All for the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary!

A Heart of Flesh
Sr. Ashleigh Heinrich, sctjm

 To Lonely exile strayed our hearts
And barren lands kept us apart
We wandered far from Living Streams
So to pursue our sterile dreams

The blackest nights inspired fear
For Refuge seemed no longer near
Instead of seeking Him alone
Our hearts defend with walls of stone

Each step away from Love we take
The greater cost and more at stake
Our hearts become like lifeless stones
Imprisoned Love within them groans

His Loving Heart for us on fire
Of seeking us, He’ll never tire
Yet far we run and frightened hide
Alone and cold we dwell in pride

Our misery to us unknown
‘til Heaven’s Ray upon us shone
A single tear rolled down our cheek
The freedom of our hearts we seek

And so, by grace, a crack appears
In stone built deep through many years
The smothered coals regain their Flame
And cast out fears that scar and maim

The Fire’s force within us spread
And took us to the Heart that bled
As Blood and Water wash us clean
Against His Heart we gently lean

We softly whisper our desire
A heart of flesh to Love aspire
And thus Love’s wounds in flesh we bear
And so with others’ suff’rings share

Our piercings from the thorns of Love
Will grant them graces from above
And while the thorns our hearts do tear
A Rose they grant, and Love repair.


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