Light of the Heart: Sacred Scriptures

His Word is a lamp unto our feet

By Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap


2015 2014
1st Lenten Sermon:
"The Joy of the Gospel Fills the Heart and Life"

1st Lenten Sermon:
With Jesus in the Desert

  2nd Lenten Sermon:
St. Augustine: I Believe the Church is One and Holy
  3rd Lenten Sermon:
St. Ambrose: Faith in the Eucharist
2012 2011
1st Lenten Sermon:
"St. Athanasius and Faith in the Divinity of Christ"
1st Lenten Sermon:
"The Two Faces of Love: Eros and Agape"
2nd Lenten Sermon:
"St. Gregory of Nazianzen and Faith in the Trinity"
2nd Lenten Sermon:
"God is Love"
3rd Lenten Sermon:
"St. Basil and Faith in the Holy Spirit"
3rd Lenten Sermon:
"Let Love be Genuine"
4th Lenten Sermon:
"St. Gregory of Nyssa and the way to know God"
4th Lenten Sermon:
"Love Must Be Active: The
Social Relevance of the Gospel"
Good Friday Homily:
I Died and Behold I am Alive for Evermore


1st Lenten Sermon:
"The Priest As Steward of the
Mysteries of God"

1st Lenten Sermon:
"We Are Born 'Old Men' and
We Must Become 'New Men'"

2nd Lenten Sermon:
"Christ Offered Himself to God"

2nd Lenten Sermon:
"The Law Is at the Service
of Love and Defends It"


3rd Lenten Sermon:
"There Is a Very Close Relationship Between Conscience and
the Holy Spirit"


4th Lenten Sermon:
"There Is No Gift More Beautiful Than Spreading Hope"


Good Friday Sermon:
"Up to Death and Death on a Cross"



1st Lenten Sermon:
 Jesus Began to Preach:
The Word of God in the Life of Christ

1st Lenten Sermon:
Blessed Are the Pure of Heart,
for They Will See God

2nd Lenten Sermon:
For Every Useless Word:
Speaking 'as With Words of God'

2nd Lenten Sermon:
Blessed Are the Meek,
For They Shall Inherit the Land

3rd Lenten Sermon:
Welcome the Word:
The Word of God As a Way of Personal Sanctification

3rd Lenten Sermon:
Blessed Are You Who Hunger Now,
for You Will Satisfied

4th Lenten Sermon:
The Letter Kills, the Spirit Gives Life: The Spiritual Reading of the Bible

4th Lenten Sermon:
Let Us Call Even Those Who Hate Us 'Brother'


Good Friday Sermon:
And There Were Also Some Women There...


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