Pope Benedict XVI - Homilies




December 24 - Homily during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve
"What Would Happen if Mary and Joseph Were to Knock at My Door"
November 25 - Homily during the Mass for the Solemnity of Christ the King
"Become Imitators of Jesus"
November 24 - Homily during the Consistory for the Creation of Cardinals
“I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church”
November 3 - Homily during Mass for the Deceased Cardinals and Bishops
"The Shepherds Whom We Remember Today Have, In Fact, Served the Church with Fidelity and Love"
October 31 - Homily celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Sistine Chapel's Inauguration
"Contemplated in Prayer, the Sistine Chapel is Even More Beautiful"
October 28 - Homily during Closing Mass of the Synod of the New Evangelization
for the Transmission of the Faith
"On the Urgent Need to proclaim Christ anew in places
where the light of faith has been weakened"
October 21 - Homily during Canonization Mass of 7 New Saints
"May the Witness of these New Saints...Speak Today to the Whole World"
October 7 - Homily during Opening Mass of Synod of the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Faith
"The Holy Spirit Has Nurtured in the Church a New Effort to Announce the Good News"
October 4 - Homily during Visit to Loreto
"Faith Lets Us Reside, or Dwell, But It Also Lets Us Walk on the Path of Life"
August 15 - Homily on the Solemnity of the Assumption
"Mary is the Dawn and Splendor of the Church Triumphant"
July 15 - Homily during visit to Frascati, Italy
"God Calls, We Need to Listen"
June 29 - Homily for the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
"Saints Peter and Paul: A New Way of Being Brothers"
June 17 - Homily at the Closing of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress
"You are the Heirs of a Church that has been a Mighty Force of Good for the World"
June 7 - Homily on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi
"It is a Mistake to Oppose Celebration and Adoration,
as if they were in Competition"
May 27 - Homily on the Solemnity of Pentecost
"Unity Can Only Exist as a Gift of God's Spirit"
May 13 - Homily during Visit to Arezzo, Italy
"God Loved Us First and Wants us to Enter into His Communion of Love"
April 29 - Homily for the Ordination of Nine Deacons to the Priesthood
"When the Weight of the Cross is the Heaviest,
Know that This is the Most Precious Hour for You"
April 16 - Homily for the Mass Celebrating His 85th Birthday
"His Light is Stronger than Any Darkness; God's Goodness is Stronger than Any Evil"
April 7 - Homily for the Easter Vigil
"He Has Taken Man up into God Himself"
April 5 - Homily for the Mass of the Lord's Supper
"Obedience and Freedom on the Mount of Olives"
April 5 - Chrism Mass Homily
"I Need not...Claim My Life as My Own, but Put it at the Disposal of Another
April 1 - Palm Sunday Homily
"We Must Respond Worthily to so Great a Gift"
March 10 - Homily at Visit of Anglican Primate
"At the Root of Everything is the Grace of God"
February 22 - Homily in the Eucharistic Celebration of Ash Wednesday
"The Unthinkable Nearness of God...Opens the Passage to the Resurrection"
February 19 - Homily in the Eucharistic Concelabration with the New Cardinals
"Our Task: to bear witness to the joy of Christ’s love"
February 2 - Homily at Vespers with Religious on the Feast of the Presentation
"Fidelity and Renewal"
January 9 - On the Baptism of the Lord
"Prayer is the First Condition for Education"
January 6 - On Epiphany
"Not Only Are We Restless for God: God's Heart is Restless for Us"
January 1 - Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
"In Order to be Blessed, We Have to Stand in God's Presence"
January 1 - Homily for Vespers of Mary, the Mother of God
"There is No More Room for Anxiety...
Now there is Room for Unlimited Trust in God"

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