With great joy and gratitude to the Lord for the great things He has done, we would like to announce to you that our Mother Foundress, Mother Adela Galindo, SCTJM, has accepted the invitation to open a new convent in Rome which will serve the Military Ordinariate of Italy. Mother Adela has named the new convent "Mater Ecclesiae" (Mother of the Church) and its foundation will bring our Marian charism to physically dwell in the Heart of the Church in Rome. Having heard of the power and fecundity of our Marian charism, Archbishop Santo Marcianó, the Archbishop of the Military Ordinariate of Italy, extended the invitation for our Institute to open a convent in the heart of Rome to begin adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in two of the Ordinariate's churches and there to pray for peace, minister to military families and the young people attending nearby universities, and have centers of evangelization and formation. The sisters who have been assigned for this mission at the present time are: Sr. Faustina Maria, SCTJM, Sr. Cristina, SCTJM, and Sr. Lucia Maria, SCTJM.

We receive this new mission with great joy and intrepidity, to go like Our Lady as ardent missionaries wherever the Lord calls us to serve. This is the fourth diocese in which we establish a convent and it is our  first international foundation. We pray that Our Lady may continue to sow the seeds of faith and love in the hearts of all those whom we serve as we embark on this new adventure in the Heart of the Church!

Pictured from right to left are our Mother Foundress, Mother Adela, SCTJM, Archbishop Santo Marcianó, and Sr. Ana Margarita, SCTJM



The Two Churches we will be serving in the heart of Rome:

Church of the Holy Shroud
Via del Sudario, 47 - 00186 - ROMA
(A block away from Gesu Church)

Church of St. Catherine of Siena

Largo Magnanapoli 00184 - ROMA
Telefoni: 06 6 795 100/209 - 06 6 798 963 - 06 6 790 032
(In front of the Angelicum)

In a couple of weeks we will publish all the schedules of activities that will take place in the Churches.


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