(All activities are in Miami, FL, except when it is otherwise stated)



Our objective is to bring about a greater communion with the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary. For this purpose we place great importance in devotion to the Holy Eucharist, adoration, reparation, and consecration to Jesus through Mary and a continual formation based upon the Magisterium of the Church. By this communion with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary we wish to dispose ourselves to be humble instruments in promoting the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

"We have to win over the whole world and every soul, now and in the future, until the end of times,
for the Immaculate and through her, for the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus."

(Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe)

"My dear friends, I exhort you to continue your efforts in promoting to the People of God
a greater understanding of the devotion to the Heart of the Son and of His Mother."

(John Paul II, 1986)

"Even besides all opposition, this Divine Heart eventually will triumph.
Blessed are those who have been instruments to establish His reign."

(Saint Mary Margaret Alacoque)

The Angel said to the shepherds of Fatima: "Pray. Pray a lot!
The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy over you."

We enter into the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
through the maternal mediation of the Heart of Mary.

"Eucharist: Mystery of light! The human heart, burdened with sin, often bewildered,
weary and tried by suffering of all kinds, has need of light. The world needs light in the
difficult quest for a peace that seems remote, at the beginning of a millennium
overwhelmed and humiliated by violence, terrorism and war."

(Homily of H.H. John Paul II on the occasion of the opening of the Year of the Eucharist)

"It is our greatest desire that in the Eucharistic Cenacles all may get to know the power of the redemptive love of the Eucharistic Heart of Christ and the maternal mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, thus formed at the School of His Heart we may become Apostles that receive the power of the Holy Spirit, in order to become ardent witnesses of the New Evangelization and builders of a new civilization of love and life; disposing ourselves, in this manner, in accomplishing the merciful designs that the Two Hearts have over humanity."
Mother Adela, Foundress, sctjm

We have simultaneous translation to English.

See Schedule of Eucharistic Cenacles

For more information, write to: servants@piercedhearts.org



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