All for the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary!

unveil our living jesus
Sr. Silvia Maria Tarafa, SCTJM
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“I wonder if I locked the door of my car. I hope so, since I left my new MP3 player sitting on the front seat. Who is singing that beautiful song in the choir? I wonder if I will be able to get out of the parking lot in time to make a quick visit to my sick neighbor. Should I bring him a dessert? I wonder if he is allergic to nuts.....”

Often we have a similar litany of thoughts when we stand in line to receive Holy Communion. And so, Jesus told St. Faustina:
When I come to the human heart in Holy Communion, my hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul, but souls do not even pay attention to me. They leave me to myself and busy themselves with other things…. They treat me as a dead object. (St. Faustina, Diary, 1385)

Last week, I had the opportunity to share with thousands of students at Illinois State University about the activities taking place this year at the Catholic Newman Center at which I work. This event happens yearly at every university. I’ve had the opportunity to participate in this event for more than 10 years now, but this year it hit me stronger than ever: how was it that I, my sister and our small group (in comparison to the crowds), as well as the Catholic students we work with, were given the gift of knowing Jesus’ real presence among us?

There were several hundred student organizations at the event, each marketing their ware. Some offered us candy, one had a cricket that you could pet, and the most popular one was giving out free ice cream. Yet our little band of students had the most precious gift of all to offer: we know that Jesus Christ is alive in the Eucharist and on campus, back at our Newman Center. We know that the long awaited Messiah is living and breathing among us. We know that the God made-man remains with us in hidden form, alive in a piece of bread, in a golden box. How is it that we know this, and this vast crowd does not? How were we, a small handful or people, given such a sublime gift? And what are we doing with the knowledge of this gift?

The following Sunday I wondered if any of the new students coming to Mass, who may not be Catholic, could tell, by the reverence in which we were receiving the Eucharist, that we were receiving a real live person, a living person: the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords?

I pray, Lord, for all who see us, for those who are discerning the vocation You have prepared for them, and for those of us who simply want to grow in greater union with You. From the depths of my heart, Lord, I pray that You would help us receive You, living in your glorified body in the Eucharist, with greater awareness of the sublimity and our unworthiness at receiving this gift, the most supreme in the universe!



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