Help us with the oars that we need to navigate this barque within the oceans of our contemporary world. We desire to continue to advance our mission of the use of all means of communication, as we have done since the beginning of our Religious Institute, placing our charism at the service of the New Evangelization to build a new civilization of love, truth and life.

Our presence through the means of communication has been an intergral part of our apostolic mission and that is why we are constantly updating and learning new methods through courses, equipment, and programs of advanced technology. The ardor for spreading the seed of the Gospel impels us, not to detain ourselves, rather to go out and conquer all the possible oceans, so that the love of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary may triumph in many hearts and in the whole world.

With gratitude and humility, we ask for your support in our Campaign: "Go Out Into the Whole World". By your donation of $2.00 you will help make possible the maintenance of our equipment, the use of better methods of communication and also will help us to improve the quality of our media transmissions, giving them greater clarity and effectiveness.

We thank you for accompanying us with your prayers and sacrifices, offered for our religious institute and for abundant vocations for our congregation. We also count on your generous economic support.

You may make your donation through PayPal


or you may send your donation to:
P.O. Box 347423
Coral Gables, FL. 33234

We have been spreading the seed of Faith through many Means of communication, such as:

Information and formation centers: and

Teachings, formation series on video and audio in our websites

Production of video clips on different topics: youth, Year of Faith, Cathechism and vocational discernment

Videos of stories and documentaries on the lives of saints, tributes and vidoes with formative messages

Videos on our YouTube channel and also on Facebook.

Messages via cell phones on topics of formation: families, the sacred, pilgrimages, prayer, etc.

Radio programs in various Catholic stations around the world

Programs on Catholic Television with series on particular topics of our faith

Live transmission via internet of all our events: Eucharistic Cenacles, Annual All Night Vigil, courses, retreats, pilgrimages, prayer groups and ecclesial activities

Blogs for special events: World Youth Day, Beatifications, Canonizations and pilgrimages

Production and distribution of formation pamphlets, which we distritbute in all our preaching and evangelization missions

Production and distribution of cassettes, videos, CD's and DVD's on teachings, documentaries and prayers

Distribution of Evangelization Packets in mission territories, Latin America and other parts of the world

National and International congresses, conferences and retreats

Formation and enrichment retreats and parish missions

Courses of formation on the Magisterium of H.H. John Paul II

We do all our evangelization ministry with simultaneous translation in English and Spanish

Our means of evangelization have reached 5 continents, primarily through our web pages. Our work has always been built upon our small sacrifices and ardous hours of work to spread the seed to many hearts.





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