Sacred Scriptures/Liturgy: Commentaries Sunday's Readings

Preacher of the Pontifical Household

Fr. Cantalamessa's Web Page...

"When the Fullness of Time Had Come God Sent His Son Born of a Woman"
- 3rd Advent Sermon(B)2008
"Called by God to Communicate With his Son Jesus Christ" - Second Advent Sermon (B) 2008
"St. Paul: Model of True Christian Conversion" - First Advent Sermon (B) 2008
"Before Him All Nations Will be Gathered" - Solemnity of Christ the King (A) 2008
"The Age of the Woman" - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"The Importance of the House of God" - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome (A) 2008
"Life After Death" - All Souls Day (A) 2008   
"Charity of the Heart" - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Prostitutes Will Enter the Kingdom Before You" - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"The Duty of Fraternal Correction" - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"The Language of Love" - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary (A) 2008
Who Do You Say I Am?" - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"They All Ate and Were Satisfied" - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Seek the Treasure that Awaits" - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Of Weeds and Seeds" - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"A God of His Word" - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Things Revealed to the Little Ones" - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"You are Peter!" - Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul (A) 2008
"Have Fear But Do Not Be Afraid" - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Crowds Without a True Shepherd" - 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"God Desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice" - 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"The House Upon the Rock" - 9th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 2008
The Two Bodies of Christ" - Corpus Christi Sunday (A) 2008
"Trinity Is a School of Relations" - Trinity Sunday (A) 2008
"Power From Above" - Pentecost Sunday (A) 2008
"Why are You Staring at the Sky?" - Ascension Sunday (A) 2008
"Be a Paraclete for Others" - 6th Sunday of Easter (A) 2008
"Sheep That Go Astray" - 4th Sunday of Easter (A) 2008
"Jesus Remains With Us in Scripture" - 3rd Sunday of Easter (A) 2008
"Unless I Put My Hand Into His Side" - 2nd Sunday of Easter (A) 2008
"Only Christians Believe Christ Is Risen" - Easter Sunday (A) 2008
"Opening the Eyes of Faith" - 4th Sunday of Lent (A) 2008
"Finding Eternity" - 3rd Sunday of Lent (A) 2008
"Falling in Love With Christ" - 2nd Sunday of Lent (A) 2008
"The Values of the Kingdom of Heaven" - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Christ's Healing Is the Real Thing" - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"Behold, the Lamb of God!" - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 2008
"He Has Anointed Me" - Baptism of the Lord(A) 2008
"The Decisiveness of the Magi" - Solemnity of the Epiphany (A) 2008
"Glory to God and Peace to Men" - Christmas Mass at Midnight (A) 2007
"This Is How the Birth of Jesus Christ Came About" - Fourth Sunday of Advent (A) 2007
"Rejoice! The Lord Is Near"- Third Sunday of Advent (A) 2007
"A Voice in the Desert" - Second Sunday of Advent (A) 2007
"The Virgin Without Sin"- Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2007
"Stay Awake!" - First Sunday of Advent (A) 2007
"Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and of Hearts" - Feast of Christ the King, 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"God is Not God of the Dead"- 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Christ's Parable About the Need to Pray Always"- 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time (C)
"What Use are Miracles?" - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"Increase Our Faith" - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"Make Friends With Wealth" - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"If Anyone Follows Me..." - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"Be Modest in All You Do!" - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"Enter Through the Narrow Gate" - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"I Have Come to Bring Division to the Earth" - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"Jesus at Prayer" - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"The Friends of Jesus" - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"The Kingdom of God is at Hand" - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"Let the Dead Bury the Dead" - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
"He Will be Called John" - Nativity of John the Baptist 2007 (C)
"A Woman Came With an Alabaster Flask of Ointment"- 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Do This in Memory of Me" - Corpus Christi 2007 (C)
"A New Commandment" - 5th Sunday of Easter 2007 (C)
"I am the Good Shepherd" -4th Sunday of Easter 2007 (C)
"Preaching to the World" - 2nd Sunday of Easter 2007 (C)
"A Historical Look at the Passion of Christ" - Palm Sunday 2007 (C)
"Jesus, the Woman and the Family" - 5th Sunday of Lent 2007 (C)
"Jesus ans Sinners"- 4th Sunday of Lent 2007 (C)
"Jesus the Preacher"- 3rd Sunday of Lent 2007 (C)
"He Went Up to the Mountain to Pray" - 2nd Sunday of Lent 2007 (C)
"He Was Tempted by the Devil"- 1st Sunday of Lent 2007 (C)
"Do Not Judge"- 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Blessed Are You Who Are Poor! Woe To You Who Are Rich!"-6thSunday in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Fishers of Men"- 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Unless You Have Charity..."- 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Are the Gospels Historical Records?"- 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Inviting Jesus to the Wedding"- 2nd Sunday  in Ordinary Time 2007 (C)
"Signs of Our Times" - Solemnity of the Epiphany, 2007
"Mary Meditated on All These Things in Her Heart" - Solemnity, Jan. 1, 2007
"Why did God become a Man"- Christmas 2006
"Rejoice Always"- 3rd Sunday of Advent 2006 (C)
"John the Baptist: Prophet of the Most High- 2nd Sunday of Advent 2006 (C)
"Life is Expectation!!- 1st Sunday of Advent 2006 (C)
"On Christ the King"- 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"On the End of the World" - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"There came a poor widow " - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Love the Lord your God" - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Chosen from and for men" - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"The Great Exercise of Power"- 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Rediscover the Art of Repairing!" - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"He that is not against us is for us " - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Whoever Is Great in Service, Is Great" - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Who Do You Say That I Am?" - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Curing Our Deafness" - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
"Ecology of the Heart" - 22nd Sunday, ordinary time (B)


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