Saints and the Theology of the Heart

The Marian Devotion of St. Anthony of Padua - Friar Maximilian Mary of Jesus Crucified, FI
Edith Stein and the Science of the Cross - Freda Mary Oben
The Chivalry of Saint Joseph - Stratford Caldecott
Saint Joseph in Franciscan Theology - Noel Muscat OFM
St. Joseph and Suffering - Monsignor Charles M. Mangan
In St. Joseph's Workshop - St. Josemaria Escriva
Mother Teresa: The Person, Religious, and Channel of Grace - Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Our Lady in Padre Pio's Life - Brother Francis Mary F.I.
Padre Pio: Priest and Victim - Monsignor Arthur Burton Calkins
On Padre Pio: Prayer, Charity and the Joy of Forgiveness - Cardinal O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap.
Da Mihi Animas: A Friar Reflects on Padre Pio's Death
St. Therese, Little Flower and the Ordained Priesthood - Monsignor Charles M. Mangan
Links to Jesus Living in Mary: Handbook of the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort
St. Teresa of Jesus and the Virgin Mary

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