christ The King - We Belong To Him (Morning Mass); Hearing The Voice Of The King: Returning To The Sacrament Of Confession (Evening Mass)
33rd Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Power of the Love of God
33rd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Interior Movement In The Heart Of Zacchaues
33rd Monday of Ordinary Time - May We Focus On The Goal Of Heaven
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Prepare, Prayer and Care: Three Words To Help Us Keep Vigilant
32nd Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish) Somos hijos de Dios
32nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Power Of The Gospel To Communicate The Truth To The Heart
32nd Monday of Ordinary Time - To Have Faith Like Our Lady
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - We Are Called To Be Like The Widow, To Be Brought Into The Heart of Jesus (Afternoon Mass); Love Is Demanding and Love Is Our Dignity-On The 100th Anniversary of Armistic Day (Evening Mass)
30th Saturday of Ordinary Time - May Everything In Me Belong to The Lord and Our Lady (Bilingual)
30th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Elements Of A Heart Belonging To The Lord
30th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Word Made Flesh Who Dwells in Our Midst Is Our Liberation
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Walk in the Light Beginning With A Good Confession (Morning Mass); Walk In Faith And Not By Sight (Afternoon Mass)
29th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Hands Of A Priests
29th Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Three Consuming Fires of the Heart of God
29th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Gift of The Entrustment We Have Received
29th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Four Dimensions of Vigilance
29th Monday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish) Las tres palabras de San Juan Pablo Segundo
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time- Following Jesus On The Way, Our Dignity Is To Serve (Morning Mass) Making Memory of Italy (Afternoon Mass)
28th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Living In The Power of the Holy Spirit
28th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Three Dispositions of the Heart Belonging to God
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Sit in the School of the Heart of Jesus
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Good Samaritan is as Christ's Heart: Rent with Compassion
Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary - Learning Christ Through the Rosary with Mary
Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary - Prayer Changes History
26th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Consider All A Loss and Live for Jesus
26th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Proclaim the Joy of the Lord
26th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Gift of Having Guardian Angels
26th Monday of Ordinary Time - May We, Like Saint Therese, Rest in the Arms of Love
25th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Everything Is New Under the Sun Because He Makes All Things New
25th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Beauty of Having Nothing: Being Bearers of God
25th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - May We Hear the Word of God and Act on It

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Handing On What Is Most Important to Our Children: Heaven, The Mass, and Caring For the Poor (Morning Mass) -The Three Loves of Saint Padre Pio: Confession, Holy Mass, and the Holy Rosary (Afternoon Mass, Bilingual)

24th Saturday of Ordinary Time - May We Be Recreated Into The Image of God, revealed in Christ through Mary
24th Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Heart of Jesus: Loving Without Sparing Anything
24th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - His Heart Remains Completely Open To Us
22nd Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Universe Was Created for Mary, and Mary Was Created for Jesus
22nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Joy of Our Hearts is to Hear the Voice of Jesus
22nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Deserted Place - Enter Into the Heart of Jesus
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Listen Humbly to the Word
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Great Mystery of Christ and the Church, A Mystery to Be Lived Above All for Our Times
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The World Needs Witnesses of the Gospel
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Our Strength for the Journey
18th Friday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) - La Eucaristía: Escuela del Amor Hasta el Extremo
18th Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Cross is the Vision of Heaven
17th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Sweetness, Serenity and Luminosity - The Gift of the Priestly Heart
17th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Only the Love of the Eucharistic Heart Can Change the World
17th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Kingdom of God is the Splendor of the Truth
17th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Greatest Glory of God Will Always Be the Choice of Love
17th Monday of Ordinary Time- Intercessory Prayer: The Marian Authority of the Church
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of St. Martha - God Glories to Do Something Great With Something So Small; Let Us Not Be Afraid to Give Him Everything
16th Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Lord Continues Sowing the Word and Wants Us to Bear Abundant Fruit That Would Remain
16th Friday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Seek for Everything in Us to Belong to Our Lady, and Through Our Lady, to Belong to God
16th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady's Family is Our Family
Feast of St. James Apostle - 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae -Consecrated Life Exemplifies the Capacity of the Human Heart to Love
16th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Fidelity and Obedience to God's Will Gives Birth to His Presence in the World
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time- Feast of St. Mary Magdalene - Love Makes All Things New
Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist - 'He must increase, I must decrease' - Is He?
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Living Branches of the Father's Love (The Witness of Anthony Ray Hinton)
10th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Salt and Light, Holiness and Mission, Saints and Apostles of Our Time
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Giving Us His Body and Blood Jesus Is Saying, 'I give you Me, I give you My very life'
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - A World With or Without God - The Choice of Heave or Hell
7th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Humility and Trust - Living in the Providence of God
7th Monday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church - Our Lady Receives Us as Her Children in the Piercing of Her Heart
Pentecost Sunday - The Two Principle Works for the Spirit - Love and Unity
7th Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Christian Household - Home of the New Pentecost
7th Monday of Easter - 'Remain' - A Single Word that Captures the Easter Season
6th Sunday of Easter - 'No Greater Love' - The Prophetic Witness of St. Maximillian Maria Kolbe Speaks to Us Today
5th Saturday of Easter - First Holy Communion Mass - 'Head, Heart, and Hand' - Learning, Loving, and Serving the Lord
5th Monday of Easter - Prayer Is the Interior Power of Apostolic Mission
5th Sunday of Easter - Living as Branches on the Vine - 'Remaining' with Jesus in the Sacraments, Prayer, and Eucharistic Adoration
2nd Tuesday of Easter - Life in the Spirit, Total Entrustment to Jesus through Mary
Easter Sunday - The Resurrection Is a Truth to Live and a Truth to Give
Easter Vigil - Bilingual Mass - Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Alleluia!
Holy Thursday - The Gift that Can Change the World
Wednesday of Holy Week - Love Anyway
Tuesday of Holy Week - Water Flows From the Rock
Monday of Holy Week - A Conflict of Two Cultures
Palm Sunday - Let Us Cry with Peter, Testify with Joseph, and Stand with Our Lady
3rd Tuesday of Lent - Hearing the Word in Our Hearts

3rd Monday of Lent - Disciples of the Lamb, Bearers of the Dove

3rd Sunday of Lent (Readings for Year A) - The Heart of Jesus Thirsts for Us and Our Hearts Thirst for Him
2nd Saturday of Lent - Two Sons, Two Thieves and a New Beginning
2nd Sunday of Lent - The Mountain, the Scriptures, and the Father's Command - Let Us Adore the Lord and Hear His Word
1st Sunday of Lent - The Time, the Sign, and the Covenant - Entering the Sacred Silence of Lent
Ash Wednesday - Bilingual Mass - Regresemos a Dios. Let Us Return to God
5th Monday of Ordinary Time - We Are the Living Altar of God
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Meet Us and Heals Us in the Sacraments
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - (Bilingual Mass)- Living the Gift and Mystery - Consecration, Identification, and Reparation
3rd Saturday of Ordinary Time - Get Out, Get in, and Get on with It
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Spanish Mass) - El Evangelio Transforma Pecadores en 'Pescadores'
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Eucharist is the Kingdom of God
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Walking in the Light, Disciples of the Lamb
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Beginning the New Year with Total Marian Availability
2017 - Year B
Solemnity of the Holy Family - The Sign, the Sword, and the Summons to Prayer
Christmas Octave, December 30th - 'Know Thyself' - Be Immersed in the Light of Christ
Christmas Octave, December 29th - Let Go, Open Your Arms, and Hold the Child
Christmas Day (Mass during the Day) - Contemplating What Mary Saw - The Light Shines in the Darkness - Christian, Know Your Dignity
Christmas (Vigil Mass) - Bethlehem Is Here, Jesus Is 'Born' for Us in the Eucharist
4th Sunday of Advent - The 'Yes' of the Blessed Virgin Mary: The House, the Kingdom, and Throne of the Christ - Let Us Prepare for Jesus with Our Lady
3rd Friday of Advent - What Will We Pray When We Enter the Stable?
3rd Tuesday of Advent - Slow Down, Be Silent, and Pray
2nd Sunday of Advent - Making Our Advent Pilgrimage - Prayer, Penance, and Purpose
1st Friday of Advent - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - Bilingual Mass - The Gift and the Promise
1st Thursday of Advent - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - Vigil Mass - 'All Creation Owes as much to You as to God Himself'
2017 - Year A
34th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Miraculous Medal - 'Shield' and 'Sword' in the Spiritual Battle
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Oil Flasks Full of Love - Prayer, Care, and Share
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Gospel of the Family - A Word of Hope, the Word of God
27th Friday of Ordinary Time - Bilingual Mass Concluding the Centenary of Our Lady of Fatima - Consecration and the Mission of the Family
27th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Like Jonah and St. John XXIII, God's Mercy Calls Us
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The One Thing Necessary - Hearing the Voice of God
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Pray - The Two Fundamental Teachings of Fatima According to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Will We Go to Heaven? Let Us Learn from the Three Shepherd Children of Fatima
25th Monday of Ordinary Time - We Are Called to Be Vessels of Light
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Vocation of Man - 'Reliving and Revealing the Very Fatherhood of God'
20th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - 'No Whining' - Gratitude Is the Healing of Self-Pity and Distraction
20th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Does Our Heart Belong to the Lord?
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - What the World Needs Is Unconditional Love
Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady - The Body Belongs to God
Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady - The Assumption of Our Lady, Triumph of Mercy
Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady - (Bilingual Mass) God Wins, Our Lady Wins, We Will Win - Dios Triunfa, La Virgen Triunfa, Nosotros Triunfaremos
19th Monday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St Maximillian Kolbe - 'The Civilization of Love Begins at the Altar'
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - We Walk by Faith
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Installation Mass for Knights of Columbus - Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism
Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord - The Space, the Face, and the Place - The Light of Christ Illumines Our Conscience in Truth
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Good Seed of the Truth - Remembering Humanae Vitae and the Witness of Blessed Pope Paul VI
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Living in the Love of the Heart of Jesus - Rest, Receive and Return
13th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St Thomas the Apostle - 'My Lord and My God'
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - When God is First He Can Heal Us and Our Families
12th Friday of Ordinary Time - A Pure Heart is a Free Heart
Corpus Christi Sunday - The Truth and the 'Proof' of Love
10th Friday of Ordinary Time - Earthen Vessels - Adoration is the Hope and the Power of Conversion
10th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady's Immaculate Heart - Salt and Light - Our Refuge and Our Path to God
10th Monday of Ordinary Time - A Word of Encouragement
Blessed Trinity Sunday - (Spanish Mass) Viviendo en el Nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo
Blessed Trinity Sunday - The Mountain, the Mystery, and the Mass - A Life Immersed in the Holy Trinity
Pentecost Sunday - The Power of Silence - Prayer and a Daily Pentecost
7th Tuesday of Easter - Word and Sacrament - Life in the Spirit
6th Monday of Easter - The Delight of the Father
5th Saturday of Easter - In the World but Not of the World
5th Sunday of Easter - Three Steps to a Deeper Faith - Dare, Prayer, and Care
4th Saturday of Easter - Centenary of Our Lady of Fatima - Light, Prayer, and Consecration
4th Tuesday of Easter - Everything Is in the Hands of God
4th Monday of Easter - God Has Given Us 'Repentance Into Life'
4th Sunday of Easter - Go in, Go out, and Find Pasture
3rd Friday of Easter - Heaven Is Given to Us in the Eucharist
3rd Wednesday of Easter - Prayer with His Word, A Life of His Works
3rd Tuesday of Easter - Consubstantial and Transubstantial
3rd Sunday of Easter - The Road to Emmaus - Word, Sacrament, and Mission
2nd Saturday of Easter - Jesus is With Us
2nd Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday - Mercy Is Our Mission
Wednesday of the Octave of Easter - The Road to Joy
Tuesday of the Octave of Easter - Alleluia - Jesus Is Truly Present in the Eucharist
Monday of the Octave of Easter - A Source of Light
Easter Sunday - Christ Is Risen - The Sign, the School, and the Step to New Life
Easter Sunday - Youth Mass - Alleluia - Christ Is Risen, Let Us Seek Him
Easter Vigil - Alleluia - We Have Died with Christ so that We Might Rise with Him
Holy Thursday - The Lord Teaches Us the Way - Humility, Consecration, and Love
Palm Sunday - Memory and Presence - Living the Most Important Week of Our Lives
5th Sunday of Lent - In the Sacrament of Confession Jesus Raises Us from the Dead
3rd Wednesday of Lent - God is Our Inheritance
3rd Monday of Lent - Solemnity of St. Joseph - To Jesus Through Mary with Joseph
3rd Sunday of Lent - Let Us Approach the Heart of Jesus, Wellspring of Mercy
2nd Friday of Lent - From Slavery to Freedom - The Life of St. Patrick, Witness of Unconditional Love
2nd Wednesday of Lent - Let the Word of God Speak
2nd Tuesday of Lent - The Eucharist is Enough
2nd Sunday of Lent - Ascending the Mountain of Prayer - Put down the Phone and Pick up the Bible
1st Saturday of Lent - The Eucharist, Food to Love Our 'Enemies'
1st Monday of Lent - The Preferential Option for the Poor, A Privileged Encounter to Share Our Faith
1st Sunday of Lent - Entering the Desert with Christ - 40 Days to Return to What Matters Most
Friday after Ash Wednesday - The Eucharist, Source of Justice and Holiness
Ash Wednesday - Our Path for 40 Days - Encountering Christ in the Word, in the Sacraments, and in the Poor
8th Monday of Ordinary Time - Because He Called Us
8th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Seek First the Kingdom of God
7th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Love Is the Heart of Conversion
7th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Mass, the Great Exorcism of the World
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Love Your Enemies, with the Eucharist
6th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Sacred Heart of Jesus, I Place My Trust in You
6th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Eucharist, Food for Our Healing
5th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes - The Garden, the Desert, and the Immaculate Conception
5th Friday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St Scholastica - Love Transforms Us
5th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita - In Hope We Are Saved
5th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Marriage - God's Work, not Human Custom
5th Monday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St Paul Miki and Companions - 'I pardon the Emperor'
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Salt of the Earth and Light of the World - Eucharist and Mission
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time - To Jesus Through Mary - Bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to a Broken World
4th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Prayer - The Nearness of God, Life of the New Heart
4th Friday of Ordinary Time - The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Our Refuge and Our Strength
3rd Saturday of Ordinary Time - We Are a People of Life and for Life
3rd Monday of Ordinary Time - Beginning the New Year - Marian Consecration
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Light Shines in the Darkness- The Truth of Christ, the Gospel of Life, and Marian Consecration
2nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Beginning the New Year - Priesthood
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Lamb is Stronger
1st Saturday of Ordinary Time - Mercy
1st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Prayer
1st Tuesday of Ordinary Time - A New Teaching
1st Monday of Ordinary Time - Beginning the New Year - Holiness
2016-Year C
34th Monday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of the Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple. True Freedom is Entrusting Our Lives Totally to God
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - The Moment, the Man and the Mission
33rd Friday of Ordinary Time - Like Peter and Paul, Let Us Conquer Evil with Good
33rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, Mighty God
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - We Have Good News to Proclaim
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - Trusting in God's Mercy, We Stand for Life
30th Saturday of Ordinary Time - God Remembers Us
30th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Prayer and Fasting Can Change the World
30th Monday of Ordinary Time - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Teach Me Selflessness
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Witnesses of Mercy, Missionaries of Life
6th Sunday of Easter - "Receive the Spirit, Share the Gift"
5th Sunday of Easter - "God's Love Can Heal Our Families"
3rd Tuesday of Easter - "The Eucharist: Our Way of Life"
Easter Sunday the Resurrection of the Lord - "It's Never Too Late to Return to Christ"
4th Sunday of Lent - "Our Heavenly Father Is Rich in Mercy"
3rd Saturday of Lent - "The World Needs Divine Mercy"
Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord - "The Mercy of God Has Embraced Us"
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - "The Path to a New Life - The Star, the Scriptures, and the Child"
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God - "With Our Lady, Let Us Keep and Ponder the Things of God in Our Hearts"
2015 - Year C
Thursday of the Christmas Octave - "The Light of the Incarnation Renews the Whole World"
Wednesday of the Christmas Octave - "God Is Our Father"
Tuesday of the Christmas Octave - "The Christ Child Teaches Us to Love"
Monday of the Christmas Octave, Feast of the Holy Innocents - "Witnesses of the Power of God's Mercy"
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - "The Immaculate Conception, Gate of Divine Mercy"
2nd Sunday of Advent - "Advent, the Season to Listen, Look, and Live"
1st Friday of Advent - "Faith Is Our Light, Christ Is Our Life"
2015 - Year B
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The 'Little Way' - Doing Small Things with Great Love"
31st Saturday of Ordinary Time - "The Gospel, 'My Gospel'"
31st Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "In You, O Lord, We Have Found Our Peace"
Solemnity of All Saints - "Blessed Are the Merciful"
30th Friday of Ordinary Time - "We Find Ourselves in Giving Ourselves"
30th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Meets Us In Prayer"
30th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "God Is Wonder-Full"
30th Monday of Ordinary Time - "His Mercy Endures Forever"
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Encounter with Mercy, the Gift of a New Life"
29th Saturday of Ordinary Time - "Life in the Spirit, 'To Jesus through Mary"
29th Monday of Ordinary Time - "The Most Precious Gift"
28th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Word, Sacrament, and Mission"
28th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "Our Lady Calls Us to Live the Gospel"
28th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Let Us Proclaim the King"
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Healing Begins with Mercy, the Truth in Love"
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "God First"
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - "The Virtues of Divine Mercy - Humility, Purity of Intention, and Love"
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) - "Dios Tiene Un Plan para Nuestras Familias"
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Male and Female He Created Them"
26th Friday of Ordinary Time - "Guardian Angels, Our Heavenly Friends"
26th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Ignorance of Scripture Is Ignorance of Christ"
26th Monday of Ordinary Time - "The Holy Father Has Brought Unity in the Gospel"
25th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "Like Our Lady, Let Us Hear the Word and Act on It"
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "A Living Faith Can Transform the World"
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Comes to Heal Us"
22nd Friday of Ordinary Time - "The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Image of the Invisible God"
22nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "It Is Time to Give Thanks"
21st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Purify My Heart"
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Husbands Love Your Wives as Christ Loved the Church"
20th Saturday of Ordinary Time - "The Queenship of Mary, Mother of All the Saints"
14th Saturday of Ordinary Time - "Mercy, Essential Core of the Gospel"
14th Friday of Ordinary Time - "Let Us Trust in the Holy Spirit"
14th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "The Heart of Jesus Is Moved with Pity for Me"
14th Monday of Ordinary Time - "The Power of Intercessory Prayer"
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Let us Return to the Pierced Heart of Jesus"
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Word of God Responds to the Crisis of Our Time"
12th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Let Us Listen to the Saints"
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Spanish Mass - "Dios, Nuestro Padre, Siempre Esta con Nostros"
11th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving Can Change the World"
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I Trust in You"
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Love Is the Essential Response to Life"
10th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Simple Seed of God's Word Bears Fruit"
10th Monday of Ordinary Time - "The Redemptive Meaning of Human Suffering"
9th Thursday of Ordinary Time - "God First"
9th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "We Must Know the Scriptures and the Power of God"
9th Monday of Ordinary Time - "We Are Men and Women of the Eucharist"
8th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "To Serve Is Our Dignity"
9th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "From a Bad Day to Amen"
8th Monday of Ordinary Time - "From 'Disaster' to a New Life"
Solemnity of Pentecost - "The Holy Spirit, God's 'Response' to the Human Heart"
7th Friday of Easter - "The Power of Mercy, the Witness of Peter and Paul"
7th Wednesday of Easter - "That We May Be One"
7th Tuesday of Easter - "Repentance before God and Faith in Our Lord Jesus"
7th Monday of Easter - "Apostolic Boldness, 'Christ in Us"
4th Monday of Easter - "Three Dimensions of Life-Giving Repentance"
4th Sunday of Easter - "Jesus Is the Good Shepherd, the Face of Mercy"
4th Sunday of Easter - "Somos Hijos de Dios y Testigos de Su Misericordia"
3rd Tuesday of Easter - "From 'in my head' to 'Christ in me'"
2nd Thursday of Easter - "The Face of Mercy Is Revealed to Us"
Easter Sunday - "Christ Is Risen, Make that Change"
Easter Vigil - "Christ Risen Is the Light for Our Path"
Holy Thursday - "Let Us Submit to the Tender Power of Christ"
Passion Sunday - "The Cross of Christ - Our Correction, Protection and Perfection"
Passion Sunday - "La Cruz de Cristo Es Nuestra Coreccion, Proteccion, y Perfeccion"
5th Saturday of Lent - "The Eucharist, Our Lady, and Mercy"
Solemnity of the Annunciation - "Let Us Ponder the Incarnation of Jesus with the Gaze of Mary"
Solemnity of St. Joseph - "St Joseph, Husband of Mary, Man of the Spirit"
4th Sunday of Lent - "God so Loves the World that He Opens New Fountains of Life within Us"
3rd Friday of Lent - "The Joy of the Gospel"
3rd Thursday of Lent - "Learning in the School of Love, An Indispensable Task"
3rd Wednesday of Lent - "Love Is Our Mission"
3rd Tuesday of Lent - "True love has its own science"
3rd Sunday of Lent - "Jesus Thirsts for Us"
3rd Sunday of Lent - "Conversion of Heart, The Essential Task of Lent"
2nd Friday of Lent - "Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit"
2nd Thursday of Lent - "Not 'Exterior Changes' But the 'Serious Interior Examination of Our Hearts'"
2nd Wednesday of Lent - "From 'I've had it' to 'I will serve'"
2nd Monday of Lent - "A New Beginning in God's Mercy"
2nd Sunday of Lent (Spanish Homily)- "Going Up the Mountain of Trinitarian Prayer"
1st Wednesday of Lent - "The Word of God Can Change Us Too"
1st Tuesday of Lent - "To Pray 'Our Father' Shows Us the Path to Love"
1st Sunday of Lent - "Prayer and the Cross"
Friday after Ash Wednesday - "It Is Time for Our Hearts to Be Formed by the Cross"
Ash Wednesday - "Let us Begin with Mercy"
6th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Learning to See with Compassion through the Passion of Christ"
5th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "In the Footsteps of St. Bernadette and St. Maximilian"
5th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "God Makes All Things New"
5th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Called to Be the Healing Cloak of Jesus"
Homily at the Youth Rally during the March for Life, Washington DC. - January 22nd, 2015
4th Friday of Ordinary Time - "Only the Cross Conquers the World"
4th Thursday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Calls and Heals Us Together"
4th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Faith in Christ, Living in the Heart of the Church"
4th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Heals Us in the Sacraments"
4th Monday of Ordinary Time - "A GreatProcession of Lights Pointing to Christ"
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Spanish Mass) - "Jesus Nos Habla, Tenemos que Responder"
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Word of the Lord Is a Light for Our Path"
3rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Principle Virtue I Must Acquire"
3rd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "The Beautiful 'Mold' of Mary"
3rd Monday of Ordinary Time - "Peace Be with You"
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Spanish Mass) - "Siguiendo a Cristo Siempre Tenemos Esperanza"
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Gospel of the Family"
1st Friday of Ordinary Time - "A Parish Fully Alive"
1st Thursday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Can Make Us Clean"
1st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "We Can Be Vulnerable before the Lord"
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Spanish Mass) - "Cristo Vino Por Nuestros Pecados"
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - "Christ Came for Sinners, Let Us Enter into Him"
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - "Following the Star: Renew Our Personal Covenant with Jesus"
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God - "Our Lady Keeps Us Carefully in Her Heart"
2014 - Year B
The Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas - "Let Us Learn to Walk in the Light"
The Second Day in the Octave of Christmas - "Manger, Eucharist, Martyrdom"
Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - "The Holy Family Brings Healing to Our Families"
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord - "A Child, Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes, and Lying in a Manger"
3rd Wednesday of Advent - "The Genealogy of Jesus - There Is Hope for Every Family"
3rd Wednesday of Advent - "Preparing for Bethlehem, Purity of Intention"
3rd Sunday of Advent - "Three Voices Call Out, 'Prepare the Way of the Lord"
2nd Friday of Advent - "Our Lady of Guadalupe - Three 'Visitations"
2nd Thursday of Advent - "The Word of God Is Alive in the Saints"
2nd Wednesday of Advent - "The Filial Heart of Christ"
2nd Tuesday of Advent - "Two Servants of Our Lady, St. Juan Diego and Friar Juan de Zumarraga"
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - "Immaculate Conception: Truth Revealed in Scripture"
2nd Sunday of Advent - "The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ"
1st Wednesday of Advent - "Advent the Season of Marian Faith"
1st Wednesday of Advent - "We Have Hope Because We Have the Eucharist"
1st Monday of Advent - "We Are All on Pilgrimage to Jesus"
2014 - Year A
34th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Love of God Will Triumph"
34th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "The Soul Is the True Temple of God"
34th Monday of Ordinary Time - "God Sees the Heart"
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - "Long Live Christ the King"
32nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Obedience and Gratitude, The Road of Christian Freedom"
32nd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "The Grace of God Appears to Us in Our Neighbor"
32nd Monday of Ordinary Time - "Our Profession of Faith in Christ Sets Us Free"
Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica - "From the Salt Waters of Sin to the Fresh Waters of Grace and Peace "
31st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Possession We Must Renounce Above All Is Ourself"
31st Monday of Ordinary Time - "In You, O Lord, I Have Found My Peace"
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - "Love is Stronger Than Death"
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - "Let Us Proclaim the Gospel of Life"
30th Saturday of Ordinary Time - "Hope, True Identity, and Joy - The Way of the Saints"
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Commandment of Love, The Gospel of Life, and the Gift of Mercy"
29th Saturday of Ordinary Time - "Faithfulness to God is Our Strength"
29th Friday of Ordinary Time - "Let us Be Content With Holiness"
29th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. John Paul II - "Be Not Afraid to Accept the Power of Christ"
29th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "Blessed Are the Merciful for They Are Free to Serve"
29th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Blessed Are The Pure of Heart For They Will See God"
28th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Christ Is My Redeemer"
28th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Truly Seeking and Hearing the Word of God"
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "God's Plan for Marriage Is the Healing Our Families"
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "The Rosary is the Marian School of the Word"
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - "Mercy Expands Our Hearts to Love"
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) "Encontramos la vida plena en Jesus"
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Eucharist is the Cornerstone of Our Lives"
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time -"Sunday Mass And Regular Confession Are Essential"
26th Monday of Ordinary Time - "The Archangels, Messengers of the Incarnation and Defenders of the Church"
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Path to a New Life in Christ"
25th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Word of the Lord Is Our Life"
24th Saturday of Ordinary Time - "The Word, the Resurrection, and Martyrdom"
24th Friday of Ordinary Time - "Because Jesus is Risen We Always Have Hope"
24th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Way of the Cross"
24th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - "By Our Choices We Build Up the Church or Not"
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - "God So Loved the World that He Exalted His Son on the Cross"
23rd Friday of Ordinary Time - "No Disciple is Greater than His Master"
23rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "Jesus Continues to Look Upon Us"
23rd Monday of Ordinary Time - "God Works Today Through Broken Families"
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) "El Camino del Egoismo a la Humildad"
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Family That Prays Together Stays Together"
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "From Self-Reliance to the Sacred Heart"
21st Thursday of Ordinary Time - "The Church of God is 'in' Us"
21st Wednesday of Ordinary Time - "The Woes Awaken Us to the Beatitudes"
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "What the World Needs Now is Christ"
19th Thursday of Ordinary Time - St. Maximilian, Martyr of Charity, Learned the Science Love in the School of the Immaculate
19th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Living in the Freedom and Joy of the Children of God
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - In the Storms of Life the Lord Can Heal Our Families
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) El Señor Eucarístico viene a nosotros en medio de las tormentas
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Lord Calls Us to Come, and We Too Must Walk on Water
18th Friday of Ordinary Time - Only the Cross Can Set Us Free
18th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of the Transfiguration - Hearing the Word We Are Sent to Give the Word
18th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Mary, Mother of God, Perfection of the Church
18th Monday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Sends us to Walk on Water Through Prayer
18th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Eucharist is Our Life
17th Friday of Ordinary Time - Lord, in Your Great Love Answer Me
17th Thursday of Ordinary Time -Living the Parables of the Kingdom, the Heart of the Gospel
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Treasure of the Kingdom and the 'Precious Pearl' of Humanae Vitae
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) Solamente un corazón que escucha puede entrar en el Reino de Dios
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Mustard Seed; Prayer and Love Are Stronger than Evil
15th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Returning to the Father We Can Face the Difficulties of Life
15th Friday of Ordinary Time - Mercy is Our Mission
14th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Jesus First Sends Us as Disciples to Our Own Households
14th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Love of Jesus Heals Us
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) Entrando en la Escuela del Corazón de Cristo
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Entering the School of the Gospel
13th Saturday of Ordinary Time - New Wine, New Wineskins. The Sacraments and Virtue
13th Friday of Ordinary Time - Blessed Are the Peacemakers. Our Gift and Our Task this 4th of July
13th Thursday of Ordinary Time - We Encounter the Divinity of Jesus in the 'Humanity' of the Sacraments
13th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Only God Sees the Heart and Makes Each Mission Fruitful
12th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - By Their Fruit You Will Know Them
12th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease
12th Monday of Ordinary Time - Forgiveness is the Truth that Sets Us Free
Corpus Christi Sunday - The Eucharist, Gift, Memory and Task of the Church
11th Friday of Ordinary Time - A New Heart to Love and New Eyes to See
11th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - We Must Climb the Mountain of Holiness with the Spirit of Christ
11th Monday of Ordinary Time - Hear the Voice of the Father and Respond in Love
Pentecost Sunday - Return to the Gift of the First Love
Pentecost Sunday - The Gift, the Fruit, and the Mission of the Spirit
7th Saturday of Easter - Teach Christ Jesus with Boldness
7th Friday of Easter - The Spirit Leads Us to Give Our Lives for Christ
7th Wednesday of Easter - The Name, the Word, and the Truth
7th Tuesday of Easter - By the Power of the Spirit We Receive the Body of Christ
7th Monday of Easter - We Do Not Conquer the World with the Spirit of the World
Ascension Sunday - Jesus Enters into Heaven; Heaven Enters Us
Ascension Sunday - (Spanish Mass) El Hecho, el Misterio, y el Camino de la Asencion de Jesus
6th Sunday of Easter - 'Sanctify Christ as Lord in Your Hearts'; The Holy Spirit Leads Us to Eucharistic Adoration
5th Saturday of Easter - The Vocation of the Christian Is Love
5th Wednesday of Easter - When You Feel Like You Can't Make It, Remember
5th Tuesday of Easter - Meekness of Heart: Responding in the Spirit of Love
5th Monday of Easter - Through the Holy Spirit We Become Witnesses
4th Saturday of Easter - To Pray in the Name of Jesus: Interior Immersion in the Word
4th Friday of Easter - Jesus is the Way: We Follow Him One Step at a Time
4th Wednesday of Easter - Love Endures All Things; The Gift of Remaning with Him
4th Tuesday of Easter - Prayer, Fasting and Eucharistic Intercession Can Change History
3rd Friday of Easter - From the Eucharist to the World; The Missionary Power of Intercessory Prayer
3rd Sunday of Easter - (Spanish Mass) Viviendo en la luz de Cristo Resucitado
3rd Sunday of Easter - Encountering the Risen Lord - The Way, the Word, and the Wonder of the Eucharist
2nd Sunday of Easter (Spanish Mass) - Viviendo en la Luz de Cristo Resucitado
2nd Sunday of Easter - Encountering the Risen Lord - The Way, the Word, and the Wonder of the Eucharist
Easter Wednesday - Three Living Signs of the Resurrection in the Church - Scripture, the Eucharist, and Peter
Easter Tuesday - The Newness of Easter - The Resurrection of the Body and Life in the Spirit
Easter Monday - Let Us Proclaim Christ Risen With Apostolic Boldness and Love
Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord - (Spanish Mass) - Desde La Tumba Vacia a la Profesion de Fe
Easter Sunday - The Ressurection of the Lord - Let Us Take the Risk and Trust in Jesus, He Is Truly Risen
Holy Saturday - We Too See Jesus in 'Galilee,' in the Sacraments of the Church
Good Friday - In Silence We Come Before the Pierced Heart of Jesus, We Venerate the Cross of Love
5th Wednesday of Lent - The Word of God Expands Our Hearts to Love
5th Monday of Lent - The Gift of Our Lady's Maternal Presence; She Always Forms Us for the Vocation to Love
5th Sunday of Lent - (Mass with Third Scrutiny) Jesus Conquers Death to Give Us Life, His Life
4th Saturday of Lent - Jesus Still Reveals Himself in Galilee, in the Church
4th Friday of Lent - God is True and Always Faithful
4th Monday of Lent - The 'Sign and Wonder' of the Church, Sacrament of Christ's Love
3rd Wednesday of Lent - We Must Remember and Not Forget that Jesus is Risen
3rd Monday of Lent - God Works Through Humility and Prayer
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord - The Fullness of Divine and Human Love Meet in Our Lady's Heart
3rd Sunday of Lent - (Spanish Mass) El Encuentro, El Espiritu y El Evangelio
3rd Sunday of Lent - The Well, the Water, and the Walk - Jesus Meets Us in the Sacrament of Reconcilliation
2nd Friday of Lent - Divine Mercy Can Heal Our Brokeness
Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary - Man of the Gift, Man of Trust, Man of Tenderness
2nd Monday of Lent - We Exist because of God's Mercy, We Truly Live When We Share It
1st Saturday of Lent - Divine Mercy Opens Our Hearts to Love
1st Friday of Lent - Lent Is a New Springtime
1st Thursday of Lent - 'Seek and You Will Find' - Prayer of the Heart
1st Tuesday of Lent - The Gift of "Our Daily Bread": Christ Himself
Friday after Ash Wednesday - Entering into Lent. 'Fasting' from Self, Returning to God, and Loving Our Neighbor
Ash Wednesday - A Season for Conversion; The Sacred Gestures of the Church Lead Us to Union with Christ
8th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Preparing for Lent, Called to Be Holy as the Lord Our God Is Holy
8th Monday of Ordinary Time - Christ Can Do Great Things, Even Through Very Weak and Sinful People
7th Friday of Ordinary Time - Love is the Vocation of the Church
7th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Gratitude and Poverty of Heart are the Healing of Self-Pity
7th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - On the Way with Jesus - From Self Obsession to Self-Possession
7th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Prayer of Jesus is Truly Present in the Eucharist
6th Saturday of Ordinary Time - The Chair of Peter - The Rock of Peter's Faith, a Pure Faith, a Firm Faith
6th Friday of Ordinary Time - Embracing the Cross and Trusting Our Lord Like Our Lady
6th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - We Must Remember that Each Day Is A Gift from God
6th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Reminds Us to Trust Him, to Draw Our Strength from the Eucharist
6th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the Living Sing of God's Presence
5th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Blessed Are the Pure of Heart - Hearing, Keeping, and 'Doing' the Word of God
5th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, World Day of the Sick - Let Us Live in the Shrine of Her Immaculate Heart
5th Monday of Ordinary Time - We Are Called to Be Living Temples of the Eucharist
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Salt and Light - The Road Map of Life in Christ
4th Saturday of Ordinary Time - St. Josephine Bakhita - A Heart Open to Jesus Can Truly Live and Forgive
4th Friday of Ordinary Time - Two Kings, Two Choices - The Power of Divine Mercy
4th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - From the Ice of Obduracy to the Warmth and Tenderness of Grace
4th Monday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Frees the Garesene Demoniac. A Living Word of Evangelization Today
Feast of the Presentation - In the Eucharist Jesus is 'Presented' to Us
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Gives Us His Heart and Calls Our Hearts to Love
2nd Monday of Ordinary Time - New Wine, New Wineskins; A New Way of Life, A New Personality in Christ
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - The Love of the Heart of Jesus Inspires Us to Transmit that Love to Our Children
Friday after Epiphany - Love is Revealed in the 'Concreteness' of Gestures
Thursday after Epiphany - We Are Anointed to Love as Christ Loves
Wednesday after Epiphany - He Who Remains in Love Remains in the Eucharist
Tuesday after Epiphany - Sometimes We Simply Need to Rest in the Lord
Monday after Epiphany - Let Us Remember, First Jesus Comes for Us
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - Like the Magi We Too Are on Pilgrimage; The Search for God, the Encounter with Christ,
the Joy of the Gospel
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - (Spanish Mass)Tres preguntas sencillas: ¿buscamos a Dios?, ¿hemos encontrado a Cristo?, ¿seguimos a Jesus?
Christmas Friday before Epiphany - 'We Are God's Children Now'. The Interior 'Teaching' of the Holy Spirit
Christmas Thursday before Epiphany - 'You Have Received the Anointing', Surrender and Remaining in the Holy Spirit
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - The Maternal Mediation of Grace; Our Lady's Divine Motherhood Forms Christ in Us
2013 - Year A
Christmas Octave December 31st - The Word of God is Our Light and Life. Preparing for a New Year
Christmas Octave December 30th - Like the Prophetess Anna, Let Us Praise the Lord in Freedom
Feast of the Holy Family - The Gospel of the Family; The Gift of Self, Humble Service, and Respectful Listening
Christmas Day - (Bilingual Mass) Three 'Lessons' of the Incarnation; The Gift of Human Life, Love for the Poor, the Dignity of the Baptized
Christmas Day - (Midnight Mass) The Enrollment, the Child, and the Sign; We Can Still Find Christ in Bethlehem
4th Monday of Advent - Preparing for Bethlehem; God Has Had Great Mercy on Us
4th Sunday of Advent - The Heart of St. Joseph, Path to Bethlehem; Silence, a Clean Heart, and Forgiveness
3rd Saturday of Advent - The Joy of the Gospel; 'Going Forth' Like Our Lady to Bring Christ to World
3rd Tuesday of Advent - The Genealogy of Jesus; There is Hope for Every Family
2nd Sunday of Advent - Preparing the Way for Christ: The Fire of Conversion, the Water of Prayer, and the Joy of Mercy
2nd Tuesday of Advent - Remembering St. Juan Diego. The Primacy of the 'First Proclamation' for Every Catechist
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - The Light of the Resurrection Enters History with the Immaculate Conception
1st Tuesday of Advent - Advent, A Season of the Spirit for 'Missionary Disciples'
1st Monday of Advent - Advent, A Season of the Heart to be Lived with Our Lady
1st Sunday of Advent - Living the Joy of the Gospel; Prepare, Pray, and Make a Good Confession
2013 - Year C
Solemnity of Christ the King - It's Never Too Late to Return to Christ, It's Never Too Late to Return to His Mercy
33rd Monday of Ordinary Time - 'Lord, that I May See' The Word of God is the Light of Faith
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) El camino del alma misionera; el don de la luz de Cristo y el trabajo de evangelización
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Gospel of 'Tough Love'; Becoming Living Stones in the Temple of God
32nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - Like Our Lady We Are Called to Mediate the Light of the Risen Christ
32nd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - In the Pilgrimage of Faith Gratitude is the Joy of Salvation in Christ Jesus
32nd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Receiving and Offering Forgiveness and Suffering; Two Fundamental Schools of Christian Servanthood
32nd Monday of Ordinary Time - Faith Uproots the Mulberry Tree of Unforgiveness in Our Hearts
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - 'I'm Sorry, Thank You, and Please'; Three Words that Build Up the Kingdom in Our Homes
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus is the Way; The Humble Will Be Exalted Because Only the Humble Can Truly Love
29th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The'Much' that is Expected with God's Mercy. From Slaves of Sin to Servants of the Lord
29th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of Blessed John Paul II. Turning to Christ in His Suffering, the Eucharist Became His Own Heart
29th Monday of Ordinary Time - Faith Empowers Us to Trust God and to See that Our True Wealth is Christ
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The One Who Prays Belongs to God. Faith, the Spiritual Battle, and Enfleshing the Incarnation
28th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Feast of the North American Martyrs. Faith, Obstinancy of Heart, and the Triumph of the Eucharist
28th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr. To Become a Living Eucharist
28th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Margaret Mary. The Love of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is Enough
28th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Teresa of Avila. Our Faith Rest on the Faithfulness of God
27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Essence of Prayer; Sitting at the Feet of Jesus and Hearing Him
27th Monday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary; Praying for the Exchange of Hearts with Mary
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Christ Builds His Church Through the Power of God's Mercy
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Mass) Como piedras vivientes, testigos de la Divina Misericordia
26th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of the Guardian Angels; Spiritual Protectors Sent by God to Guide Us Home
26th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of St. Therese; May We Be Love in the Heart of the Church Our Mother
26th Monday of Ordinary Time - How We Receive Him. When We Serve We're not in Charge Anymore...Jesus Is
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Called to Go Out and Heal. Seeking Out Lazarus, We Find Jesus
25th Saturday of Ordinary Time -Paying Attention to the Lord; Jesus Always Visits Us With the Cross
25th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - The Church, A 'Field Hospital' Who Embraces the Wounded with the Gaze of Our Lady
25th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Awakening the Spiritual Senses; Hearing and 'Doing' the Word of God Like Our Lady
25th Monday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Padre Pio. The Priesthood is the Love of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
24th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Matthew. Looking with Mercy Jesys Has Also Chosen Us
24th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Meekness, Not to Get Entangled or Distracted, Simply to Love the Father's Will
24th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine; Jesus Has Come to Make All Things New
24th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Humility of Faith; Handing Everything Over to Jesus
23rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - A New Day, A New Hope; Blessed Are You Who Have Christ Within You
23rd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Receiving Christ, Walking in Him, Being Built Up in HIm, We Always Have Hope
23rd Monday of Ordinary Time -The Mystery of Christ in Us; A New Creation, Helping Him Make All Things New
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Prayer, Forgiveness and Alms; Three Words on Being Disciples of Jesus
22nd Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Lord Enters Our 'Boat' so that We too Can Become 'Fishers of Men'
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Humility, Path to a New Life, Path to the 'City of God'
21st Thursday of Ordinary Time - Calling Out with Our Lives, 'Behold the Lamb of God'
21st Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Triumph of Hope and Prayer, The Triumph of Maternal Love
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - Walking the Way of the Cross Together in the Footsteps of Jesus
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Vigil Mass) Going to the 'Outskirts' to Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ
20th Monday of Ordinary Time - St. John Eudes and Consecration to the Inmaculate Heart
19th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Receiving Our Inheritance as God's Children
Solemnity of the Assumption - The Call to 'Magnify' the Lord with Total Marian Trust, Sharing in the Victory of Christ
19th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Vigil Mass of the Solemnity of the Assumption - Like Our Lady We Too Are Called to Be Inmersed in God
19th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - St. Maximilian Kolbe, Martyr of Charity. The Gift of Twon Crowns, the Triumph of Two Loves
19th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Gift and Pilgrimage of Spiritual Childhood; Not in Control but Responsible
19th Monday of Ordinary Time - Light and Stability; The Authority of Peter and the Magisterium of the Church
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time -The Living Waters of Faith; A Treasure of the Heart, a New Exodus to Freedom, a Building on Firm Foundations
18th Thursday of Ordinary Time - The Culture of Encounter; Jesus Continues to Build His Church on the Faith of Peter
18th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of the Transfiguration; In Prayer the Light of Christ Illumines Our Life
18th Monday of Ordinary Time - Receiving the Bread of Life with Our Lady's Heart
18th Sunday of Ordinary Time - From Greed and Despair to Joy; The Gift of a New Life ' Hidden with Christ in God'
16th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Called to Sow the Seed of True Devotion to the Eucharist, Like Our Lady
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Tres 'Visitaciones del Señor'; la Misa, los pobres y ofreciendo el perdon
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Touched by God's Mercy We Bring Mercy to Our Neighbor
14th Saturday of Ordinary Time - God is Love and Love is Enough. Learning from Joseph as Disciples of Jesus
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - 'I Bear the Wounds of Christ in My Body'. We Are Healed as We Bring the Healing Love of Jesus to Others
13th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - The Power of Intercessory Prayer. In the Bark of Peter His Mercy is Before Our Eyes
13th Monday of Ordinary Time - Abraham Intercedes for Sodom. Human Love in the Divine Plan
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Opening Our Hearts to Jesus; Nothing is Stronger than the Love of His Sacred Heart
12th Friday of Ordinary Time - Witnesses of His Mercy; Deciding to Live, Deciding to Forgive
12th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Trusting His Sacred Heart; The Narrow Path of the Cross is Always Fruitful
12th Monday of Ordinary Time - Following the Path of the Baptist. 'He Must Increase, I Must Decrease'
11th Tuesday of Ordinary TIme - Finding New Life in His Sacred Heart. The 'Sunshine' of Love and 'Rain' of Prayer
11th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Beatitudes of St. Paul. The Foolishness of the Cross is Wiser than Human Wisdom
10th Saturday of Ordinary Time - In Christ, a New Creation; From the False Love to Self to the True Love of His Eucharistic Heart
10th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Missionaries of His Sacred Heart; Encouraging Others with the Love of God
10th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Apostles of His Sacred Heart; Going Out to the 'Existential Peripheries of Suffering'
9th Monday of Ordinary TIme - Jesus Living in Us; Life is a Gift that is Meant to Be Given
Corpus Christi Sunday - The Church Draws Her Life from the Holy Eucharist and Thus Do We
Corpus Christi Sunday - (Spanish Homily) En los pasos de María la Iglesia vive de la Eucaristía
8th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Purity of Heart; Letting Go of the Past and Seeking All in Christ
8th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - 'Lord, I'm not Fighting Anymore'; The Peace and Joy of Simply Serving
8th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - 'This Is My Body Given For You'; Detachment from All Things so We Are Free to Love
8th Monday of Ordinary Time - Memorial Day Mass; Living in the Spirit to Bear the Fruit of the Spirit
Blessed Trinity Sunday - A Trinitarian Life; The Prayer of Jesus, Prayer of the Church, Prayer of the Heart
7th Thursday of Easter - The Prayer of Jesus that 'They Be One' Leads Us to Our Lady
7th Wednesday of Easter - The Spirit of Truth Leads Us to Give Ourselves Unconditionally
7th Tuesday of Easter - Trusting to Say "Yes"; Going Where the Lord Jesus Asks Us to Go
Ascension of the Lord - Jesus is Enthroned in Glory; Living Under the Blessing Hands of Our Heavenly King and High Priest
6th Sunday of Easter -The Path of Relational Healing; Keeping His Word, Receiving the Father's Love, Living in the Spirit
5th Saturday of Easter - Words on Courage to Live the Gospel with Our Lady
5th Wednesday of Easter - A Single Action and a Single Word Reveal the Heart of St. Joseph
5th Tuesday of Easter - Opening the Door of Faith; Returning to Broken Relationships in the Spirit
5th Monday of Easter - Preparing for the Spirit with Our Lady
5th Sunday of Easter - Living in the Light of the Resurrection through Our Lady's Intercession
4th Thursday of Easter - Learning from the Testimony of St. Mark; Trusting in the Lord, Nothing is Impossible for God
4th Wednesday of Easter - To Know What is the Will of God; What is Good, and Pleasing and Perfect
4th Tuesday of Easter - Life in the Spirit; We are Called to Encourage Others with the Word of God
4th Monday of Easter - "I am the Gate"; Contemplating the Incarnation in the Light of the Resurrection
3rd Monday of Easter - Learning to See the Sings of the Risen One; Faith Leads Us to Trust
3rd Sunday of Easter - The Love of Christ Surpasses All Things
3rd Sunday of Easter - Yes, Lord, I Love You; Going Back to Our Roots and Being Reconciled with Jesus
2nd Tuesday of Easter - Born from Above through Our Lady; Prayer, Silence and Trust
Divine Mercy Sunday - Divine Mercy, Path of the Church, Light of the World, "Jesus, I Trust in You"
Easter Thursday - In the Church All of Scripture Points to the Risen Jesus
Easter Wednesday - The Mass, Authentic School of the Risen Christ
Easter Sunday- (Bilingual Homily) En el Corazón de la Iglesia con Pedro creemos en Jesus Resucitado. In the Church with Peter We
Believe in the Risen One
Easter Sunday - The Gift of a New Life in Jesus Christ, the Way of Joy. The Faith of the Church Leads Us to the Risen One
Holy Thursday - The Priesthood and the Eucharist; Washed in the Love of Christ for Service and Mission
Monday of Holy Week - Way of the Cross, Way of Joy; Becoming Less Attached to Ourselves and More Inclined to God
Palm Sunday - From the Cross to Joy; Doing a Little Bit What He Did the Day of His Death
5th Saturday of Lent - Jesus Gathers Us as We Seek Him in the Eucharist and in Prayer
5th Friday of Lent - Humility and Poverty of Heart, Authentic Signs of the Works of God
4th Wednesday of Lent - The Election of Pope Francis; His Humility Has Already Touched Us
4th Sunday of Lent- Jesus Reveals the True Face of the Father; The Sacrament of Reconciliation
3rd Wednesday of Lent- Living in the Word; We Must First Be Taught by Jesus to Bring Others to Him
3rd Tuesday of Lent - Forgiveness, Path of Divine Perfection. Not Seven Times but Seventy Times Seven
3rd Sunday of Lent - May the Soil of Our Hearts be Fertile to Allow the Voice of the Lord to Speak to Us
2nd Wednesday of Lent - The Son of Man Came to Serve. Giving Thanks for Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI
2nd Sunday of Lent - Ascending the Mountain of Prayer to Seek the Face of Christ
1st Wednesday of Lent - Entering into the Spiritual Path of Lent; Hearing the Word of Jesus and Firmly Repenting
1st Sunday of Lent - By the Incarnation Jesus Is Truly Our Neighbor
5th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Faith Bearing Fruit in Love; Living According to the Dignity of God's Image
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - It is Only in Christ that We Discover Who We Truly Are
3rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - With Our Lady's Help, Preparing Our Hearts to be Good Soil for the Word
3rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Union with Jesus in the Father's Will; Our Peace, Our Joy, Our Path and Our Hope
2nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Votive Mass 40th Anniversary of Roev. Wade. When Life Begins, God Begins His Sacred Work
2nd Monday in Ordinary Time - The Fasting of Martyrdom and New Wineskins of Virtue
1st Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Call and Response of Matthew. The Lord can Surprise Us Too
1st Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Learning from Jesus the Primacy of Prayer
1st Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom in the Galilee of Our Hearts and Lives
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - In the Depths of His Filial Heart Jesus Prays to the Father, Showing Us the Path of Freedom
Wednesday After Epiphany - May We Treasure and Ponder the Gift like Our Lady
Tuesday After Epiphany - Contemplating the Stars of the Word of God with Our Lady
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - Spanish Homily - La Peregrinación de la Fe, Del Deseo al Encuentro al Camino
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - Our Pilgrimage of Faith - From Our Desire for God to Finding Him in the Scriptures and the Holy Eucharist
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God - Making Haste for the Things of God and Keeping Them in Our Hearts
Monday Christmas Octave - In the beginning - New Creation, New Covenant, New Life
Saturday Christmas Octave - Coming to the Light of the Gospel May Be Painful But It Is Our Freedom
Feast of the Holy Family - The Gestures of the Infant Jesus - A Divine Pedagogy on the Family
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord - Going to Bethlehem to See Our Savior - Humbling Ourselves to Enter and Hold the Child, Guarding and Keeping 'These Things' in Our Hearts
4th Sunday of Advent- Christmas Is Near - Let Us Prepare, Pray, and Ponder the Face of the Lord with Mary
4th Sunday of Advent - Following Our Lady in Our 'Pilgrimage of Faith' to Bethlehem - Learning from Mary to Believe, to Love, and to Treasure Our Faith
3rd Saturday of Advent - The Gift of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, A Path of Holiness and Love
3rd Monday of Advent - The Genealogy of Jesus - God Is Faithful, We Await Him with Joy
3rd Sunday of Advent - (Spanish Homily) Que Debemos Hacer - En La Tragedia Cristo Es Nuestra Esperanza y Nuestro Camino
2nd Monday of Advent - Glorifying God for the Gift of Confession, the Gift of a New Life
2nd Sunday of Advent - Receiving the Gift of Our Lady's Maternal Love - The Joy of Being a Simple Servant like St Juan Diego
2nd Sunday of Advent - The Pilgrimage of Advent in the Light of the Word - Receiving, Discerning, and Choosing Love
1st Friday of Advent - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - The Immaculate Faith of Mary, the Single-Direction of
Her Heart toward God, Is the Cause of Our Joy
1st Wednesday of Advent - In the Eucharist the Lord Comes into Our Lives Where We Need Him Most
1st Tuesday of Advent - What Kings and Prophets Have Not Seen - Living Advent with St Joseph
1st Monday of Advent - A New Year to 'Begin Again' - Entrusting Our Personal History to Jesus
1st Sunday of Advent - Treasuring His Word - Preparing Our Hearts for the Coming of the Lord Each Day
Archived Homilies 2007-2012


Fr. Theodore Lange is a priest for the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon.
He studied at the Pontifical North American College in Rome and was ordained a priest in 2009.

2019 - Year C
Memorial of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen - Allowing the Holy Spirit to Mold Us Into Christ
Christmas Weekday - To Hear, to Follow, to Stay With Jesus. What Are You Listening to? Can You Hear the Voice of Jesus?
2017 - Year A
10th Monday of Ordinary Time - The Beatitudes: A Path to Building the Civilization of Love Inside of Us and Around Us
2013 - Year C
17th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Humble, Ardent and Intrepid Missionaries of the King of Kings
17th Monday of Ordinary Time - We Can Choose to Love, We Can Choose to Proclaim Christ With Our Own Lives
16th Thurday of Ordinary Time - Persevere in Hope, Live in Faith and Proclaim Jesus with Everything We Have
16th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Like Our Lady, Free Under the Lordship of Christ
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - An Invitation to Authentic Contemplation
15th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Consecrated for Cooperation with the Mission of Christ
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Discovering the Call of Jesus in Our Lives to Be Faithful to His Love
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Sacrificial Love is the School of Authentic Christian Discipleship
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Love is Offerring Ourselves in Sacrifice for the Good of Others
10th Sunday of Ordinary Time - At the Voice and Love of Jesus We Can Come From Death to Life
Corpus Christi Sunday - We Must Enter Into the Logic of Love to Understand the Miracle of the Eucharist
Ascension of the Lord -In Christ Going Into Heaven, He Calls Us to Place Our Hearts on the Things Above
4th Sunday of Easter - There is no Limit to the Infinite Power of the Blood of Jesus to Make Us New
3rd Sunday of Easter - If You Love Jesus, then Follow the Lamb Wherever He May Lead You
Solemnity of the Annunciation - Mass for Total Consecration to Mary. A Call to Leave Everything for Christ
Solemnity of Saint Joseph- (Spanish Homily) La alegría del corazón de San José fue el obedecer al plan de Dios
5th Monday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) La autenticidad de nuestras vidas dan testimonio del esplendor de la verdad y belleza de nuestra fe
5th Sunday of Lent- We Are All Poor Before God and in Need of His Redemption
4th Saturday of Lent- (Spanish Homily) San José, modelo de amor esponsal y virginal
4th Saturday of Lent- (Written Homily) Saint Joseph Teach Us to Love Jesus Through Mary
4th Friday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) En la Misa somos elevados al Padre por el amor de Jesús
4th Sunday of Lent - It is God's Love that Gives Us the Strength of Our Identity and the Courage to Proclaim the Lord in the World Today
4th Monday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) La sanación de la cultura y del corazón humano será fruto del amor
3rd Saturday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Contemplar el rostro de Cristo es ver la humildad y el amor de Dios, de un amigo verdadero
3rd Wedneday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Si el amor puro, oblativo y verdadero nos guia vivieremos en la plenitud de la voluntad de Dios
3rd Tuesday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) En el rostro de Jesús encontramos su misericordia y somos llamados a ser misericordiosos
3rd Monday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Contemplamos el rostro de Cristo vemos la verdad de su amor y la verdad sobre nosotros mismos
3rd Sunday of Lent - When We Recognize Our Misery Before God We Invoke His Mercy
2nd Friday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Contemplar el rostro de Cristo es contemplar el rostro del amor encarnado
2nd Thursday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Contemplando el rostro de Cristo vemos con sus ojos a los que estamos llamados a servir
2nd Wednesday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) El servicio es fruto del amor
2nd Tuesday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Una vida auténtica es una conversión del corazón por el amor de Dios
1st Thursday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Buscar el rostro de Cristo y hallarás una vida nueva
1st Wednesday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) Deja que el amor y la misericordia de Dios cambien tu vida hoy
1st Tuesday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) El Padre Nuestro es una formación para nuestra vida diaria
1st Monday of Lent - (Spanish Homily) La Cuaresma es tiempo de ejercitarnos en la misericordia hacia los demás
1st Sunday of Lent - Love Acts Within Pur Lives as an Energy that Moves Us Forward
Saturday After Ash Wednesday - (Spanish Homily) Cada día Jesús te llama con llamado personal, un llamado al amor
Friday After Ash Wednesday - (Spanish Homily) El ayuno, oportunidad de unirnos al amor oblativo de Jesús
Thursday After Ash Wednesday - (Spanish Homily) La Cuaresma es un llamado a la conversion en el seguimiento de Cristo
Ash Wednesday - (Spanish Homily) La Cuaresma es tiempo de silencio, que es el lenguaje del corazón que ama y desea escuchar a Dios
4th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) El sendero de la voluntad de Dios está lleno de decisiones sencillas de amor
en nuestra vida cotidiana
4th Monday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Vivir para Dios, su reino, su amor y obediencia es fruto del amor vivo
3rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Ser tierra buena es estar a los pies de la Cruz.
3rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) María nos guía en el camino de santidad para ser testigos de nuestra fe
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us, Let Us Allow Him to Purify Our Hearts
3rd Monday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) El corazón traspasado de Jesús es la medicina para los pecadores
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Glory of the Cross is the Triumph of God's Love for Us
1st Friday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Nuestra fe tiene que ser vivida y encarnada en nuestras elecciones
1st Thursday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Solamente el amor del Sagrado Corazón puede sanar la lepra del corazón humano
1st Wednesday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) La obediencia de Jesús nos revela el amor verdadero
Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord - Baptism, Our Greatest Gift and Call to Holiness
1st Tuesday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Obedientes a Jesús, Amor Encarnado, vivamos sirviendo al reino de los Dos Corazones
1st Monday of Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily)El llamado del Señor es una invitación a la santidad, al amor hasta el extremo
Thursday After Epiphany - (Spanish Homily) El amor de Dios vive en nuestros corazones mediante el Espíritu Santo
Tuesday After Epiphany - (Spanish Homily) La multiplicación de los panes es un símbolo de nuestro llamado al amo
Monday After Epiphany - (Spanish Homily La conversión es una obra del nuestro corazón y del corazón de Jesús en el amor
Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord - Let Us Allow Our Hearts to Contemplate the Love and Truth Revealed by the Infant Jesus
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God -Our Peace Comes from the Encounter with the Love of God
Feast of the Holy Family - Let Us Choose to Be Love and So Imitate the Hearts of the Holy Family
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord - God Comes to Us as a Child so that We can Love Him and Hold Him in Our Arms
3rd Saturday of Advent - Mary's Magnificat is a Song of Thanksgiving and Praise of Her Maternal Heart
3rd Thursday of Advent - Jesus the Light of the World, seeks in this Christmas Novena to be born in the Manger of Our Hearts
3rd Monday of Advent - (Spanish Homily) San José, ejemplo de amor sacrificial y fidelidad hasta el extremo
3rd Sunday of Advent - Let Us Prepare Ourselves to Receive the Child Jesus In Our Hearts
2nd Tuesday of advent- (Spanish Homily) Seamos protagonistas de la nueva evangelización
2nd Monday of Advent - (Spanish Homily) Vivamos una vida de amor, caminando siempre en el Corazón de Jesús a través del Corazón de María
2nd Sunday of Advent - Let Us Choose to Become Little Lights of Jesus Christ, so as to Illumine the World with Our Lives
1st Friday of Advent - (Spanish Homily) Sigamos a Jesús por medio de la fe y el amor
1st Monday of Advent - (Spanish Homily) Recibamos con responsabilidad la gracia de la palabra de Dios

Archived Homilies 2012

2016 - Year C
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - Message of Hope
2014 - Year A
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "At the Begining of Creation it Was Not Like This"
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Challenge Pope Francis Left For Us"
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "My Ways are Higher Than Your Ways"
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Confronting Suffering with Faith"
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Building the Kingdom of God"
3rd Sunday of Ordinary TIme - "Fishers of Humanity - Answering the Cry"
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "What Are You Looking For?"
The Baptism of the Lord - "My Beloved Child"
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God - "Theotokos"
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - "Celebrate the Epiphany in Our Lives"
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - "Is My Family Centered On Christ"
The Nativity of the Lord - "Emmanuel! God Is With Us!"
4th Sunday of Advent - "What Am I Doing to Bring Peace?"
3rd Sunday of Advent - "Road to Perfection"
2nd Sunday of Advent - "We Always Have Hope"
1st Sunday of Advent - "What is the Meaning of Advent"
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - "Be It Done Unto Me According to Your Word"
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe -"Preparing for His Kingdom"
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "What Mission Is Christ Calling You to Complete"
Visit of Oficial Relic of St. John Paul II - "Life of St. John Paul II"
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome - "The Spirit of the Living God Dwells in You"
Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed - "Walk with One Foot In Eternity"
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Greatest Commandment"
29th Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Saint John Paul II, the Great
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Finding the Purpose of Life
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - My Invitation to the Wedding Banquet
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - All Along the Watchtower, Princes Kept a View
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Angels In Scripture
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Your Ways Are Higher Than My Ways
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - The Cross: A Great Sign of Contradiction to the World
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de La Caridad del Cobre - A Jesus A Traves de Maria, La Caridad Nos Une
23rd Sunday of Ordinaty Time - Higher Ground
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Thirsting for You, O Lord
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - Transform the World Through the Sacraments
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Authentic Faith
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Be Not Afraid
18th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Bring Them to Me
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Imagine the Kingdom of Heaven
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Mystery of Good and Evil
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Am I Allowing God to Sow Seeds in My Heart?
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Life in the Spirit
Corpus Christi Sunday - The Eucharist: The Fountain and Summit of the Christian Life
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - The Most Holy Trinity: A Perfect Communion of Persons
Pentecost Sunday - The New Pentecost: A Time for Renewal
Ascension Sunday - The Power of Christ
6th Sunday of Easter - Let All the Earth Cry Out to God with Joy
5th Sunday of Easter - Journey to Eternal Life
4th Sunday of Easter - Today We are Called To Courage
3rd Sunday of Easter - Walking With Christ, In the Footsteps of Two New Saints
Easter Sunday - Sound the Trumpet of Salvation
Palm Sunday - The Drama of Salvation History
5th Sunday of Lent - Your Brother Will Rise
4th Sunday of Lent - Am I Living in Blindness?
3rd Sunday of Lent - Who Is Christ for Us?
Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary - A Righteous Man With a Pure Heart
2nd Sunday of Lent - Called to Our Personal Exodus
1st Tuesday of Lent - Our Father the Perfect Prayer
First Sunday of Lent - Out of Love, God's Grace Rescues Us
Ash Wednesday - Be Merciful, O Lord
8th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Seek First the Kingdom of God
7th Friday of Ordinary Time - Marriage - Back to What God Intended
7th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Avoid Gehenna
7th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - No Resurrection Without the Crucifixion
6th Friday of Ordinary Time - Call to Fidelity
6th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Salt of the Earth
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Respect for the Domestic Church
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Beauty of Scripture
3rd Thursday of Ordinary Time - May the Seed of God's Word Shine in Our Hearts
3rd Wednesday of Ordinary Time - Let Us Allow the Lord to Possess Us With His Love
3rd Tuesday of Ordinary Time - A Revolution of Love; The Divine Enters into the Profane Through Grace
3rd Monday of Ordinary Time - The Lord Comes to Gather What Was Scattered in Us
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children - March for Life
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - This is my Beloved Son, With Whom I'm Well Pleased
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord - The Gifts We Bring
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Holy Mother of God
2013 - Year A
Feast of the Holy Family- The Holy Family, Model for Today's Family
Christmas Octave December 26th - Feast of St. Stephen - Receive my Spirit
Christmas Day Mass - Emmanuel! God is with Us
Christmas Eve (Midnight Mass) - Keeping Christ in Christmas
3rd Friday of Advent - Mary's Fiat
3rd Sunday of Advent - Gaudete Sunday - Are You the One Who is to Come
2nd Monday of Advent - Feast of the Immaculate Conception - All Beautiful is Mary
2nd Sunday of Advent - Renew Your Mind - The Kingdom of God is at Hand
1st Sunday of Advent - The Liturgical Year - Walking in the Light of Christ
2013 - Year C
34th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Thanksgiving Day . Giving Thanks to God
34th Monday of Ordinary Time - Wrap Up to the Year of Faith
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Eternal Marriage
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - Encounter with Christ
Solemnity of All Saints - Pointed to Eternity
30th Thursday of Ordinary Time - Going to the Cross
30th Monday of Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles. Entering into the Mystical Body of Christ
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
29th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - Feast of Blessed John Paul II. Be Not Afraid
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - In Communion with Christ
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Spiritual Profile of Tragedy
25th Saturday of Ordinary Time - Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul. Who Do You Say That I am?
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - My Father's House
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Authentic Discipleship
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - The One Who Humbles Himself

Fr. Jonathan Reardon is a priest for the Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts.
He serves at Sacred Heart Parish in Pittsfield, MA

Written Homilies 2016 Year C
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Zeal, Effort, Initiative and Service to Bring Energy and Life to Our Faith
Palm Sunday - "In Confession, We Find an Even Greater Love That Heals Us"
2nd Sunday of Lent - "The Eucharist and Confesion, an Encounter that Awakens Us from the Slumber of Sin"
Written Homilies 2015 Year B
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Five Paths of Daily Repentance"
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - "There Is No Fear in Love"
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "New Divine Authority"
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Authentic Freedom"
6th Sunday of Easter - "It Is t This Love That Jesus Calls Each of Us To"
5th Sunday of Easter - "Why do People Leave the Faith and How Can We Bring Them Back?"
4th Sunday of Easter - "God the Good Shepherd"
Solemnity of the Lord's Resurrection - "The Resurrection Instructs Us: Announce the Gospel"
Good Friday of the Lord's Passion - "Why Did Jesus Suffer"
1st Sunday of Lent- "Willingly Entering Into the Desert"
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Leper Sought After Jesus in Order to Be Shown Love"
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "There is Meaning in Our Suffering"
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Understanding the Meaning of Our Bodies"
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - "The Search For Truth"
Written Homilies 2014 Year A
4th Sunday of Advent - "Enter Deeply Into the Mystery of the Incarnation"
1st Sunday of Advent - "Advent: Do not Sleep, Do Not Miss the Divine Happenings"
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - "The Kingdom of God is Lived By Serving Our Brothers"
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Fear Can Prevent Us From Living a Christian Life"
Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica - "Sacred Place"
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - "Reflecting on the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell"
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "The Beauty and Simplicity of the Faith"
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "What Belongs to God?"
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "An Exit Strategy to Help Us Move Towards Jesus"
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - "Conduct Yourselves In A Way Worthy of Christ"
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - "What Would You Do to Save the World? God's Way Is the Path Of Humility, Suffering, and Love"
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - We Respond to Finding the “Pearl of Great Price” – By Sharing with Others the Joy of this Encounter
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Take On a Spirit of Meekness Which is Patience and Virtuous
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul - "You Were Not Made for Comfort but for Greatness"
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart - "His Passion Reveals His Love"
Pentecost Sunday - The Holy Spirit Comes to Help Us Pay Attention
Ascension Sunday - What is Heaven?
6th Sunday of Easter - The Holy Spirit Strengthens Us to Be Identified with Christ and the Hope of Eternal Life
3rd Sunday of Easter - We Will Always Be Comforted by His Presence, Guided by His Word and Nourished by His Body and Blood
5th Sunday of Lent - Jesus Asks Us to Lay Down Our Lives for Him
4th Sunday of Lent - Not as Man Sees Does God See
3rd Sunday of Lent - Jesus' Thirst for Faith and Love Satisfies Our Thirst
1st Sunday of Lent - Temptation Today, Sin Tomorrow, Habit Thereafter
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time - What is the Final End of our Faith? Perfection
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Make Choices that Lead to God and Not Away from Him
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Jesus Gives Us Himself, His Whole Entire Self, Because He is Madly in Love With Us
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Asks Us to Be His Light to Others – to Invite Them to Have an Encounter with His Love and Mercy
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Christ Sanctifies Us With His Body and Blood – We Are Brought Into Communion With Him
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - We Cannot Get Ourselves Into Heaven; We Are Not The Savior. None of Us is God. We Need Him.
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - For Those Who are Capable, He Waits Here for You
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Mary’s Motherly Wisdom Points Us to Jesus
Written Homilies 2013 Year A
Christmas Day - May this Christmas – and Beyond – Be a Time When We Display for Him Our Love
4th Sunday of Advent - Joseph Teaches Us Just How to Respond to God’s Invitation to Be a Part of the Mystery
of the Incarnate Love
1st Sunday of Advent - Advent: Days to Prepare for the Lord to Enter Our Hearts and to Renew Our Love for Him
Written Homilies 2013 Year C
Solemnity of Christ the King - In Christ, God Entered Humanity and  Espoused it to Himself
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Christ, in His Teachings and His Mercy, Invites us to Freedom
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - We Are Being Called, Amidst The Threat Of Persecution, To Be Witnesses, To Be Martyrs – To Live The Faith
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Prayer Moves Us to a Deeper Humility Before God and to Desire His Mercy
29th Tuesday of Ordinary Time - ( Audio) Blessed John Paul II Learned to Be Vigilant in Love in the School of the Heart of Mary
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time - We Must Never Stop Praying
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Virtue of Gratitude Brings Us Out of Ourselves and is a Remedy for Sin
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Faith is Strength with Length
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - If Our Attitude in Life is One of Humility; We Will Walk the Path to True Freedom
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Path of Humility Leads Us to Grace and More Deeply Held Communion with God
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Invites Us to Strive to Dive Deeper Into Our Faith and Love for Him
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - If We Wish to Be Taken by the Love of Jesus, We Have to Be Willing to Be Set on Fire
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - For One that Prays, His Heart is Expanded and Grows in its Capacity to Love
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - By Placing God First in Our Lives, We Can Encourage and Help Each Other
Orient Our Lives Heavenward
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Holiness is Placing Above All Else the Love of God
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Key to Evangelization is to Know Christ Personally and Deeply
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Selflessness, Self-Denial, Self-Giving; this is the Key to True Freedom
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Cross is Our Greatest Strength
10th Sunday of Ordinary Time - True Faith in Jesus Christ Endures the Sufferings of Everyday Life
Corpus Christi Sunday - Jesus Invites Us Today to Be a Gift – to Give Ourselves to Him in Order to Be Fed by Him
Pentecost Sunday - The Spirit Breathes in Us, Communicates to Us the Holiness of God, and Permeates Every Fabric of Our Being
Homily for the Holy Hour for Vocations - Be Ready to Open Your Heart in a Generous Donation of Self to God
5th Sunday of Easter - It is Time to Start Living Our Lives for God, Striving for Sanctity, Trying to Make the World a More
Peaceful Place
4th Sunday of Easter - True Courage, is not an Absence of Fear but the Willingness to Proceed in Spite of the Difficulty that Lies Ahead
Divine Mercy Sunday - The Light of Grace that is Experienced in the Sacraments Drives Out Darkness, Dispels all Fear and Leads
us to Humility
Easter Sunday - Let Us Enter Into the Joy of the Lord, Let Us Be a Gift to Him by Dying the One Death so as to Hurry Toward the Life that He Offers Us
Good Friday - It is in the Total, Complete, and Free Gift of Self to Jesus Where We Find True Life for Our Souls
4th Sunday of Lent - True Freedom, Which We All Desire Lies in Doing What is Right and Good Because It is Good
3rd Sunday of Lent -Jesus Calls Us to Bear Good Fruit in Our Lives, to Make Manifest Outwardly That Which Lies on the Inside
2nd Sunday of Lent - The Joy of Lent: to Get a Glimpse of Heaven, to Be Taken Up Into a New Realm of Prayer and Contemplation
1st Sunday of Lent - During this Season of Lent, Let Us Make Prayer a Great Priority in Our Daily Regiment
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time -True Freedom Lies in Knowing that the Decisions We Make in Life Will Lead Us Along the Path that Leads to God
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time -To Live in Love, to Choose to Act Charitably Means to Seek That Which is Good for Our Soul
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time -United in Mind, Heart, Spirit, and Voice to Proclaim the Good News and Show Others the Path of Life
Written Homilies 2012 Year C
Feast of the Holy Family - The Family Is The Privileged Setting Where Every Person Learns To Give And Receive Love
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord - God’s Light has entered the World and Defeated the Night
1st Sunday of Advent - May Our Eyes be Ever Fixed on This Light And May Our Hearts be Ever Illumined by it
Written Homilies 2012 Year B
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Whatever We Give in Time, Energy or Resources, The Lord Will Return to Us a Hundredfold
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Let Us Have the Courage, like the Blind Man Bartimeus, to Cry out to Jesus for Sight
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Let Us have the Courage, to Turn Our Lives into Prayer and Service to God
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Let Us Show Forth Our Faith in Good Works
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Master, to Whom Shall We Go, You have the Words of Eternal Life
18 Sunday in Ordinary Tme - Through God's Infinite Love We are given, in the Holy Eucharist, Jesus Christ, His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Let Us Approach Jesus with Humility and With Hearts Longing for His Love
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "In Overcoming Their Fear, Jesus...Healed Them and Brought Them Peace"
Solemnity of Corpus Christi Sunday - Jesus Himself Becomes the Lamb of Sacrifice
Pentecost Sunday - The Holy Spirit grants us spiritual light and life
7th Sunday of Easter - That Word is Christ Himself who is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit
3rd Sunday of Easter - Christ is the Joy of Our Hearts
Easter Sunday - Let Us Look Forward in Hope to the Everlasting Joy of the Heavenly Kingdom
Good Friday - It is Christ’s Love Radiating from the Cross that is the Gateway to Interior Freedom
Holy Thursday - Jesus’ Way is a Way of Service
5th Sunday of Lent -Jesus Wants Each of Us to find Him, See Him, Know Him, and Love Him
4th Sunday of Lent - Christ is the Light, the Light of the truth
2nd Sunday Of Lent - The True Measure of Humanity is essentially determined in Relationship to Suffering and to the Sufferer
6th Sunday in Oridnary Time - Jesus’ Actions Reveal that Sacred Truth to Us
Sunday Christmas Octave - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart
Archived Homilies 2010-2011


Fr. Joseph Palermo is a priest for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana.
He serves serves as spiritual director at Notre Dame Seminary and spiritual advisor for the St. Thomas More Catholic Lawyers Association.


Written Homilies 2014 Year A
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - The Scriptures Reveal The Trinity and so did Jesus
Pentecost Sunday - We Cannot Survive Without the Holy Spirit
Ascension Sunday - The Ascension As A Relay Race
5th Sunday of Easter - To Understand and Live the Communitarian Nature of the Gospel of Jesus
4th Sunday of Easter -We Hear the Words of Everlasting Life, Receive the God of Everlasting Life, and Recognize the True Voice of the Good Shepherd. 
5th Sunday of Lent - Jesus Makes All Things New
2nd Sunday of Lent - Lent: A Time to Reflect on Our Mountain-top Experiences
1st Sunday of Lent - Spiritual Battle and the Authentic Values of the Gospel
Ash Wednesday - Lenten Practices: Assisting Interior Transformation


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