Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus


Look at the One they Pierced!



Dec. 30- On the Holy Family
"It Is Worth It to Work for the

Family and Marriage"
Dec. 26 - Feast of St. Stephen, Protomartyr Dec. 18 - The Silence of St. Joseph: His Interior Life
Dec. 23- On Evangelization and Christmas
"Nothing Is More Beautiful Than Freely Giving What We Have Freely Received"
Dec. 17- Joy of the Third Sunday: "A Prophetic Proclamation Destined for the Whole of Humanity" May 15 - The Indissoluble Bond that Exists between the Spirit and the Institution
Dec. 16- On Gaudete Sunday
"God Is Near as Friend and

Faithful Husband"
Dec. 8- On Mary, Full of Grace
"God Was Captivated by Mary's Humility"
Dec. 9- On St. John the Baptist
"The Great Prophet Asks Us to Prepare

the Way of the Lord"
Dec .1- Christ is Coming!
"To Knock on the Door of Every Man
and Woman of Good Will"

Dec. 2- On Hope
"The World Needs God -- the True God" 

Nov. 26- Christ, King of the Universe
"He Defeated the Power of the 'Prince of This World'"
Nov. 18- On Trust in God
"Let Us Not be Afraid of the Future, Even When it Appears Bleak"
Nov. 19- In Praise of Cloistered Religious
"Silently Witness That God Is the Only Support That Never Falters"
Nov. 11- On St. Martin of Tours
"Generous Witness of the Gospel of Charity"
Nov. 12- A Plea to End World Hunger
"It Is Necessary 'to Convert' the Model of Global Development"
Nov. 4- On Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
"Love ... Is the Force That
Renews the World"
Nov. 5- On the Meaning of Death
With Christ, "It Has Been

Deprived of Its 'Venom'"
Nov. 1- On All Saints' Day
"God Invites Everyone to Form Part of His Holy People"
Nov. 1- All Saints Day
"Everything passes,
only God does not Change"
Oct. 28- On the Call to Martyrdom
"Not an Exception Reserved Only to
Some Individuals"
Oct. 29-On Bartimaeus' encounter with Christ
"Faith is a path of Illumination"
Oct. 14-  On True Healing
"What a Treasure Is Hidden in the Little Phrase 'Thank You'"
Oct. 22- Mission Sunday
"Arise from the heart"
Oct. 7- Month of the Rosary
"A Means for Contemplating Jesus"
Oct. 8- Christian Spouses
 "Missionaries of Love and Life"
Sept. 30- On Lazarus and World Hunger
"He Who Is Forgotten by All Is Not Forgotten by God"
Oct. 1- On the Rosary and Missions
Take the Love of God to All"
Sept. 23- On Wealth and Poverty
"Equal Distribution of Goods Is a Priority"
Sept. 24- "Some Are Asked to Give the Supreme Testimony of Blood"  
Sept. 16- On the Parables of Mercy
"The Road That Jesus Shows"
Sept. 17- Apology to Muslims
"An Invitation to Frank
and Sincere Dialogue"
Sept. 9- On Loving Jesus as Mary Did
"She Allowed God to Fill Her With Love"
Sept. 10- On Mary the Patroness of Bavaria  

Aug. 26- Get  "Passport" Ready for Heaven "Stamp It With Works That Show
Friendship With Christ"

Sept. 3- Gregory the Great as Model
"The Life of the Pastor Must

Be a Balanced Synthesis"

Aug. 19- On Christ's Peace
"Not the Simple Absence of Conflict"

Aug. 27- On Sts. Monica and Augustine
"Their Testimonies Can be
of Great Help for Families"
Aug. 15- On Mary's Glorification
"She Sits in Splendor at the Right Hand of Her Son"
Aug. 20- On St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Great Marian Doctor of the Church  
July 29- On Nuclear Technology
"Let US Pray That Men Live in Peace"
Aug. 15- On the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  
July 22- On War July 23- On Day of Prayer for Peace in the Middle East  
July 15- On the Heart of Christian Life
"Love Renders Us Witnesses to Christ"
July 16- On Our Lady of Mount Carmel  

July 8- On Being Missionaries of Christ
"In God's Field There Is Work for Everyone"

July 9- At the Conclusion of the 5th World Meeting of Families  
July 1- On the Freedom of Christ
"A Conscious Choice Motivated by Love"
July 8- On the Mother of the Forlorn  

June 24- On Birth of John the Baptist

"The First 'Witness' of Jesus"

July 2- Faith in the Family  

June 17- On Peace, a Call From Assisi
"May Weapons be Silenced and
May Hate Yield to Love"

June 29- On the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul  
May 27- On Solemnity of Pentecost
"We Relive the Birth of the Church"
June 25- On Devotion to the Sacred Heart  
May 20- On Media Day
"Safeguard the Common Good,
Respect the Truth"
June 4- On Pentecost
"The Church Shows Herself as Missionary"
May 13- On Latin America     
"You Have a Part to Play in Building

Your Nations' Destiny"
April 17- On the Joy of the Church  
May 6- On Mary's Month
"Pray for This Apostolic Pilgrimage to Brazil"
April 9- Celebration of Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord  
April 29- On World Day for Vocations
"At the Service of the
Church as Communion"
April 22- Pastoral Visit to
Vigevano and Pavia
April 15- On Divine Mercy
"A New Reality, Fruit of the Love of God"
April 9- Do Not Be Afraid to Proclaim His Resurrection    
March 25- On the Annunciation
"Mary's 'Yes' Is the Reflection of

Christ's Own 'Yes'"

Mar 18- On the Eucharist
"Profound Joy of Believers"

Mar 11- On Conversion
"The Most Effective Response to Evil"
Mar 4- On the Transfiguration
"To Pray Is Not to Evade Reality"
Feb 25- On Contemplating Christ Crucified
"Eloquent Message of Love"

Feb 18- On the Revolution of Love
"It Changes the World

Without Making Noise"


Feb 11- On World Day of the Sick
"Offer Integral Care ... Human Support"

Feb 4- On Pro-life Day in Italy
"Must Not Be Denied to Anyone"

Jan 28- On the Faith-Reason Synthesis
"A Precious Patrimony for Western Civilization"

Jan 21- On Ecumenism
"Unity Comes About Especially by Praying"

Jan 14- On Migrant Families
"Weakened and at Times Disfigured

by Life's Trials"


Jan 7- On the Baptism of the Lord
 "Holiness Constitutes the Vocation
of All the Baptized"

Jan 6- On the Epiphany
"The Wise Men Are the

First Fruits of the Gentiles"



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