SCTJM- Academic Formation Fund

Fund for the Academic Formation of Our Sisters

"The formation of consecrated women...should be adapted to modern needs and should provide sufficient time and suitable institutional opportunities
for a systematic education, extending to all areas, from the theological-pastoral to the professional. Pastoral and catechetical formation,
always important, is particularly relevant in view of the new evangelization, which calls for new forms of participation
also on the part of women. Clearly, a more solid formation, while helping consecrated women to understand better their own gifts, cannot but encourage within the
Church the reciprocity which is needed. In the field of theological, cultural and spiritual studies, much can be expected from the genius of women, not only in relation
to specific aspects of feminine consecrated life, but also in understanding the faith in all its expressions".
Vita Consecrata, no. 58

As Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we are called to be ardent witnesses to the power of love and the splendor of the treasures of the Church, to form hearts for a new civilization of love and life.

The love of the Pierced Hearts have invited our Congregation to go out "into the deep," bringing forth the reign of love of the Two Hearts in all sectors of society and with its influx transforming them from within. Yes, the love of Christ urges us to go out “into the deep” and to be joyful and faithful witnesses to love, to the splendor of truth, and the Splendor of the Church.

In order to do this lovingly, effectively and in full communion with the Heart of the Church, good academic formation is essential. Each of our sisters is in constant formation, further deepening her knowledge of the teachings and treasures of the Church. We desire to have sisters formed in the different academic fields in institutions of Catholic Higher Education, to be readily available to serve Our Mother the Church, by placing our charism at her service.  The Marian principle serving the Petrine principle. As the community continues to grow, the capacity to financially provide for this type of formation has become beyond our possibilities.  That is why we are inviting you to support us in continuing our mission to be ardent witnesses of the splendor of the treasures of the Church.

For this reason, we have initiated a fund specifically for the academic formation of the sisters. Money donated would go toward tuition costs, books, and room and board at the places of study. Please help us to bring about our mission to go out into the deep, into the Heart of the Church and the heart of the world.

We ask you to please sustain us in prayer and intercede for this intention.  Pray for all the apostolic endeavors we already have been entrusted with by the Church.  Pray that we may fulfill the designs of love that the Pierced Hearts have for us and that we may always respond to these designs with a marian heart: Let it be done! 

May love triumph!

Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary


If you consider supporting us, please send your donation to:
Siervas de los Corazones Traspasados de Jesus y Maria

Attn:  Academic Formation
3098 SW 14 Street
Miami, FL 33145

To make a donation by credit card:
Call  (305) 446-3405

Let's go out into the deep!


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