Pope Benedict XVI

"One of the basic characteristics of a shepherd must be to love the people entrusted to him, even as he loves Christ whom he serves. 
“Feed my sheep”, says Christ to Peter, and now, at this moment, he says it to me as well. 
Feeding means loving, and loving also means being ready to suffer"
(Homily at Inaugural Mass - April 25, 2005)


Angelus/Regina Coeli Encyclicals
General Audiences Apostolic Exhortations
Sacramentum Caritatis
Verbum Domini
Letters Apostolic Constitutions
Anglicanorum Coetibus
Homilies Motu Propio
Summorum Pontificum
Ubicumque et Semper
Motu Proprio Data
Porta Fidei
On the Service of Charity
Messages Speeches
Addresses Writings as Cardinal
Other Writings and Q&A Monthly Papal Intentions
World Youth Days Catechesis on the Holy Spirit
"Jesus of Nazareth"
Apostolic Journey to USA
World Youth Day 2008 - Sydney, Australia
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land
Apostolic Journey to Portugal 2010
Apostolic Journey to the United
Kingdom 2010

Apostolic Jouney to Germany 2011
2010: A Papal Year in Review
Reading Pope Benedict: A Compilation of Books By and About Pope Benedict XVI
Responses to Q-A Aired on Good Friday 2011
World Youth Day 2011 - Madrid, Spain
Apostolic Journey to Mexico and Cuba - 2012
Interviews with Archbishop Georg Ganswein
    - On the Final Months of Pope                 Benedict's Pontificate
    - Reuters Q & A


His thoughts/prayers
On Mary
On the Priesthood
Thoughts and Sayings

Prayer for the Global Rosary Relay for Priests
Our World Needs a New Heart


Coat of Arms
of His Holiness Benedict XVI

Look at the One They Pierced!


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