SCTJM - Events


Mother Adela Galindo, Sr. Ana Lanzas and Sr. Maria Jose Socias gave a mission in Cuenca, Ecuador.  They were invited by the Archbishop of Cuenca, Most Reverend Luis Gerardo Cabrera, ofm, and the "Asociación Fieles María Guardiana de la Fe".  Mother and the sisters gave talks to various groups and different groups were consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

On Friday, November 12, 2010, in the Parish of St. Blais, during the celebration of Holy Mass the Archbishop of Cuenca, Luis Gerardo Cabrera, ofm, consecrated the City of Cuenca, the families, the wombs of mothers, and the third division of the Army- whose General was present- to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

AUDIO  in Spanish
audioHomilía de Monseñor  Luis Gerardo
en la  Iglesia de San Blas el 12 de noviembre del 2010

audioOración de Consagración hecha por el Arzobispo de Cuenca
escrita por Madre Adela Galindo, sctjm

TALKS given by Mother Adela and the Sisters during the misson
(the talks are in Spanish)
audioFamilia se lo que eres, Madre Adela Galindo, sctjm - 11/12/2010
Testigos de las Obras de Misericordia, Sr. María José Socias, sctjm - 11/13/10
La Virgen Santísima Madre y Maestra del Corazón, Madre Adela Galindo, sctjm - 11/13/10
Los Laicos en el Corazón de la Iglesia, Sr. Ana Margarita Lanzas, sctjm - 11/13/10
La Tarea de la Nueva Evangelización, Madre Adela Galindo, sctjm - 11/13/10


Some photographs of the Consecration of the Army to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Archbishop Luis Gerardo Cabrera, ofm
of Cuenca, Ecuador



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