All for the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary!

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us"
Sr. Silvia Maria Tarafa, sctjm
February 15, 2010
For private use only -©

Though the season of Advent is over, throughout the year we do well to remain attentively listening to the Lord. We are called to be awaiting Jesus’ second coming and our own preparation for our final and ultimate destination - where we will spend our eternity. For those who are discerning their vocation in life, how can it be discerned unless we remain attentive to it?

The Lord tells us, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn.1:14). Why does Jesus come as the Word? What does this tell us about our Lord? Why does John not say, “Jesus became flesh? By telling us that He is “The Word,” Jesus is manifesting who He is: the ultimate revelation and the ultimate communication.

What does Jesus reveal? The Word reveals the Father; He reveals Himself as God and a God who is Love. In this loving revelation, the Word also draws us to Himself to communicate to us His divine life - so that we may become one with him. He wants to communicate not only who He is, but also the specific plan He has for each of us to reach this transforming union with Him.

And how can the Word best communicate Himself to us? We can learn much from the receptivity of the Blessed Mother who held the Word in her heart; like her, we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit to allow Him to impregnate us with the Word, to unveil the plan He has for our lives, to make us fruitful, to make us no longer us, but Him.

One very practical way of listening to the Word is by spending time in Scripture, pondering the Word. Through our attentive reflection of Scripture, the Word speaks and enters our everyday lives and guides us one step at a time. It is through our time before the Blessed Sacrament, reading and pondering the Word of the Lord, that we can dispose ourselves to hear Him speak to our hearts: Come, follow me!

There is only One Word. You and I are not the Word. The many voices of the world are loud and wordy- but they are not the Word. There is but one Word. It will pierce us and transform us only if we are open to receiving it. It will become enfleshed in us, if we - the entire Church - in the feminine posture of the receptive heart of the Blessed Mother, are able to, as Church, receive the Word. It will transform us if, in imitation of our Blessed Mother, we are able to make room (in the inn of our hearts) for the Word, and if we receive Him with a Marian docility - allowing it “to be done to us, according to His Word.”

May our hearts imitate the, receptivity of the Blessed Mother to permit the Word to have a home in us, to reveal Himself and his plan for us, to freely communicate to us His love and His life in us - so that we can reach the summit of it no longer being us, but Christ’s Word who lives and moves and has His being - in us.

See Sr. Silva Maria's blog in the Archdiocese of Miami...


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