Pope Benedict XVI- Links

General Wednesday Audiences



Dec. 19 - On the Birth of Christ Dec. 27- On the Message of Christmas December 28 - The Wonder of My Being
Dec. 12- On Paulinus of Nola Dec. 20- Pre-Christmas Reflection December 21 - The Wonder of My Being
Dec. 5 - On St. Chromatius of Aquileia Dec. 13- Sts. Timothy and Titus December 14 - O Where Can I Go
Nov. 28 - On St. Ephrem the Syrian Dec 6- Evaluation of Turkish Trip December 7 - Judaic Hymn of Thanksgiving
Nov. 21 - On the Teachings of Aphraates Nov 22- St. Paul on the Church November 30 - If I Forget You, Jerusalem
Nov. 14 - St. Jerome on the Bible Nov 15- St. Paul and life in the Spirit November 23 - He Chose Us in Him
Nov. 7 - On St. Jerome Nov 8- On the Apostle Paul- lives from Christ November 16 - To the God of Heaven Give Thanks
Oct. 31 - On St. Maximus of Turin Oct 25- On the Apostle Paul November 9 - His Mercy Endures Forever
Oct. 24 - On St. Ambrose of Milan Oct 18- On the Apostles Judas Iscariot and Matthias November 2 - Open-Handed, He
Gives to the Poor
Oct. 17 - On St. Eusebius of Vercelli Oct 11- On the Apostles Simon and Jude Thaddaeus October 26 - Jesus Christ is Lord
Oct. 10 - On Hilary of Poitiers Oct 4- The Apostle Bartholomew October 19 - Lord, Hear My Voice
Oct. 3 - On St. Cyril of Alexandria Sept 27- The Apostle Thomas October 12 - Sons of Israel, Bless the Lord
Sept. 26 - On Chrysostom' s Social Justice Sept 20- Respect for great religions October 5 - Sons of Israel, Bless the Lord
Sept. 19 - On St. John Chrysostom's Antioch Years Sept 6- The Apostle Philip September 28 - Praise the Lord for the Lord is Good
Sept. 12 - On the Trip to Austria Aug 30- The Apostle Matthew September 21 - My Crown Shall Shine
Sep. 05 - Gregory of Nyssa on Perfection Aug 23- The Apostle John-seer September 14 - A Place for the Lord
Aug. 29 - On St. Gregory of Nyssa Aug 15- The Assumption of Mary September 7 - Firstborn of All Creation
Aug. 22 - On St. Gregory Nazianzen Aug 9- The Apostle John- Theologian August 31 - If the Lord Does Not Build the House
Aug. 16 - On St. Basil Aug 2- On being an Apostle August 24 - World Youth Day in Cologne
June 27- On St. Cyril of Jerusalem July 7- The Apostle John-
Son of Zebedee
August 17 - Deliver Us, O Lord
June 20- On St. Athanasius June 28- The Apostle James- the Less August 10 - My Heart is Not Proud
June 13- On Eusebius of Caesarea June 21- The Apostle James-
the Greater
August 3 - On Israel, Peace
June 6- On St. Cyprian June 14- The Apostle Andrew July 6 - He Chose Us
May 30- On Tertulian June 7- The Apostle Peter- the Rock June 22 - If the Lord Had Not Been on Our Side

May 2- On Prayer and the Church

May 31- Reflections trip to Poland June 15 - Have Mercy on Us
Apr. 25- On Origen of Alexandria May 24- The Apostle Peter-impetuous June 8 - To Fear the Lord
Apr. 18 - On Clement of Alexandria May 17- Profile of Apostle Peter June 1 - He Humbled Himself
Apr. 11 - On the Risen Christ May 10- On Apostolic Succession May 25 - Prayer of Thanksgiving to the Lord
Mar. 28- On St. Irenaeus of Lyons May 3- More on Apostolic Tradition May 18 - Praise the Name of the Lord
Mar. 21- On St. Justin Martyr April 26- Role of Church Tradition May 11 - Just and True are Your Way's
Mar. 14- On St. Ignatius of Antioch April 19- Alone I can not
carry this task
May 4 - Israel's Guard
Mar. 7- On St. Clement of Rome April 12- Easter Triduum April 27 - To Reflect on the Name I Have Chosen
Feb. 21- On the 40 Days of Lent April 5 - Safeguarding the Gift  
Feb. 14- Women of the Early Church March 29 - The Gift of Communion  
Feb. 07- On Aquila and Priscilla March 22 - Witnesses of Christ  
Jan. 31- On Paul's Collaborators March 15 - Christ and the Church  
Jan. 24- On Ecumenisms 2006 March 1 - On the Road!  
Jan. 10- On St. Stephen Feb. 22 - On This Rock I Will Build My Church  
  Feb. 15- The Magnificat  
  Feb. 8 - The Lord Is Faithful In
All His Words
  Feb. 1 - I Will Give You Glory  
  Jan. 25 - Sing A New Song!  
  Jan. 18 - Catechesis on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  
  Jan. 11 - He Is My Stronghold  
  Jan. 4 - All the Fullness of God  

Look at the One they Pierced!



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