SCTJM- Mission in the Diocese of Peoria, IL

"In the spirit of the visitation"
NEW Convent and Mission in
the diocese of Peoria, il

Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Our Marian charism at the service of the Petrine principle!

With great joy in our hearts, we would like to announce the establishment of our new Convent and Mission in the diocese of Peoria, IL. Upon the invitation of Most Reverend Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, of the diocese of Peoria, the community accepted the responsibility of directing the diocesan retreat center. This new foundation that officially began on September 15, 2008, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, is our first foundation outside the Archdiocese of Miami. This convent and mission will be initiated by four sisters who have made themselves totally available to go joyfully and humbly “across the mountains” in the Marian spirit of the Visitation.
May Love always triumph there and everywhere!

Let's go out into the deep!

Sr. Sonia, Sr. Juana Maria, Bishop Jenky, Sr. Isabel, and Sr. Silvia


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