Mother Adela Galindo, SCTJM Sr. Faustina Maria Urena, SCTJM Sr. Lucia Maria Sol, SCTJM Sr. Mary Angela Woelkers, SCTJM
Sr. Christine Hernandez, SCTJM Sr. Grace Marie Heinrich, SCTJM Sr. María José Socías, SCTJM Sr. Rachel Marie Gosda, SCTJM
Sr. Clara Maria Malay, SCTJM Sr. Karen Muñiz, SCTJM Sr. Martha Maria Gomez-Chow, SCTJM Sr. Sara Marie Kowal, SCTJM
Sr. Elena Castillo, SCTJM Sr. Karla Maria Icaza, SCTJM Sr. Maria Teresa Acosta, SCTJM Sr. Silvia Maria Tarafa, SCTJM
Sr. Evelyn Montes de Oca, SCTJM Sr. Kristi Marie Bergman, SCTJM Sr. Mary Amanda Howard. SCTJM  


logoSr. Christine Hernandez, SCTJM
  The Supreme Love of the Religious Heart: The Heart of Jesus
  The Cleansing of the Leper
  Political Structures in the Synoptic Gospels     
  Jesus’ Family Life/Daily Life
  Light in the Bible
  The Lord’s Prayer
  The Word Became Flesh in Mary's Womb by the Power of the Holy Spirit
  Forming Hearrts for Love and Responsibility: Enfleshing the Legacy of John Paul II
  My Immaculate Heart will Triumph
  Acts of the Apostles: Transportation and Communication
  The Book of Acts: Peter and Paul
  Crisis at Corinth: An In Depth Study of Paul's Letter to the Corinthians: 1 Corinth 7:17-24
  Crisis at Corinth: The Decadence of the Pagan Religion
  Crisis at Corinth: An In Depth Study of Paul's Letter to the Corinthians - Spiritual Gifts
  Gifts of God
  The Grace of Christ, as He is the Head of the Church
  The Incarnation
  Liturgical History: Reconciliation
logo Sr. Clara Maria Malay, SCTJM
  Similarities in St. Luke's Portrayal of the Trials before the Deaths of Jesus and St. Paul
  The Role, Use and Purpose of Marriage and Family Life in the First Century Christian Church
  Mission and Evangelization in the Acts of the Apostles: a 6 Week Bible Study for University Students
  Missionary Spirituality
  Authentic Evangelization
  St. Paul's Pastoral Letters
  Affective Maturity
  Authentic Evangelization
  Biblical and Theological Dimensions for Missionary Cooperation
  Christ, The Greatest Example
  Christ, The Priest, Prophet, and King
  Communication in Pastoral Ministry
  Evangelization Spiral Process
  Evangelical Role of Charity
  Existence of God
  The Gift of Pastoral Management
  God's Faithfulness
  God's Truth
  How God Communicates
  The Importance of the Pastoral Council
  Mission for Evangelization
  Missionary Formation
  Missionary Spirituality
  New Evangelization
  New Pastoral Methodology
  Pastoral Planning
  Pastoral Theology
  Pastoral Theology in the Life of the Church
  The Role of the Pastoral Council
  Pastor as Servant Leader
  Spiritual Pastoral Help
  Stewardship: A Christ-centered Life
  The Eucharist: Model of Our Sexuality
  The Relatities which the Concept of "Mission" Expresses and the Theological Distinction between Mission and Missions
  Theology of Volunteering
  Trinitarian Foundation of Mission
  Vocational Discernment: Motivation and Motives
  We Are One Body: Team Management
logoSr. Elena Castillo, SCTJM
  Lent: Powerpoint Based on Pope Francis Lenten Message 2015
  Faith Formation Powerpoint Presentation
logoSr. Evelyn Montes de Oca, SCTJM
  Bulletin Series: Contemplating God's Love and Mercy with St. Paul
logo Sr. Faustina Maria Urena, SCTJM
  The Heart in Sacred Scriptures
  The Merciful Love of God for Us
  Responding to God's Mercy with Mercy
  The Use of Social Media in the New Evangelization - Powerpoint presentation
logo Sr. Grace Marie Heinrich, SCTJM
  The Blessed Trinity: A Biblical and Philosophical Perspective
  The Feminine Genius: A Gift from the Heart of the Father
  The Immaculate Conception: A Heart Prepared to Receive the Christ Child
  Mary as Role Model in the Year of Faith (Video)
  Living the Gift of Prayer (Video)
  Dei Verbum - Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation from II Vatican Council - Summary by SCTJM
  The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church - Pontifical Biblical Commission - Summary by SCTJM
  Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, For Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven - Biblical Reflection on Poverty in the Christian Life
  To Serve is to Reign: a Look at Vocation and the Ministry of Women in the New Testament
  Hearts on Fire with Love for Christ: Bringing the Zeal of New Testament Missionaries to Today's Church
  Religious Practices in Jesus’ Geographical Context
  The Restoration of the Handmaid of Theology: The Recovery of the Sapiential Dimension of Philosophy
  Mary as Mother and Queen: The New Testament Foundations of Mary's Queenship
  The Hidden Years (Poem)
  After My Own Heart (Poem)
  St. Joseph, Custodian of the Pierced Hearts (Poem)
  Love's New Springtime (Poem)
  A Heart of Flesh (Poem)
  The Poverty of the Manger (Poem)
  A Mother's Sorrow (Poem)
  At Home with Jesus and the Apostles: Life in Capernaum in the First Century
  Hearts of Fire with Love for Christ: Bringing the Zeal of New Testament Missionaries to Today's Church
  "What is Truth?": The Question that Stirs in the Hearts of All Men
  The Message of Fatima: A Gift and a Task for Our Times
logo Sr.Karen Muñiz, SCTJM
  The Fecundity of Virginal Love in JPII
  Obedience and Love for Fulfilling the Will of the Father in St. Joseph
  Door of Faith: Journey of a Lifetime - Article in the Florida Catholic
  Platonic Epistemology, Materialism, Skepticism and Anti-Rationalism in Light of Aristotelian Epistemology
  The Effect of Bad Metaphysics of Modern Philosophy on the Divorce between Faith and Science
  The Importance of St. Thomas’ Use of the Natural Science of Aristotle to Explain Christology
  Modes of Written Communication in the Jewish/Roman World of Jesus
  A Marian Gaze at Vocational Discernment of Religious Life in Light of the Word
  Our Lady’s Role in Evangelization as Spouse of the Holy Spirit
  How We Know God After Death: Responding to the Universal Call to Holiness
  The Importance of St. Thomas’ Use of the Natural Science of Aristotle to Explain Christology
logo Sr. Karla Maria Icaza, SCTJM
  The Dynamisms of Love to Build a New Civilization
  St. Paul's Letters - The Importance of Team Ministry in the Prison Letters of St. Paul
  Metaphysical Ideas as a Basis for Understanding the Theology of the Catholic Church
  The Nature of Theology, Science and Philosophy
  Faith and Reason: Two Wings on Which the Human Spirit Rises to the Contemplation fo Truth
  Artifical Birth Control
  The Church and the Modern World
  Equality of the Sexes
  Gay Marriage
  Spirituality of St. Teresa of Avila
  Saint Peter and the Papacy
  God's Truth: "What is Truth?"
  The Virgin Mary's Role in Redemption and In Our Lives (Talk)
logo Sr. Kristi Marie Bergman, SCTJM
  The Eucharist: Christ's Gift of Self for Humanity - Presentation
  They Abandoned Their Nets and Followed Him - A Vocational Lectio Divina
  The Encounter with the Rich Young Man - A Presentation for Youth
  Waking up a World of Indifference - A Bible Study for Youth
logo Sr. Lucia Maria Sol, SCTJM
  Neo-Platonism and the Effects on the Thoughts of St. Augustine
  Neo-Platonism and the Effects on the Thoughts of St. Augustine (Power Point Presentation)
  Epistemology: Knowledge and Certainty, Truth and Meaning
  Philosophy of God: The Five Arguments for the Existence of God and His Attributes according to St. Thomas
logo Sr. María José Socías, SCTJM
Christ has called you to Himself
  Jesus and Mary: The Heart of the Family and the Hope of Humanity
  Contemplating the Child in the Manger (Video)
logo Sr. Martha Maria Gomez-Chow, SCTJM
  In Persona Christi...
  logoSr. Maria Teresa Acosta, SCTJM
  Spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church: Spiritual Childhood-Science of Love
  What it Means to Love in the Heart of the Church
logoSr. Mary Amanda Howard. SCTJM
  The Mature Disposition of Heart for Our Apostolic Life
  Pentecost:  A Movement of Love and Unification, Moving Our Hearts From the ‘I to the We’
  Forgiveness as Fruit of God's Mercy
  The Holy Family: Model of the Beatitudes
  How to Live Christian Joy
logo Sr. Mary Angela Woelkers, SCTJM
  Eyes of Mercy: A Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent
logoSr. Rachel Marie Gosda, SCTJM
  Obedience from the Heart: The Authentic Freedom of the Consecrated Life
  "By Water and the Spirit": In Defense of Baptismal Regeneration
  The "Broad Vision" Uniting Theology, Philosophy, and Science
  The ‘Measure and Manner’ of Our Loving: The Knowledge of the Blessed in Heaven
  He is All in All: The Processions in God
  The Fitness of the Incarnation
  The Grace of Christ as Jesus as Head of the Church
  "Recovering the 'Unity of Truth' between Theology, Philosophy, and Science"
  He is All in All: The Processions in God
  The Characteristics of God's Prophetic Mission
  Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
  The Merciful Love of the Trinity in the Life of the Family
  Travel and Transportation in the Words of St. Paul
  Virtue in Paul's Pastoral Letters: A 6-week Bible Study
  Reflective Stations of the Cross based on the Diary of St. Faustina
  Praying as a Family
  The Hundredfold (Poem)
logo Sr. Sara Marie Kowal, SCTJM
  The Identification with the Blessed Virgin Mary: Unconditional Service to the Petrine Principle
  The Church as Gift
  Eucharistic Love
  Gaudet Mater Ecclesia and Lumen Gentium
  Teaching and Communicating the Splendor of our Faith: A Marian and Maternal Mission
  Introduction to the Vows: The Path to Perfection
  Purity of Heart
  Look on Him Whom We have Pierced: The Cross and the Christian Life in the New Testament
  Consecration to Mary: PART I -- Mary as Model: the Mystery of Human Participation and Self-Donating Receptivity
  Consecration to Mary: PART II -- Mary’s Immaculate Purity and Humble Reign of Service
  Consecration to Mary: PART III -- Mary’s Maternity: Sacrificial and Fecund
  Consecration to Mary: PART IV -- Spouse of the Spirit: Marian Availability and Communication
  Consecration to Mary: PART V -- Mother of Our Unity: Becoming the Family of God
  Live Gospel Values, Not the World's - A Reflection on H.H. Francis' Address to Congress during His Apostolic Visit to the US
  The Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Church Today
logo Sr. Silvia Maria Tarafa, SCTJM
  Abandonment to Merciful Love
  And the Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us
  How Does One Become a Religious Sister?
  The Mystery of God's Election
  Saying “yes” to God: Allowing Love to Triumph!
  The Treasure of Religious Life
  Unveil Our Living Jesus
  Jesus and Me:  A Love Story
  The Imitation of Christ
  Tribute to Bl. John Paul II and Bl. John XXIII
  Responding to Divine Mercy: The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
  The Feminine Genius - Powerpoint
  Meeting Our Father - Powerpoint
  Authentic Masculinity - Powerpoint

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Copyright © 2006- SCTJM