Purity of Heart: The Moral Life

A New Covenant of Love

" I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah.  It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers. 
I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people"
(Jeremiah 31: 31-33)

Ecclesial Documents
Humanae Vitae
Evangelium Vitae

Veritatis Splendor

Dignitas Personae
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catechism of the Catholic Church E-book
Morality of the Passions
The Moral Life - Questions and Answers by SCTJM

What the Church teaches
Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, Fifth Edition
Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination: Guidelines to Pastoral Care
A Parents Guide to Chastity Education- Diocese of Fargo
A Pastoral Letter on Chastity-Bishop Joseph Martino
History of Church Teaching on Abortion - US Bishops Fact Sheet
US Bishops on Freedom of Choice Act

Declaration On Human Rights - Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone

Life Giving Love in an Age of Technology - USCCB Resources
Church Teaching on New Age and Yoga
Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan- A Pastoral Letter of the USCCB
New Video Explains What Happens in Catholic Rigte of Marriage
The Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective
Now and at the Hour of Our Death -
Pastoral Letter on End of Life Issues
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments - Questions and Answers by SCTJM

Current Issues
Abortion - Page by SCTJM
Chastity - A Virtue for Our Times - Page by SCTJM
Distinction Between Direct Abortion and Legitimate Medical Procedures -
Joint Statement from Regional Bishops on Migration
Important First Step in Immigration Reform - USCCB
National Pro-Life Postcard Campaign- USCCB
Pornography and the Attack on the Living Temple of God- Bishop Paul S. Loverde, Diocese of Arlington
Voting Pro-Abortion Called Cooperating in Evil-
Bishops Kevin Farrell & Kevin Vann

Fight the Freedom of Choice Act
"We Will Consistently Defend the Fundamental Right to Life" -Letter to President-elect Barack Obama:Cardinal George
What Should Science Trump? - Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted

Africa and Condoms: A Case of Morality in Reality - Episcopal Conference of Nigeria
"We Stand Unified in Our Strong Opposition" - Statement of New York Bishops on Same-Sex "Marriage"
When Stem Cell Research Gets Personal - Interview With Bioethicist on Umbilical Cord Cell Banking
      - Part I
      - Part II

Hope After Abortion
The Task of Catholic Medical Professionals
Archbishop Charles Chaput

A Compendium and Defense of Traditional Catholic Theology on Origins - Fr. Victor P. Warkulwiz, M.S.S.
Fr. Barron Comments on Abortion: Shocking Numbers Out of New York
To Live Each
Day with Dignity - A Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide by the USCCB
HHS Final Rule Still Reguires Action in Congress, By Courts, Says Cardinal Dolan -
USCCB, July 3, 2013
High Levels of Pro-Life State Legistlation Passes so Far This Year -
July 14, 2013

New Video From USCCB Explains What Happens in the Catholic Rite of Marriage
The Language of Love - Pastoral Letter on Contraception - Bishop James Conley
Marriage, Divorce, and Communion - Msgr. Michael Souckar

"We Must Protect the Family from the Devil's Attacks" - Article on Words of Cardinal Sarah

The Dignity of the Human Person
 Dignitas Personae - Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions
- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Declaration on Euthanasia - Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Intl. Call for the Rights and Dignity of the Human Person and the Family
"Our Central Focus Has Always Been on the Dignity of the Human Person" - Mary Ann Glendon
The Heart of Social Doctrine Remains the Human Person - Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart: A Pastoral Letter on the Dignity of the Human Person and the Dangers of Pornography-Bishop Robert Finn
A Pastoral Letter on Morality and Conscience - Bishop John Keating

Marriage and Religious Freedom: Fundamental Goods that Stand or Fall Together - An Open Letter from Religious Leaders in the United States to All Americans

For I am Lonely and Afflicted - Towards a Just Response to
      the Needs of Mentally Ill Persons
- Catholic Bishops of New
      York State

Calumny and Detraction - Fr. Kenneth Baker, SJ
The Transgender Question - Fr. Mike Schmitz

The Moral Conscience
Participation of Catholics in Political Life- CDF
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
USCCB, Nov. 2007

The Moral Conscience in Ethics and the Contemporary Crisis of Authority-
Bishop Anthony Fisher

How Are Catholics To Participate in Political Life? -
Monsignor Charles M. Mangan

Election Guide: The Catholic's Political Responsibility
Novena for Faithful Citizenship

On Character and Circumstance: "People Make History;
Not the Other Way Around"
- Archbishop Charles Chaput

"It Is Also Possible to Do Business by Pursuing Aims That Serve Society" - Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
The Manhattan Declaration:  A Call of Christian Conscience
2012 Presidential Preference Primary Election Guide - Florida Catholic Conference

Making God's Work Our Own - Carl A. Anderson
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate
Our First and Most Cherished Liberty: A Statement on Religious Liberty by the USCCB
Faithful Citizenship: An Exploration of Sacred Scripture and Tradition - an 11-Week Reflection Series by the USCCB
Encyclopedia Acknowledges Fetal Pain as a Scientific Fact
"But Don't You Impose Your Morality on Me" - Dr. Edward Sri

The Person and Society
Profile of the Catholic Teacher of Medicine-
Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragán
"One Strong Resolution: I Will Love" -
Bl. Mother Teresa's Address to the United Nations

USCCB Website for Catholic Teaching on Economic Life
The Good Life from A Catholic Perspective: The Problem with Consumption - Msgr. Charles Murphy
Morality and Art - Louis Secondo, T.O.R
JPII on Morals
Purity of Heart
Woman's Moral Nobility

Karol Wojtyla's Love and Responsibility: a summary - Dr. William E. May
The Church's Understanding of Original Sin -
Steven M. Lee
When Bioethics Turned Secular- Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
How Can I Attain Heaven? - Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Teachings SCTJM
Walking with Our Lady: An Examination of Heart for Children


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