SCTJM- Mission in Cathedral of St. Mary

"Expanding the Tents"
NEW Mission in Cathedral of St. Mary, Archdiocese of Miami

Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Our Marian charism at the service of the Petrine principle!

Our community has experienced a great joy – the “expansion of our tents”- the spiritual theme of the community for this year has begun in an important and historical manner. The Archbishop of Miami, Most Reverend John Clement Favalora, invited our Congregation to staff St. Mary's Cathedral School and Parish placing at our disposition the convent on the Parish grounds.

On Sunday, August 5th, the Rector of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fr. Hogan, officially welcomed and received our community into the Cathedral family. In a beautiful and joy-filled Mass, in which the entire community was present, our Mother Foundress presented the sisters that are to begin their service at the Cathedral to Fr. Hogan. Fr. Hogan asked our Mother if the sisters were prepared to accept their mission at the Cathedral, to which she replied decisively, “They are.” After her acceptance, Fr. Hogan presented to the parishioners the sisters that will be living and working at the Cathedral. The priests and the community were joyful and grateful for their presence. Afterwards, the priests of the Cathedral expressed their gratitude and joy over the Marian presence our sisters will be bringing to the cathedral and Fr. Hogan kindly gave the sisters a welcome gift: a chalice and a paten which will be used in the daily celebration of Holy Mass at the Cathedral's convent. We are very grateful for their warm welcome!  We are also deeply thankful to the Sisters of St. Joseph who previously staffed the Cathedral and have so generously given of their time to aid the sisters in their new mission!

This is a beautiful moment that has visibly manifested the theme of this year in our community: "Expand the Tent". It is prophetic and fitting that this expansion has first begun in the Heart of the Church of our own Archdiocese. We are honored at this opportunity to serve the petrine principle and our brothers and sisters in our community. We are overjoyed at the Lord’s designs for our Congregation and for His providential actions.

Sr. Michelle will serve as the vice-principal of St. Mary's School. Sr. Carmen will be in charge of evangelization and adult religious formation for the cathedral. Sr. Teresa will be the director of religious education for the school and parish and Sr. Maria Teresa will continue her chaplaincy at Jackson Memorial Hospital and will be assisting in the different Cathedral events and in the pastoral care of the sick of the parish.

We pray for the sisters who will be serving at the Cathedral that they may be joyful witnesses of the love of the Pierced Hearts and form hearts for a new civilization of love and life. We also pray that the Lord prepares our hearts for each future “expansion of the tent” that He has lovingly designed for us.

Let's go out into the deep!

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