Consecrated Hearts

Call to love with ardent and undivided hearts

"You have not only a glorious history to remember and to recount, but also a great history still to be accomplished.
Look to the future, where the Spirit is sending you in order to do even greater things. Make your lives a fervent expectation of Christ;
go forth to meet him like the wise virgins setting out to meet the Bridegroom. Be always ready, faithful to Christ, the Church,
 to your Institute and to the men and women of our time".
(Vita Consecrata, 110)

Religious Life
Ecclesial Documents

Essential Elements on Church's Teaching on RL - Sacred Congregation for Religious and for Secular Institutes
Consecrated Life in the Catechism
Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Starting Afresh From Christ
Apostolic Visitation of Institutes of Women Religious in the U.S.A.
On the Visitation of Women Religious in the US
Directives on Formation in Religious Institutes
The Service of Authority and Obedience
Final Report of the Apostolic Visitation of Women Religious in the United States - 2014
World Day of Consecrated Life
XI World Day of Consecrated Life- Benedict XVI
XII World Day of Consecrated Life- Benedict XVI

Council of Major  Superiors of Women Religious
2015-2016 Vocations Directory

Addresses of JPII
Addresses of HH Benedict XVI
44th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2007
45th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2008

48th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2011
50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2013
Address to Union of Superiors General, November 26, 2010
Institute of Religious Life
Ministry Potential Discerner - Vocational Self-Assessment Survey
Institute on Religious Life - Youtube Channel
Vocational Stories and Articles
Sr. Ana Margarita Lanzas, sctjm
For more...

Articles on Religious Life
JOYFULLY AND SERENELY: Booklet of 33 questions regarding vocations to the Religious Life Written by: SCTJM & Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Do you feel called to the Religious Life? - Take our Brief Vocational Exam
Vocational Powerpoint - by SCTJM
The Virgin Consecrated to Christ - Dom. Columba Marmion, O.S.B.

Would You Pray for Our Religious?
-Msgr. Charles Mangan

The Liberating Beauty of Consecrated Life - Fr. Vincenzo Bertolone, S.d.P.
Homily in Jubilee Mass for Religious in the Archdiocese of Miami- Archbishop Roberto Gonzales Nieves, OFM
The Essential Elements of Religious Life: Another Look - Msgr. Charles Mangan with SCTJM
Catholic Schools and Consecrated Life - Archbishop Burke
Religious Life and the New Evangelization

Teachings SCTJM
Mother Adela
      - To Be Inflamed In Love for Christ
      - Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, Because the
          Kingdom of God is Theirs

      - Each Fiat is a Triumph of Love
To Gaze Through the Eyes of Our Lady's Heart
Consecrated Life: An Enfleshment of the Holy Rosary
Interview by EWTN on the Program "Cara a Cara with
      Alejandro Bermúdez"

      - A Tribute to Religious Life According to Bl. John Paul II and
      Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM - Video by SCTJM
      - What is Religious Life? Sharing with Illinois State University Students, June 17, 2012
      -Spiritual Motherhood of the Consecrated Woman - Talk to Religious Sisters at Holy Apostles
      College & Seminary, CT. October 1st, 2015
      -The Birth of the Redeemer of Man is the Reason for Our Hope - Talk to the Religious of the
      Archdiocese of Miami, December 2016 (See Video)
Sr. Maria Jose
      - Christ has called you to Himself

Sr. Christine Hernandez
      - The Supreme Love of the Religious Heart:
          The Heart of Jesus

Sr. Silvia Tarafa
His Heart is Calling Yours: Questions and Answers
       About Answering the Vocational Call
The Mystery of God's Election
Sr. Karen Muñiz
      - The Fecundity of Virginal Love in JPII

Sr. Kristi Bergman
      - Powerpoint for Vocational Awareness

A Tribute to Religious Life according to St. John Paul II - Video by SCTJM
The Pearl of Great Price - Vocational Video for Youth - Written by SCTJM

For more...

The Priesthood
Ecclesial Documents
On the Use of Psychology in the Seminary: Bringing to the Priesthood Only Those Who Have Been Called-
Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education
Pastoral Guidelines for Fostering Vocations to Priestly Ministry - Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education

The Gift of the Priesthood - Congregation for Clergy

Congregation for the Clergy
"Jesus of Nazareth Repeats to His Disciples - Do Not Be Afraid" - Christmas Note to Priests and Deacons
Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests

World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests -June 7, 2013

Cardinal Claudio Hummes

- Spiritual Motherhood for Priests
- Letter to Priests For the Year of the Priesthood
- Letter to Permanent Deacons
- “The Missionary Identity of the Priest in the Church as an Intrinsic
Dimension of the Exercise of the Tria Munera”

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza
      - "It Is Truly Possible to Give All to Christ"
         Vatican Letter to Priests on Obedience

    - “Priestly Celibacy: Foundations, Joys and Challenges"
"21st Century Priests: Little and Great, Noble in Spirit
      as a King, Simple and Natural as a Peasant"
      -"Our Own Lives are Transfigured into Christ's Coming 
  for Humanity" - Advent Message 2011

Papal Documents
H.H. Benedict XVI on the Priesthood...

Servant of God John Paul II on the Priesthood...
Pope Paul VI on the Priesthood...
Pope Pius XII on the Priesthood...
Sacerdotii nostri primordia - Bl. John XXIII
Ad catholici sacerdotii - Pius XI
Pieni l'animo - Pius X
Depuis le jour - Leo XIII

Teachings and Articles on Priesthood
The Priest: Icon of Christ -
George Weigel
The Priest, a Man of a Pierced Heart-Arch. Denis Hart
The Priest: First Son and then Father of Many
Msgr. Massimo Camisasca

A Priest Devoted to Mary - St. Joseph Cafasso
Priesthood and the Eucharist - John Cardinal Wright
Fr. John Cihak, S.T.D.
      - The Priest as Man, Husband, and Father - Part 1

      - The Priest as Man, Husband, and Father - Part 2
      - The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Role in the Celibate
           Priest’s Spousal and Paternal Love

The Freedom of the Gift: Priestly Celibacy and Authentic Sexual Liberation - Christopher West
The Paternal Dimension of the Priesthood - Bishop Agustín Román
The Good Shepherd: Living Christ's Own Pastoral Authority - Bishop Samuel Aquila
Teachings of St. Josemaría for Priests - Fr. Javier Echevarría

Priestly Vocations: Cultural Challenges and Foundations of Hope - Msgr. Edward Burns
Mending Souls: Sr. Briege McKenna on the Power of the Sacraments - Emily Stimpson
Fr. Barron Comments on David and Spirituality of the Priesthood
St. Joseph Teaches Us to Love Jesus through Mary - Homily by Fr. Theodore Lange during Mass with Seminarians
Prayers and Devotions
Litany of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim

Act of Love - St. John Vianney
Official Prayer of the USCCB for the Year of the Priesthood
Litany of St. Joseph
Prayer to the Blessed Mother for Priests - John Paul II
Prayer to the Sacred Heart for Priests
Consecration of Priests to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Litany in Honor of St. John Vianney

The Beautiful Hands of a Priest
Rosary for the Souls of Priests in Purgatory
Praying the Luminous Mysteries for our Clergy
Prayer for Priests - St. Therese

A Ministry of Intercession for Priests
To hold the Priestly Hearts With Marian Hearts - SCTJM

The Year for Priests
June 19, 2009 - June 19, 2010
Teachings SCTJM

Mother Adela, sctjm

    - At the School of Mary's Heart: With Rosaries in Their Hands
    - Be Not Afraid- to seminarians
    - Being Formed in the School of the Holy Rosary
You Are the Most Precious Treasure of Our Lady's Maternal Heart
       (Address to the Priests of the Archdiocese of Miami

- "Will you follow?" - Video

United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops

Official Prayer of USCCB for the Year of the Priesthood
The Basic Plan for the Ongoing Formation of Priests
Year for Priests - Official USCCB Website


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