H.H. Benedict XVI- Angelus



Dec. 28: On the Feast of the Holy Family
"Family of Nazareth, Expert in Suffering, Give Peace to the World"
Dec. 21: On the Angelus
"Allows Us to Relive the Decisive Moment

When God Knocked at Mary's Heart"
Dec. 14: On the Lord's Return
"The 'Nearness' of God Is  a Question of Love"
Dec. &: On the Definitive Exodus
"From the Kingdom of Evil to the Kingdom of God"
Nov. 30: On God's Gift of His Time
"A Gift That Man Can Appreciate or Squander"
Nov. 23: On the Final Judgment
"Not a Question of Honors and Appearances"
Nov. 16: On Investing Our Talents
"The Mistaken Attitude Is That of Fear"
Nov. 9: On the Lateran Basilica
"The Temple of Stones Is a Symbol of the Living Church"
Nov. 1: On All Saints' Day
"We Feel the Attraction for Heaven Rekindle in Us"
Oct. 26: On the Word and Words
"The Bible Should Not be Robbed of Its Divine Element"
Oct. 19: On World Mission Sunday
"Prayer Is the First Missionary Duty of Each One of Us"
Oct. 5: On the Role of Synods
"They Are a Coming Together"
Sept. 28: On John Paul I
"Humility Can Be Considered His Spiritual Legacy"
Sept. 21: On the Birth of Mary
"We Celebrate Her Birth Today As Devoted Children"
Sept. 7: On the Birth of Mary
"We Celebrate Her Birth Today As Devoted Children"
Aug. 31: On the Reality of Evil
"It Is Not 'Optional' for Christians to Take Up the Cross"
Aug. 24: On the Pope's Mission
"To Make Present Among Men the Peace of God"
Aug. 17: On the Communion of All Men
"Be a Hospitable House for All"
Aug. 15: On the Assumption
"The Lord Humbles the Proud and Raises the Humble"
Aug. 10: On the Nearness of the Lord
"He Holds His Hand Out to Us"
Aug. 3: On Giving and Receiving
"We Must be People Who Give, Because We are People Who Receive"
July 20: On World Youth Day
"It Was Like a Multicolored Mosaic"
July 20: On God's Marriage Proposal
"In Our Name, Mary Said Yes"
July 6: On Youth Day and the G-8
"The Holy Spirit Infuses the Capacity to Be Witnesses of Jesus"
June 29: On the Pauline Year
"St. Paul Invites All Christians to Be Missionaries of the Gospel"
June 22: On Being Unafraid
"He Who Fears God Feels Interiorly the Security of a Child"
June 15: On the Way of Peace
"The Place Where We Find Ourselves Is Permeated With Symbolism"
June 8: On the Call of Matthew
"True Religion Consists in the Love of God and Neighbor"
June 1: On the Sacred Heart
"Every Person Needs a 'Center' in His Life"
May 25: On Daily Bread
"He Became Our Food to Give Us Life"
May 18: On Mary's Intercession
"'Trust in me!' Mary Repeats This Again to Us Today"
May 11: On Pentecost
"The Baptism of the Church"
May 4: On Jesus' Return to the Father
"St. Peter’s Square Is Like a 'Cenacle' Open to Heaven"
April 27: On the Mission of Priests
"Sowing the Joy of the Gospel in the World"
April 13: On the Call to Evangelize
"Christian Marriage Is Also a Missionary Vocation"
April 6: Setting Out for Emmaus
"The Road That Leads There Is the Journey of Every Christian"
March 30: On John Paul II and Divine Mercy
"All the Church Does Shows the Mercy God Feels for Man"
March 23: Easter Urbi et Orbi
"The Resurrection of Jesus Is Essentially an Event of Love"
March 9: On the Resurrection of Lazarus
"The Last Great 'Sign' Worked by Jesus"
March 2: On Lent's Baptismal Journey
"Let Us Allow Jesus to Heal Us"
Feb. 24: On The Samaritan Woman
"God Thirsts for Our Faith and Our Love"
Feb. 17: On Being Transfigured
"To Enter Into Life It Is Necessary to Listen to Jesus"
 Feb. 10: On Entering Into Lent
"Live This Time of Grace With Interior Joy and Generous Commitment"
Feb. 3: For Vocations, Life, Lent
"A People's Civilization Is Measured by Its Capacity to Serve"
Jan. 27: On the Good News
"God Reigns in the World Through His Son Made Man"
Jan. 20: On Christian Unity
"We All Have the Duty to Pray and Work for the Overcoming of Every Division"
Jan. 13: On Christ's Baptism
"Jesus Began Taking Upon Himself the Guilt of All Humanity"
 Jan. 6: On the Epiphany
"The Power of the Holy Spirit That Moves Hearts and Minds"


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