“It is precisely in humility and sobriety of daily life that we begin to acquire the maturity of the spiritual life that consists of living the ordinary with extraordinary and heroic love. Doing everything with love gives our daily duties a special dignity, a powerful spiritual fecundity and profound spiritual meaning.” Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM and FCT

Where Are We? SCTJM
Our Charism and Mission
Actual Apostolic Mission
Our Foundress

Multimedia SCTJM

Teachings of Mother
Teachings of SCTJM
Eucharistic Cenacles
Consecrations to the
Two Hearts

Splendor of Religious Life

Spiritual Family
Vocational Interest

SCTJM Pilgrimages

Send us your
Radio Cor Ecclesiae

Upcoming Pilgrimage "Apostles of the Triumph of the Two Hearts"
Marian Shrines. Directed by Mother Adela Galindo, and SCTJM

Heart of the Shepherd Hearts of Jesus and Mary Heart of St. John Paul II

General Audience
"Trust in the Father
who Knows what We Need"
January 2, 2019

"Epiphany Opens us to the
'Newness' of Jesus"

January 6, 2019

Monthly prayer intentions
of the Holy Father

Mary, Mother of God
Solemnity: January 1
Solemnity celebrating the fundamental Marian dogma, upon which the others are based...+

Our Lady of the Poor
Feast: January 15
Apparition of Our Lady in Banneaux, Belgium.
She opened small fountain of healing waters here
as in Lourdes....+

Mary: Heart of Theology
Theology of the Heart

Card. Christoph von Schoenborn, OP

The Importance of
Divine Mercy for Our Times
Mother Adela Galindo, sctjm

"The Blood and Water from
the Side of Christ"
Dr. Brant Pitre

Consecration of the Family to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Written by Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM, based on the legacy of St. John Paul II on the Family

Apostolic Exhortations of
St. John Paul II

Encyclicals of St. John Paul II

Making Memory of the Legacy
of St. John Paul II
With Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress sctjm

"In the mercy of God the world will find peace and mankind will find happiness!"
Homily of St. John Paul II
Dedication of Divine Mercy Shrine, Krakow, Poland
August 17, 2002

Fatima, Marriage, and the
Theology of the Body
Brian Kranick


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Mary, Mother of God
Homily of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
January 1, 2012

In The Heart Of the Church Saints and Spirituality From the Heart of MOTHER ADELA

"For God and Society,
the Family is not Optional"
Homily of Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Metropolitan Archbishop of Miami on the Feast of the Holy Family
December 30, 2018

Marriage: Love and Life
in the Divine Plan
Pastoral Letter of the USCCB

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me: A Reflection on Vocations

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC

"On Character and Circumstance"
Archbishop Chaput

Wisdom of the Heart:
St. Anthony, Abbot
"Freedom and happiness of soul consist in genuine purity and detachment from transitory things."

St. Anthony, Abbot
Feast: January 17

St. Sebastian
Feast: January 20

The Power of the Rosary
Testimony from the Life of St. Dominic
from the writings of St. Louis de Montfort

Page of Audio Teachings
on the Family
Given by Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM

"The Word became Flesh in
Mary's Womb by the Power
of the Holy Spirit"
Mother Adela, Foundress, SCTJM

The Spiritual Maternity of the
Blessed Vifign Mary
Mother Adela, Foundress, SCTJM

consecrated hearts doctrine and morality SCTJM in the New evangelization

"Like Our Lady, Let us Be On a
Journey to Go in Haste Wherever the Spirit Leads Us"
Words of Mother Adela, sctjm at the First Profession of Vows of Sr. Monica and Sr. Molly

A Tribute to Religious Life
according to St. John Paul II


"Joyfully and Serenely"
33 Questions Regarding Vocations
to the Religious Life
By: SCTJM & Msgr. Charles Mangan

 Do you feel called to
the Religious Life?

Brief vocational exa

Pope Paul VI as Prophet:
Have Humanae Vitae's
Predictions Come True?
Dr. Janet Smith

A Pastoral Letter on
Morality and Conscience
Bishop John Keating

"In What Sense is the Life of
Christ a Mystery?"

Part of the Compendium Series
by Sr. Mary Angela, sctjm

Eucharistic Cenacle:
February 1, 2019
"One Gaze from You Will Change Everything, Jesus"
(see video)

Rays of Enlightenment
Divine Mercy Conference
Houston, TX
February 2, 2019
Featured Speaker: Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM
Click here for more information...

8th Annual Divine Mercy Conference
Speaker: Mother Adela, Foundress, SCTJM
March 16-17, 2019
Click here for more information...

"John Paul II and the Youth:
I Believe in You"

Address to Catholic School Teachers
Diocese of Peoria, IL

Sr. Sara Marie Kowal, sctjm

Liturgy and Sacred Scriptures Ecclesial News Communion of Hearts
Ecclesial News

Liturgical Calendar
Month of January

The Authority of Mystery: The Biblical Theology of Benedict XVI
Dr. Scott Hahn

Daily Bread: 5th Day of the Octave of Christmas
December 29, 2018
"Illumination of Conscience
in the Human Heart"

Homily by Fr. Joseph Rogers

"On the Role of the Old Testament
for Knowing Jesus"
Address of St. John Paul II to the Pontifical Biblical Commission...+

Archbishop of Medjugorje Reveals Expansion of Shrine
"An expansion of the shrine where Our Lady is said to be appearing to include places for the celbration of the liturgy in all weather conditions."....+

In Rome, Nicaragua's Bishops will Inform the Pope of Worsening Crisis
“As the situation in Nicaragua continues to deteriorate, two of the country's bishops are travelling to Rome, where they will brief Pope Francis on the state of affairs in their nation”  ...+

Australian Bishops Willing to Go to Jail Rather than Break Confessional Seal
"As Australian states and territories pass and consider laws requiring priests to break the seal of confession to report cases of child sex abuse, Catholic priests are saying they would go to jail rather than violate the seal....+  

"What Child is This? Child of the Poor"
The Hound + The Fox

"How Great is Our God"
in Hebrew

Joshua Aaron

"When Love Was Born"
Mark Schultz

World Watch List for
Persecution of Christians
Map of where in the world Christians are
being most persecuted...+
by Open Doors USA

"The Lord will Put
the Stars Together"
Song written by SCTJM

Biblical Course
"The Kingdom of God
is at Hand"
Given by
Fr. Joseph Rogers, STL
See details>>>

Eucharistic Cenacles
Dictionary and Search
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“We are called to manifest the redemptive love of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
     as the driving force for the building of a new civilization."


The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary began this page on August 22, 2006, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary,
placing our Marian charism at the service of the New Evangelization.
It is our constant prayer, that this simple effort may help many hearts to discover the splendor of the Magisterium and Treasures of the Church,
and so form ardent and luminous witnesses of the faith to build a new civilization of love and life.

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