dTo see videos from each day of the pilgrimmage of the official relic of St. John Paul II

** 2013 **

** 2014 **

** 2015 **

 vvvvNov. 3-7vvvvv nov.12 - 16 vvvvvnov. 21  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvNovember 8  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvNovember 11 vvvvvvvvvvvvvv November 18 - 19

Parish Date Theme santo Rosario videos
hSt. Mary's Cathedral hNovember 3 Be Not Afraid! Read Meditation Holy Mass 10:00am / Holy Mass 12:00
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSan Pablo - Florida Keys
hNovember 3 Making Memory of His Legacy
to Strengthen Our Identity!
Read Meditation Veneration
hImmaculate Conception hNovember 4 Behold Your Mother! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSeminary St. John Vianney hNovember 5 I will Give you Shepherds!
The Splendor of Consecrated Life!
Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSt. Agatha hNovember 6 Young People: Be Protagonists of the Future! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSt. Thomas the Apostle hNovember 7 Family Be Who You Are! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
vAnnunciation hNovember 8 “Be luminous witnesses of Faith” Read Meditation Watch video
vCathedral Basilca of
St. Augustine
hNovember 11 “The Family, the heart of the new civilization of love” Read Meditation Watch video
hSt. Gregory hNovember 12 Every Life is a Gift! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSt. Raymond hNovember 13 The Church Lives of the Eucharist! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSt. Francis De Sales hNovember 14 Be Apostles and Missionaries
of the Third Millenium!
Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hSt. Catherine of Siena hNovember 15 The Triumph of Divine Mercy! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration
hMission OL of Czestochowa hNovember 16 God is Rich in Mercy! Read Meditation Veneration
hSeminary St. Vincent of Paul Major
hNovember 16 I will Give you Shepherds!
The Splendor of Consecrated Life!
Read Meditation Watch video
hCathedral of St. Mary Immaculate Conception hNovember 18 “The Family, the heart of the new civilization of love” Read Meditation Watch video
hJPII Catholic Newman Center hNovember 19 “Young People: Be protagonists of the future!” Read Meditation Watch video
hSt. Agustine Parish
hand Student Center
hNovember 21 The Splendor of Truth and Love! Read Meditation Holy Mass
Holy Rosary and Veneration

The relic of Bl. John Paul II will be visiting different schools int he Archdiocese of Miami
*This visit will only be for the students of the schools*
Archbishop Coleman Carroll
ssNovember 4
    Watch video St. Agnes Academy
ssNovember 14
  Watch video
ssNovember 6
  Watch video Arch. Edward McCarthy
ssNovember 15
Watch video
Blessed Trinity
ssNovember 7
  Watch video Belen
ssNovember 21
Watch video
Arch. Curley Notre Dame
ssNovember 13
  Watch video    

*This visit is only for the University*
  St. Thomas University
ssNovember 5
  Watch video  

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To view videos of the
Pilgrimage of the Official Relic
of Bl. John Paul II

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d"What are relics and Why are They Important?"
by Mons. James Kruse, J.C.L. Vicar General of the Diocese of Peoria
Read Article...

"To touch a saint"
Article of the Archdiocese of Miami, FL
Read Article...

Testimonies of the graces received in many hearts before the official relic of Bl. John Paul II
Click Here...

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