Teachings of the
Successors of the Apostles
Archbishop Angelo Amato
Dominus Iesus and the Other Religions
Samuel J. Aquila
- The Good Shepherd: Living Christ's Own Pastoral Authority
- Letter
to the President of Notre Dame
Pastoral Letter on Deepening Our Understanding
of the Truths of the
Catholic Faith
- In Defense of Christian Responsibility
- 40 Years of the Culture of Death - Pastoral Letter
- Family: Become Who You Are - Pastoral Letter 2014
Card. Francis Arinze
The Eucharistic Mystery Calls for Our Response
Witnesses to
the Eucharistic
Christ: A
Mystery to be Lived
Making Sunday Truly What It Is:
the Lord's Day
Bishop Joseph Bambera
- US Bishops' Pastoral Letter: Economic Justice for all after 25 Years
Bishop Peter Baldacchino
- Remarks at His Episcopal Ordination
Cardinal Bertone
Human Rights: "Exalts the Liberty and
Membership of the Human
Love Your Children and Make Them Feel That They Are Loved
- On
Caritas in Veritate
- "It Is Also Possible to Do Business by
Aims That Serve Society"
- Farewell Address to H.H. Benedict XVI
Archbishop Markus Buchen
- The New Evangelization Means Nothing More than Opening Hearts
and Ears to the Word of God
Raymond Burke
The Revelation of Divine Mercy
of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of
Catholic Schools and Consecrated Life
- Canon Law at the Service of Justice and Freedom in the
Church as the People of God
Fr. Blaine Burkey, O.F.M.Cap.
John XXIII: Pope of St. Joseph
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra
- Made to Love: The Truth and Beauty of Love
Archbishop Robert Carlson
- Pastoral Letter on Handing on the Faith to the Young Church
Archbishop Charles Chaput
Homilies of Archbishop Charles Chaput
Glorify God by Your Life: Evangelization and the Renewal
of the
Seeing Clearly
- Being a Christian Means Your Life Has a Mission
Called to Live in the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit,
The Soul of the Church
The Holy Spirit, the
Principal Agent of Mission
On the Separation of Church and State
Priestly Vocation: Co-Authoring the Future with
On Character and Circumstance
The Task of Catholic Medical Professionals
Health-care Reform and the Future of the Catholic
Health- care Vocation
Living within the Truth: Religious
Liberty and Catholic
Mission in
the New Order of the World
- Repentance and Renewal in the Mission of
- Christmas: A
Revolution Sparked by God's Love and Intervention
- Thoughts on a New Knighthood
- Homily for Installation Mass as Archbishop of Philadelphia
-Real Freedom Isn't Something Caesar Can Give or Take Away
-Interview with Archbishop Chaput: Review of First Year
of Ministry in Philadelphia
-We're Better Citizens When We're More Faithful Catholics
-Security, Immigration Reform and Human Dignity
-We Become More Human Ourselves by Seeing the Humanity in the
the Weak, and the Unborn Child and then
Fighting for it
Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt
-Homily From Holy See's Observer
at UN on Peace in Syria
Bishop James D. Conley
-The Language of Love - Pastoral Letter on Contraception
- Our Lady of Guadalupe - Star of the New Evangelization
Cardinal Georges Cottier
- Interview on Evangelization
Bishop Giampaolo
- Public Reason
and the Truth of Christianity in the
Teachings of Benedict XVI
Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes
- Allow the Eucharist
to Enter Life and Change It
- The Heart of Social Doctrine Remains the Human Person
Bishop John M. D'Arcy
- Norms for Tabernacle Placement
Bishop Mark Davies
-Do Not Be Afraid of Confession
Ivan Cardinal Diaz
- Eucharist
Makes the 'Impossible' a Reality
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan
- We Gather as Missionaries, as Evangelizers
- We Catholics Are Hopeless Romantics when it Comes to
Married Love
- Prayer at Democratic National Convention
- Cardinal Dolan's Response to HHS Final Rules
-Letter to President Obama Regarding Syria
-Video: Ideas Have Consequences
-Our Beautiful catholic Traditions
Cardinal Edward Egan
- They Are Human Beings With an
Inalienable Right to
Archbishop John C. Favalora
- You do Not Belong to the
World. I Have Chosen You
Out of the World - Homily for Priesthood Ordination
- Pastoral Letter: The Rosary, A Prayer for the Family
- Statement
Fr. Alberto Cutié's Separation
from the Roman Catholic Church
- Priestly Mission: To Make Jesus Present
Bishop Robert Finn
- Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Bishop Anthony
- Homily on Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
Cardinal Fernando Filoni
- Address to the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference
of the Antilles
Cardinal John Foley
- "I Cannot Think of a More Exciting Time in Which to Have
- "Good Night Sweet Prince" - Tribute by Fr. Thomas Rosica CSB,
at the passing of Cardinal Foley
Cardinal Henri
de Lubac, SJ
Motherhood of
the Entire Church
Archbishop Georg Ganswein
- Interviews
- On
the Final Months of
Pope Benedict's Pontificate
- Reuters Q & A
- Many Spiritual Fruits have Emerged from Benedict XVI's
Act of Renunciation
Archbishop Agostino Gardin
Consecrated Life Going Strong
Cardinal George, OMI
Letter of Congratulations to Barack Obama:
"Defend the Weak;
Heal Divisions"
Letter to President-elect Barack Obama: "We Will Consistently
Defend the Fundamental Right to Life"
- The Cost is too High, the Loss is too Great for Health Care Bill
not to be Revised
- Redefinition of Marriage Legislation Press Conference (video)
Archbishop Jose Gomez
- Catholic Culture and the New Evangelization
Claudio Cardinal Hummes
Eucharist and Priesthood, Faith and Life,
and Mission, Worship and Love
to the Priests
For the Year of the Priesthood
- "We Must Love the Poor In a Preferential Way" - to Permanent
“The Missionary Identity of the Priest in the
Church as an
Intrinsic Dimension of the
Exercise of the Tria Munera”
Bishop Geoffrey Jarrett
- Starting Afresh from Christ
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.
Hail, Full of Grace
Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me: A Reflection on Vocations
for the Dead -
Pastoral Letter
- Secularism - Festival Letter
Bishop John Keating
- Pastoral Letter on Morality and Conscience
Archbishop Tadeusz
No Source of Hope Other Than Divine Mercy
Jean Laffitte
-The Church Becomes the Basis of Our Hope
Alfonso López-Trujillo
The Defense of Life: The Great
Cause of the Third Millennium
Marriage, Family, Eucharist,
The Eucharist Makes Us Holy
Archbishop William Lori
- How to End the Day
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
- The Church is...Lived by Men and Women who
Allow that Word of
God to Transform Them
Cardinal Renato Martino
On Migration and Ecumenism:
"The Church Must Feel
Concerned Regarding
Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, C.M.F.
Receiving Eucharist,
Becoming Eucharist
Archbishop Roland Minnerath
A Renewed
Understanding of Confirmation
Archbishop John Joseph Myers
"And the Word Became Flesh" -
A Theological Reflection
on the
Human Body
- Executive Summary of When Two Become One: A Pastoral Teaching
on the Definition, Purpose and Sanctity of Marriage
Archbishop Neinstedt
Archbishop Niederauer
- Free Will, Conscience, and Moral Choice: What Catholics Believe
Bishop R. Walker Nickless
Ecclesia Semper Reformanda
Bishop John Noonan
- -To Consecrated Men & Women: "You are the
Messengers of Hope, Joy"
- Finding Your Identity During Lent
Archbishop Edwin
- Remarks at the Global Zero
Summit: On the Elimination of Nuclear
Cardinal John
in God Fulfills the
Promise of Happy Marriage
Bishop Thomas Olmsted
What Should Science Trump?
Year for Priests: St. John Vianney Part 1
- The Beauty of Christ's Love
-"Into the Breach- Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men
- Catholics in the Public Square
Cardinal Sean O'Malley
- Pastoral Letter on Evangelization
-"Jesus Taught Us That We Must Care for Each Other"
-"Statement for October Respect Life Month"
- Business as Usual is Not Enough
Cardinal George Pell
-Religious Freedom
Archbishop Jose Palma
- Truth Must be the Basis of the Law
Cardinal Mauro Piacenza
- Shrines: Tools of Evangelization
- 21st Century Priests: Little and Great, Noble in Spirit
as a King, Simple and Natural as a Peasant
- Letter to Priests on Holiness and the New Evangelization
Cardinal Justin Rigali
Eucharist in the Midst of the Church Is Great Sign of
Her Vitality
Statement for Respect
Life Sunday: Respect for Human Life,
Opposition to 'Freedom of
Choice' Act
the Year for Priests
Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga
- The Importance of the New Evangelization
Bishop Agustín Román
- The Paternal Dimension of the Priesthood
- The Confessional: A Space
for Embracing Christ
Cardinal Antonio Rouco
- We are on the Threshold of a New Pentecost - Letter 100 Days
before World Youth Day
Archbishop Alexander Sample
- We Must Contemplate His
Risen Face before We can Announce
Him to Others
Robert Cardinal Sarah
-"We Must Protect the Family from the Devil's Attacks"
- "The Death of God Results in the Burial of Good"
Bishop Athanasius Schneider
- Battling the New Gnosticism
- 12 Steps to Surviving as a Catholic Family in a
Heretical Wasteland (video)
-Talk at Rome Life Forum
Angelo Cardinal Scola
Renewal Depends on Faith and
Eucharistic Worship
- Marriage is Not in Crisis (Video)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
All Mothers are Alike - Save One
The Divine Romance: The Pulpit of
the Cross
Bishop William Skylstad
Great Mobility of
Peoples Is Interweaving Us
in One Cloth of Faith
Archbishop Peter Smith
- The Essence of Marriage Involves the Complementarity of the Two
Genders, Male and Female
Cardinal Angelo Sodano
The College of Cardinals Is ... Always United to the Successor of Peter
- May the Lord Grant Us Another Good Shepherd - Homily for the Pro
Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass
Cardinal James Stafford
- Morning Watchmen - Reflection on
Novo Millennio Ineunte
Bishop John Steinbock
- The Affliction of Cancer: An Essay on a
Christian Perspective
Bishop Louis Tagle
The Eucharist, the Life of Christ
in Our Lives: Spiritual
and Authentic Adoration
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran
The Church and Interreligious Dialogue
"It Is a Journey
in Search of the Truth"
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi
- Holy See on Racism: "Without a Change of Heart, Laws Are Not
Cardinal Josef Tomko
The Gift of Eucharist Needs
Celebration, Adoration
Cardinal Telesphore Toppo
Eucharist and Mission
Archbishop Thomas Wenski
Vitae and other statements
Homily from Installation Mass
-"Faith in God Who is Love Makes us Witnesses to Hope"
-"Look, There Goes the Church!"
-"There is No Vacation from Sunday Mass"
-"Let Us Not Succumb to 'Total War Mentality'"
burning copies of the
-"Thy Will be Done"
Homily at Deacon Ordination
Homily on Gaudete Sunday
Homily on the Fourth Sunday of Advent
- "God
has Entered into the World"
on the Feast of the Holy Family
- Homily on Epiphany Sunday
- Homily at Funeral of Two Police Officers
- New Age is Old Gnosticism
- World Day of Consecrated Life
Lent: Saying 'No' to Me, 'Yes' to God
- Homily for Holy Thursday
- Homily for the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of JPII
- On Immigration, an Abdication of Responsibility
- Citizens Should Support Religious Freedom Act
- No Vacation from Sunday Mass
- No Justification for the Death Penalty
- Work: Not Just About 'Getting More'
- If We Don't Give Them God, We Give Them too Little
- The Rosary: Neither 'Old Fashioned' Nor 'Too Hard'
- October is Respect Life Month
- The Dual Citizenship of the Christian
- Advent Nears: Wake Up! Repent!
- Protect Rights of Conscience, Mr. President
- Before You Talk the Talk, You Have to Walk the Walk
- He Served the Last, the Least, and the Lost
- We Have to Do More for thos Fleeing 'Modern Day Herods'"
- We are One Family - Brothers and Sisters of One Father
- Christianity: 'A Chain of Witnesses'
- Another Sad Anniversary: Homily at Mass of Penance for Life
- Letter to Parishes Regarding the HHS Mandate
- Like Mary, Christ's Followers Will Live Under the Sign of the
- I Thank You For Who You Are - Homily at Mass for Religious
- 'Cheap Grace' Will Not Save Us
- Sr. Maureen: A Generous Soul
- Say 'Yes' to God, say 'Yes' to Life
- Cuba Needs a Transition...Worthy of Cubans, Worthy of Man
- We are Called to Inculturate the Gospel in Each Culture
- The Government Can't Impose Practices on the Catholic Church
- Do Not Let Your Hearts be Troubled: Words Directed Towards
our Contemporary World
- Homilies during Ad Limina Visit to Rome
- Imitation of Mary
- Prophet, Witness, Servant of Hope
- The Church is For ' the World' Not Against It
- Mary, Our Hope
- What Every Catholic Should Know
- Do We Need a Year of Faith? You Betcha'!
- A Memorable Visit - in Honor of the 25th Anniversary of the Visit of St. John Paul II
- We Pray that these Men 'Learn Christ'
- Spirituality in Contemporary Catholic Church
- Jesus: The World's True Ruler
- The Year of Faith: A Call to Rediscover the Joy of Believing
- Thanks to You, 'Seeds of Priesthood' are Nurtured Here
- Our Only Job: Evangelize
- Christian Life is about More than Being 'Nice'
- Religious Women over the Centuries have Rightly Been Called Brides of Christ
- An Instrument in the Lord's Hands
- The Church is Not the Enemy of Women - Homily at Mass for
Nascent Life
-"If You Call a Tail a Leg... Calling Same Sex Unions Marriage Won't
Make Them So
- A Priest is Not to Build Walls but Bridges
- He is the Spirit of Love between the Father and the Son
-Deacons: 'Ordered' for Service in the Name of the Church
-'If it Infects One of Us,
it Affects All of Us'?
-'Today is 'Rejoice! Sunday'
-'The Creché: Powerful Icon of Christmas
- Jesus Christ is the True Light of the World
- Acknowledging God's Love for Us
- Lent is a Calling to Mind of Our Sins
- Oh Help us Live what We Believe
-A Bishop's Role: Prophet,
Witness, Servant of Hope
- Examine Your Conscience in Light of the Gospel
- To Be a Christian is Not a Burden; it is a Gift
-Priests: Anointed to Serve, and Save, Others -Homily for Chrism Mass
-The Body and Blood of Christ is a divine remedy- Homily for Holy Thursday
- Time to Fix Broken Sentencing Policies
-We've Got to Be Intentional 'Convert-Makers'
-Bring Our Neighbors Out of the Shadows
-Jesus Loves Us with a Human Heart
-"What We Need: Faith, Trust, Perseverance, Humility: Those Same
Qualities are Being Exhibited by Persecuted Christians Today"
-The Rosary, Weapon of Mass Conversion
- God Shows no Partiality - Nor Should We
- The Synod on the Family Stressed Both Truth and Love
- Let's Pray for Every Human Being's Life to be Respected
and Defended
- The Consecrated are the Church 'Concentrated'
- God Takes the Side of the Poor - So Must We
- Christ, The Supreme Friend
-- Each of Us is a Work of Art Made by God
-- You Are Witnesses
- Man and Woman are One Flesh
- Love: What it Truly Is and What it Isn't
-Allow Jesus' Loving Gaze to Transform You during the Year of Mercy
-We don't handle the truth too well
-The Joy of Love Invites Families to Go 'from Woe to Beatitude'
- St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More: Men for Our Season
-Lord, Make me an Instrument of Your Mercy
- On Being Bishops: We Choose to be "Fools for Christ"
Cardinal John Wright
Priesthood and the Eucharist
Archbishop Donald Wuerl
Disciples of the Lord: Sharing the Vision
Pastoral Letter on the New
- "Making Moral Choices"
Bishops of the Church in the Americas
Family, Become What You Are! |
Teachings of the
H.H. Benedict XVI
St. John Paul
Pope Paul VI
On the Priesthood
Reflections in Nazareth
- Homily of the Beatification of St. Maximilian Kolbe
- The Credo of the People of God
- On Prayer in the Month of May Encyclical Letter,
April 29, 1965
Pope Leo the Great
On the Transfiguration
Pope Pius IX
- On the Immaculate Conception
Pope Pius X
- On the 50th Anniversary of the Definition of
Immaculate Conception
Pope Pius XI
- Quas Primas - "On the Feast of Christ the
Pope Pius the XII
Pius XII Saw "Miracle of the
Handwritten Note Reveals His Experience
Antonio Gaspari
- Encyclical Warning the World of the Danger of Materialism
- Venerable Pope Pius XII and the 19594 Marian Year: A Study of
His Writings within the Context of th eMarian Devotion and
Mariology in the 1950s