The Newman Koinonia weekend retreat is a time to learn about your faith and to experience the power of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Greek word Koinonia is defined as an “intimate sharing of life and love.” God in his goodness invites us to share in this intimate union with him through the gift of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Spirit; and then through this union, we are united in the Body of Christ, thereby becoming the Family of Jesus. 

On the retreat fellow shared testimonies and talks; topics ranged from the Blessed Mother, Prayer and Scripture, to the Church and Evangelization.  The retreatants are well taken care of by a team of their peers who serve them behind the scenes through prayers, meals, and setting up for the retreat. 

Our Patron was Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio and Our Lady of Guadalupe, so our battle cry of the weekend was Viva Cristo Rey! We learned more about his brave martyrdom at such a young age and we applied it our current challenges on campus to live out our faith and witness to love.  The power and healing that took place in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament was unprecedented.  We pray through the intercession of our Patron we will continue to purify our hearts as we grow in closer to Christ.

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