SCTJM - Joyfully and Serenely

Booklet of 33 questions regarding vocations to the Religious Life

Written by:
Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
and Monsignor Charles M. Mangan


Click the following image of the booklet to access the complete document...


This booklet considers only a few of the questions routinely posed regarding vocations to the Religious Life. The number thirty-three
 corresponds to the sum total of years that Jesus Christ-the Origin and the Goal of the Religious Life-lived here on earth.
Although this volume is geared especially toward those contemplating the Religious Life, it also has relevance for those
pondering he Diocesan Priesthood, Secular Institutes, Societies of Apostolic Life and the vocations to
Consecrated Virginity and the Eremetical Life, mutatis mutandis-the necessary changes having been made. 
The parents, family members and friends of those investigating these diverse vocations
may also find some enlightenment herein.

Prayer to Know Your Vocation

Lord God, You Who are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
how marvelous is Your Name throughout all the earth.
 I love You, O lord, my strength. 

Thank you for the vocation that You have given to me. 
May I know, cherish and embrace it as the special path for me
to reach Heaven. Fortified by the examples of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
I will live my vocation joyfully and serenely. 
Grant this through Christ our Lord.



Take a Brief Vocational Exam...

Copies of this booklet may be ordered from:
(If possible a donation would be appreciated)

Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
3098 SW 14 Street
Miami, FL 33145


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