H.H. Benedict XVI- Angelus



December 26: On St. Stephen the Martyr
"Loving the Poor Is One of the Privileged Ways to Live the Gospel"
December 20: On Bethlehem, City-Symbol of Peace
"A Peace That Is Laboriously Sought and Awaited"
December 8: On Mary as Mother
"We Can Turn to Her, and Our Heart Receives Light and Comfort"
December 6: On Preparing the Scene for the Word
"The Word of God Is the Subject That Moves History"

 November 29: On Christ, the Foundation of Hope
"He Is 'Flesh' Like Us, and Is 'Rock' Like God"

November 8: On Pope Paul VI's Marian Devotion
"He Placed his Priesthood Under the Protection of the Mother of Jesus"
November 1: On the Communion of Saints
"We Are Never Alone! We Form Part of a Spiritual Company"
October 25: On the Africa Synod
"Be Salt and Light in the Beloved African Land"
October 18: On World Mission Sunday
"The Church Exists to Proclaim This Message of Hope"
October 11: On the Canonization of 5 Saints
"The Virgin Mary Is the Star That Guides Every Journey of Sanctity"
September 27: On the Church in the Czech Republic
"May Mary Keep the Flame of Faith Alive in All of You"
September 20: On True Wisdom
"To 'Do' Works of Peace We Need to 'Be' Men of Peace"
September 13: On The Expression of Faith Through Works
"The Word of God Puts Two Crucial Questions to Us"
September 6: On Viterbo, the "City of Popes"
"Confirm Your Brothers"
August 30: On Marriage and Virginity
"Intimately Connected and Mutually Illuminate Each Other"
August 23: On the Scandal of the Christian Faith
"Jesus’ Teaching Seems Hard"
August 16: Mary's "Yes" and Our "Yes"
She "Has Been 'Elevated' to the Place From Which the Son Had 'Come Down'"
August 15: On Marian Devotion of St. John Vianney
"The Holy Curé d'Ars Was Attracted Above all by Mary's Beauty
August 9: On the Year For Priests
"Love Triumphs Over Death!"
August 2: On the Priestly Mission "A Precious Opportunity to Deepen our Knowledge of the Value of the Mission of Priests "
July 26: On Helping Jesus in His Mission
"Priests Become Instruments of Salvation"
July 19: On the Economic Crisis and Cultural Values
"Providence Always Helps Those Who Do Good"
July 12: On the G-8 Summit
"The Proclamation of Christ Is the
First and Principal Factor of Development"

 July 5: On the Shedding of Blood
"When Will Men Learn That Life Is Sacred?"

June 29: On the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
"Resist Being Conformed to the Mentality of This World"
June 28: On St. Paul, Model of Love for Christ
"A Priest Who Was Completely Identified With His Ministry"
June 21: On Padre Pio's Devotion to Mary
"With a Mother's Hand She Will Guide

You to the Heavenly Homeland"
June 14: On Corpus Christi
"Yes, Love Exists, and Since It Exists, Things Can Change"
June 7: On the Holy Trinity
"Inexhaustible Font of Life That Unceasingly Gives Itself"
May 31: On the Holy Spirit and the Church
"The Church Is Unceasingly Formed and
Guided by the Spirit of the Lord"
May 24: On St. Benedict's
Example and the Church in China
May 17: On the Holy Land
"Symbol of God’s Love for His People

and for the Whole of Humanity"
 May 3, 2009: On Vocations and the Holy Land Trip
"Pray...so that the Greatness and Beauty of the
Love of God Attracts Many to Follow Christ"
April 26: On the Goal of Sanctity
"May All of You …
Bear Witness to Him Courageously"
April 19, 2009: On Divine Mercy and the Catholic Family
"It Is the Merciful Love of God that Solidly Unites the Church"
April 13: On the Resurrection and the Eucharist
"He Nourishes Us Spiritually and Infuses Us with Strength"
March 29: On the Challenges Facing Africa
"It Is No Longer Time for Words and Speeches"
March 15: On the Pope's Trip to Cameroon and Angola
"I Intend to Embrace the Whole African Continent"
March 8: On Prayer and Christ's Transfiguration
"Find in This Time of Lent Moments of Prolonged Silence"
March 1: On the Role of Angels
"Let Us Call Upon Them Often"
Feb. 22: On the Primacy of the Chair of Peter
"Called to Perform a Special Service"
Feb. 15: On Transgressions and Forgiveness
"The Sins We Commit Distance Us From God"
Feb. 8: On Sickness and God's Healing Love
"We Are Made for Life"
Feb. 1: On the Messiah
"Suffering Is an Integral Part of His Mission"
Jan. 25: On Conversion
"I Can Get Out of the Quicksand of Pride and Sin"
Jan. 18: On World Day of Migrants
"Work in Every Part of the World for Peaceful Coexistence"
Jan. 11: On Baptism and the World Family Meeting
"You Are My Sons and Daughters, My Beloved"
Jan. 6: On the Epiphany
"Jesus Came to the World With Great Humility and in Secret"

Jan. 4: On John's Synthesis of Christian Faith
"The Fulfillment of the Whole of the Old Covenant"

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