SCTJM- In Their Hearts

"All for the Heart of Jesus... through the Heart of Mary"



Witnesses to Christ's Joy: Caroling at Assisted Living Facilities
Christmas "Flashmob"
at O'Hare Airport
Like Our Lady, Be Intrepid and
Ardent Missionaries in the Areopagus
of Our Time

A Gaze at the Fruits already given during this missionary year in the Family of the Pierced Hearts
"El Acontecimiento Guadalupano"
Msgr. Eduardo Chavez Sanchez

January 25, 2013 - Given in Spanish
See more info...
All on the Pilgrimage of the Official Relic of Bl. John Paul II
to the Archdiocese of Miami, the Dioceses of Orlando, Saint Augustine and Peoria
Memories from the Congress in Honor of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - October 2012
Apostolic Mission
Updated: September 2013
Make a Splash - Back to School w/ Mercy Hospital
Young Women's Retreat
given by SCTJM
August 10, 2013
Dedication and Consecration
of the Altar and Blessing of the second phase of Construction of
Our Evangelization Center
"Witnesses to Love"

August 12-16, 2013
XVI Encuentro de la Fe
"María ícono de la Fe obediente¨
Retreat in Guatemala City
Women's Summer Retreat
"Living in the Heart of the Church"
Ecclesiological Catechesis
in the Year of Faith
given by SCTJM

Missionary Campaign:
June 7 - Aug. 15, 2013

Great Vigil in Honor of the Hearts of Jeus and Mary
June 7-8, 2013
Mother Adela, Foundress sctjm
Presents at Catholics and Culture Today Series
St. Gregory the Great Parish
Archdiocese of Miami
Lenten Missions
March 3013
Blessed John Paul II Catholic Newman Center
Koinonia Retreat - February 22-24, 2013
Directed by SCTJM
Click here to see pictures...
Voice Over the Waters
Service of SCTJM at Young Adult Retreat
Diocese of Orlando
Three Gifts for the Baby Jesus
Entrance of Sr. Evelyn, Sr. Kristi, and Sr. Mary to the Novitiate

 In Their Hearts Events from 2011-2012...

 Archive of "In Their Hearts" Events...

May love always triumph!

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Copyright © 2006 SCTJM