May Love Triumph!


We, the Family of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary wish to share with you our joy as we participated in the solemn dedication of the new St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel at the John Paul II Newman Center. Mother Adela, Sr. Ana Margarita (our Vicar General), the sisters, and some members of our spiritual family traveled to Peoria to take part in this great celebration.  The long awaited completion of the Newman Center and Chapel was crowned by a beautiful liturgical celebration that was presided by Bishop Daniel Jenky, CSC, bishop of the Diocese of Peoria, and was attended by priests, students, family, and alumni who filled the chapel and overflowed into the center.  The ceremony was followed by tours of the new center and a play by the students.

Our joy at being present for such a blessed event was magnified with the surprise announcement by Bishop Daniel Jenky that the new center would be named after our spiritual father, John Paul II.  In his words at a private gathering with the Family of the Pierced Hearts the day before the dedication, he expressed that the decision to rename the Center was made as a gift to our Mother Foundress for her 25th anniversary of vows and because he knew of her great love for and the call of the Family to be a living legacy of the Petrine heart of John Paul II.  He desired that the Newman Center would enflesh the work, spirit and love of the young Fr. Karol Wojtyla (the future Pope John Paul II) in its ministry to university students. He gave the center a pectoral cross he received from the hands of Venerable John Paul the II during an ad limina visit.  This relic is permanently housed in the Center.

He expressed gratitude to the community for sending Sr. Silvia Maria (Director) and Sr. Sara Marie (Assistant Director) to be the Marian hearts that would responsibly carry out this work of love for the students, building for them "a Home for many hearts to know the depth of God's love and
a School to form authentic witnesses to love, truth and life”. (
Mother Adela, Foundress, FPH).

Read news articles on these events:
-- Newman chapel dedicated; center renamed for Pope John Paul II
Chapel at ISU dedicated; Newman Center renamed

-- ISU and IWU dedicate renovated Newman Center
-- New Chapel at Illinois State University

See also:
Address of Bishop Jenky, CSC, to Mother Adela on the occasion of the Naming of the New Center
Consecration of Nazareth House Retreat Center to the Pierced Hearts

"May this Newman Center be a Home for many hearts to know the depth of God's
love and a School to form authentic witnesses to love, truth and life".
- Motto for the JPII Newman Center (Mother Adela, Foundress, FPH)

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