“I see history as the unfolding of the Father's designs of love in total dialogue with the human heart, with its fiats and no's...and the mercy of God's love turning every moment, every response into a greater triumph of love and for love.” - Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM and FCT

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Radio Cor Ecclesiae

For vocational interest, send an e-mail to: fiat@piercedhearts.org
For interest in the male branch, send an e-mail to: brothersandpriests@piercedhearts.org

Heart of the Shepherd

Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Heart of St. John Paul II

Through the Desert,
God Leads us to Freedom
Lenten Message 2024

Monthly prayer intentions
of the Holy Father

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart:
New Ark of Our Difficult Times
Written by Mother Adela, SCTJM - Foundress

All on the Pierced Hearts
June- the Month of the Sacred Heart
Page by SCTJM

Teachings of our Mother Foundress
in the Shrine of Lourdes
Videos of Mother Adela, SCTJM - Foundress

Consecrations to the Hearts
of Jesus and Mary

We must conquer the whole world and each soul, now and in the future, until the end of times,
for the Immaculate, and through Her for the
Sacred Heart of Jesus...+

The Cross of Christ is the
World's Hope
Homily on Palm Sunday, 1996

"The Marian Dimension
of St. John Paul II"
Mother Adela, SCTJM - Foundress



Marian Consecration According to
St. John Paul II

Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Let Us Never Lose the Vision of Faith
February 27, 2013

In The Heart Of the Church

Saints and Spirituality

From the Heart of MOTHER ADELA


"Our Anointing Means that We Belong to Christ"
Homily of Archbishop Wenski at Chrism Mass
March 26, 2024

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship

Religious Life: Embrace the Adventure
Homily of Archbishop Thomas Wenski
at the Archiocesan Celebration of the
World Day of Consecrated Life
February 5, 2022

Wisdom of the Heart:
St. Francis de Sales
"Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall a
soul except sin. God commands you to pray, but
He forbids you to worry."

All on Divine Mercy
Page by SCTJM

14 Promises of Jesus to those who Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Divine Mercy Novena
Starts Good Friday
March 29, 2024

Fasting and Conversion of Heart
Mother Adela, SCTJM - Foundress

Divine Mercy in St. Faustina
and St. John Paul II

Teaching during a Pilgrimage to Poland in 2010

Heart to Heart with
Mother Adela, sctjm

Priesthood - COnsecrated Life




Creating a Culture of Vocations
Address of Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM
at the World Meeting of Families 2015

Vocational Pastoral Work
A Diagram with
a Vision of Vocational Ministry
Mother Adela, Foundress, SCTJM

"Joyfully and Serenely"
33 Questions Regarding Vocations
to the Religious Life
By: SCTJM & Msgr. Charles Mangan

 Do you feel called to
the Religious Life?

Brief vocational exa

Instruction Regarding the Burial of the Deceased and the Conservation of the Ashes in the Case of Cremation
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Teaching on Gay Marriage
By: Sr. Karla Maria

On the Importance and Priority of
Defending Innocent Human Life
by U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops

"In What Sense is the Spiritual
Motherhood of Mary Universal?"

Part of the Compendium Series
by Sr. Mary Angela, sctjm

Eucharistic Cenacle:
December 3, 2021
"Seek the Lord with All Your Heart

"The Three Loves: the Eucharist, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Church"
Sr. Karla Maria, SCTJM

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studies of our sisters!
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Liturgy and Sacred Scriptures

Ecclesial News

Communion of Hearts

Ecclesial News

Liturgical Calendar
Month of April

In the Heart of the Word
"Ash Wednesday"
Fr. Joseph Rogers

Homily at Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Archbishop Thomas Wenski

Tennessee Down Syndrome Abortion Ban Remains in Effect

Papal Envoy Prays at Mass Grave in Ukraine

Ukraine: Sisters of St. Joseph turn Convents into Refugee Centers


Blessed Are the Merciful
Theme song from 2016
World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland

World Watch List for
Persecution of Christians
Map of where in the world Christians are
being most persecuted...+
by Open Doors USA

Watch this video of one of our songs on our new music album!

Click here to order the album... 


Placing medals along the coasts and in cities at risk for natural disasters 

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“We are called to manifest the redemptive love of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
     as the driving force for the building of a new civilization."


The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary began this page on August 22, 2006, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary,
placing our Marian charism at the service of the New Evangelization.
It is our constant prayer, that this simple effort may help many hearts to discover the splendor of the Magisterium and Treasures of the Church,
and so form ardent and luminous witnesses of the faith to build a new civilization of love and life.

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